Trump watch Day 3

Trump watch Day 3

Day 1 - Mexico doubles down and says they are absolutely not paying for the wall
Day 2 - Trump removes the future ban on muslims from his platform

Day 3- Just not, Trump says he might not repeal Obamacare.

LOLOLOL. Holy fuck. This was "the honest" candidate? Baited as FUCK.

LOLOLOLOL. Can't wait to see what he doesn't do tomorrow.

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It's the end of the two-party system.
It's not about Donald J. Elonzio Mountain Dew Commacho.
It's about the end of the plutocracy, and the end of the oligarchy.
We will elect a ham sandwich next time, if Commacho doesn't drain the swamp.

Told you, voting doesnt matter

>implying the richest most powerful people on earth would really let average joe plebs decide their fate

Electing an oligarch ends the oligarchy? You're kidding right?

I feel baited

>We will elect a ham sandwich next time, if Commacho doesn't drain the swamp.

It's not about HIM.
It's about destroying the status quo

Nothing is being destroyed when everything stays the same. He just backpedaled on 3 of his biggest campaign promises.

Commacho's promises mean NOTHING.
He is a pathological LIAR.

It's about ending the 1%.
Are you that obtuse?


Who is ending the 1%?! Trump!?

30 seconds of research can show it's not lies




I meant Trump...Trump's lies

Trump representatives said they can only build a double layered fence on the border because a wall would obstruct the view

A lot of people did say he was working for the Clintons.

How would be honestly make mexico pay for the wall?
He'd honestly have to go to war to strong arm them to do it.

Really think anyone's going to support a war with mexico just to pay for a wall that won't be finished being built before he's out of office unless he 2 terms and starts it jan 2

I remember hearing something about taxing people sending money to Mexico or importing from Mexico.

Trade tariffs isn't going to do anything to get mexico to build a wall.

I give you $10 a month, every month.

I say i want $1000 and you say no.

I stop giving you $10 until I've saved my $1000.

You just paid.

You know Trump, he's dumb as fuck. He meant to say all people of Mexican decent, like Chicanos and anyone else who has families living in Mexico who they send money to.

these trump cucks have already played themselves. Should have voted independent you dumb niggers.

Trump reminds me of Reuben Kincaid there.

I don't see why the fuck not we already have a billion dollar plus war on drugs when over 80% come from Mexico so why the fuck not.

because people honestly thought a successful businessman would be more honest than a politician

You are misquoting the wall street journal article that quoted him stating that he will preserve 2 covenants in obamacare and transfer it to a new system.

That really is the problem with liberals. You tend to be students that skim read. That's why I have several honors degrees and you can't read an article written at a sixth grade level.


Tears are yummy

Are you really this dense? How do you preserve those 2 aspects of the law without a mandate? Where is the money coming from Einstein?

Isn't his wife going to go after cyber-bullying too? Seems like that might piss off some people that voted for him. Not that I expect any results there.

A full repeal of the law while drafting another that incorporates not allowing insurance plans to reject you based on prior conditions. It's not that hard with Republicans in control of both houses. He's not offering a partial repeal of the law, just taking the very few aspects of it and incorporating it into another law, one that doesn't need to be over 1000 pages.

>Mexico said they were willing to negotiate
>Ban is still on his website
>Only said that he was willing to keep parts such as the bit about insurers not being able to refuse people for preexisting conditions and letting kids stay on their parents insurance.

Try harder faggot.

we haven't muerded enough brown people


They are the worst

I think he is scared as fuck.for trump it is the win, now he actually has to work.

Nothing you said addresses paying for these expensive provisions that he wants to keep without a mandate. Talking in generalities is easy, balancing the ledger is not. I think this issue and its complexities are beyond your understanding, else you just play stupid on the internet for kicks.

>It's about destroying the status quo
Yeah, the billionaire real-estate developer is going to change the status quo?
If that's what you wanted, you should have backed Bernie.
Why you REALLY voted Trump:
>I have a man-crush on a portly 70 year old guy.
>He's a racist like me.
>I don't want drag queens to use the ladies room.
>For teh lulz.

>It's about the end of plutocracy, and the end of oligarchy
>cause a billionaire who refuses to pay taxes or the contractors who work for him is now President

"all the people who have views different than mine are pieces of shit, and I will take every opportunity I can to remind them of that!"

"oh shit, all of us calling them dumb racist mysoganist anti gay anti muslim scum somehow galvanized them to vote our spoilt never told no asses out of power! Wait till next election. We will rip them so hard they will be afraid to voice their opinions in public!'

But not at the voting booth. Meanwhile we will let you keep thinking you have a 90 precent chance to win, so you are unmotivated to aid your side, or even vote till its too late.