Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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They are compensating something.

they didn't expand past the coast because they saw how shitty the rest of the continent was

Natural barriers. They keep us safe from savage Brazilians, pigeon-eater Peruvians and poor Bolivians.

Argies are kinda cool but they stole land from Chile, so fuck you.

>all dat trading, fishing, and tourism

noice one chile

daily reminder that croatians made chile 1st world

have you ever tried going on a road trip from North to South?

Lots of them in the Valparaíso area

Not sure if this counts but I went north one summer and south the next

it's a really long trip, specially at the end when you hit the fjords

I wonder how the right sided country could have lost their coast badly.

does everybody live on the beach, it's one big coastline

No. The capital, Santiago, is more than an hour away from the beach

Bolivia needs to take back their clay

Because we didn't genocide them when it was allowed.

No. I would like to.

Nah, user said it. 38% of the population lives in Santiago, which is about 100km from the ocean. The rest of the population is scattered along the coastline, the central valleys and whatnot.

Nah, they lost it fair and square

Fun fact: Chile is the Mestizo country with the highest quality of life in the Americas.

Uruguay is better, but it's 80% white European.

Another fun fact: Latin America is still a massive shithole, and the best shits in the shithole are still shit.

shut up Peru, and take that stupid leaf off your flag
