Guide me Sup Forums

Guide me Sup Forums

Took 700mg of Dex about 2 hours and currently on the rise.

What are some good videos/ music to watch and listen to? Keep in mind i'm using the HTC Vive and have my desktop displayed through the Virtual Desktop Application with a visualizer on stand-by.

Gonna bump with gifs that remind me of dexing... Well at least until I can't read the CAPCHA

Also general Psychadelic discussion. Favorite substances to use and experiences.

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe something similar to this. There has got to be someone who knows what I'm talking about.

I love seeing you virgins come on here and talk about DXM like its a psychedelic.

>I chugged a bottle of NyQuil

Its a disso first off, and second of all you sound like a 12 year old who got into your moms medicine cabinet when you start bragging about it. Fucking Faggot.

any psytrance will do

Im actually quite experienced with psychedelics. I have some LSD on hand but need a break to build up the tolerance. I also didnt chug NyQuil I took the gelcaps that are pure DXM. Fuck all that extra stuff. Yes I know it's a disso but if you've never tried it you wouldnt understand the psychedelic properties of it.It's definitely not the best psych to use but it helps me meditate at times I feel I need it.

I thought the psychedelic scale went

DMT > LSD > Shrooms > Edibles > Cannabis

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think DMT is supposed to be the most psychedelic drug the average person can hope to find.

This post is me not knowing that DXM and DMT are different things.

Wtf is DXM? Where does it fall in the heirarchy?

Go fuck yourself.
Your gonna feel like impending death.
You will survive.
DXM isnt a psychedelic.
Its a Dislocative.
Learn the fucking difference you fucking faggot.

N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is what you refer to, supposed to be the most potent psychedelic with a short come up and very intense psychedelia, even at threshold doses

Dextromethorphan (DXM) is what OP is talking about, found in Robotussin, Nyquil, Coricidin Cold and Cough etc etc. While it does have psychedelic properties, it is more of a strong dissociative, causing feelings of strong detachment and euphoria

DMT = / = DXM

I'd say shrooms are in the same categories just different positions. It's really hard to scale. DMT Being literally out of this dimension. I've been told Salvia can make you see the "Time" encompassing our dimension which DMT is more breaking through it all together. I Have gone very far out myself on DXM.

Not OP, but what are dislocatives/dissociatives?


Use google you twat.

Not the case. Actually feel pretty good. DXM is a dissociative if that's what you meant. But i'm just using it as a tool to astral project.

I've heard that people who try DMT can feel like they've lived decades in the ~45mins the high runs, and develop multiple personalities. Crazy shit if it's true. I'm just a lowly reefer junkie looking to try shrooms soon to take the next step up, but stuff like that stupefies and terrifies me.

I'll say this, I have a friend who swears by dissociatives, he loves them, ketamine DXM, you name them, now HE gets very strong psychedelic effects, hallucinations from them, along with the normal feeling of detachment, floating above everything, euphoria, numbness, breaking down of mental barriers etc. But I've never been able to achieve that, all of my /dis/ trips end up in puking and tiredness, that's why I chose psy's over dis.

In case you don't know about it, is a great repository of information on all kinds of drugs, spirituality etc. You can filter by drug and then look at different people's experiences, that's the best way to get a good idea of what the effects are like.

thanks for the url user; will look into it.

700mg of dexedrine sounds like a very excessive amount, seek medical help


Haha! Are you serious? Dextromethorphan

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