Is watching films a hobby?

Is watching films a hobby?

Social media and message boards are hobbies.

Is masturbation a hobby?

Elite and those types of sites are such shits, I was hoping Gawker's demise would make this kind of writing less popular but there's not any real reason to believe that


If you are dedicated enough.

Shitposting is a hobby imo

You are an idiot to have believed that. Gawker did not invent shitty clickbait.

>it's an 'internet thought piece written by a failed journalist hack' episode

Why having a hobby when I could watch people on Youtube having a hobby?

So is lobotomy.

>it's a "generational hit piece written by a 40 year old Gen Xer stuck working for a click bait website earning subsistence wages while living in NYC" episode

As a guy who has watched a shit ton of films in his life, no, it's definitely not a legit hobby.

>have hobbies
>get depressed
>can't get out of bed
>no more hobbies
>Sup Forums and kino is my new hobby
who here /suffering/

thistabloids weren't invented in the 21st century.

Its a full time job for me.

Yes. But it's a pleb tier one.

Millennials don't have hobbies because social media sucks away your time. Anyway, movies are hobbies as long as you think critically of what you watch and not just mindlessly consume it.

Only when I'm fucking your mom

The old concept of a hobby is overrated as fuck. Most of the time it was some old fuck carving wood or doing a bit of gardening because that was the only shit you could do when you didn't have the money or health to go down the pub every evening.

Nowadays we have interests instead.

A hobby is anything you do repeatedly in your spare time. It doesn't have to be skydiving or bear wrestling to be a fucking hobby. You just have to enjoy doing it.

If you can't get out of bed, but you enjoy watching movies, you are not even deppressed, just extremely sad

>Failed journalist

I don't think you quite comprehend how far standards have dropped if this is considered a failure to you

By definition yes. It's a recreational pastime. Just like learning to dance, just just like smoking crystal meth.

Why are you asking a board full of millennials that don't even watch films?

Millennials largely find themselves with financial problems and a lot of hobbies cost money. That's it.

It's a passive activity, so no. A hobby is something you can get better at.

When television was first aired people would say it rots your brain purely out of reactionary self interest, and it seemed like a viable complaint because the average viewer had all of 3 or 4 channels to pick from. Today there is so much tv to watch, and the demand for quality is an extenuating factor, it's closer to reading a book than it was 40 years ago.

You can get better at being a television critic. Your opinion is gonna be worthless on it's own without creative input from others though.

I bet this pleb still watches network television.

>You can get better at being a television critic
Then your hobby is criticizing movies, not just watching them.

Hobbies involve skill and learning curve.

doing overtime everyday desu

Would you say videogames are a hobbie?

I personally enjoy them, but I dont consider them a hobbie.

Social media killed hobbies.

But there are so many tiny little areas of the Internet for people with obscure hobbies.

When you add the element of competition I think that qualifies something as a hobby.
If you just watch movies without actively trying to be aware of what you're watching, or if you're a casual gamer you are just kinda passing time.

I would. Hell, some even play videogames as their job nowadays.

So a hobbie can be anything.

According to any dictionary you care to name, that is not a requirement for a hobby

Maybe. I just have a looser definition.


I swear everytime someone says "millenials" or any word related to a "generation" I completely ignore what they're saying.

All of these articles are so contradictory as well. It's transparently filler journalism.

Welp, looks like my hobbies are shitposting and alcoholism folks.

no, instead we now have tons of jack of all master of none personalities

gonna be bad days when the people who grew up learning their craft and perfecting it are gone and we're left with a bunch of "meh i learned 10 mintues of this, good enough - back to facebook"

>no, instead we now have tons of jack of all master of none personalities

Do millennials even have personalities? 98% seem like the same person to me.

t. millennial

>her hobbies are reading and gardening.

Notice the dignified examples of hobbies for a non-existent woman.

Why does the boomer media generalise so much?

I do model making, tabletop gaming, gardening (vegetables) and computers etc.

Well if we're going to generalise, lets generalise about boomers.

They screwed over our generation so much that we resort to escapism to avoid the realisation we have much worse future prospects than the previous generation and they still insist on derided us in the media as selfish, uncultured, without hobbies etc etc.

You are factually wrong, no requirement is needed.

It like saying at being a Christian requires you to be a good person.

you seem pretty BASED user

>having a hobby when you can't even get a job
>those that do have jobs are working overtime everyday and when they come home just go right to sleep
hmm i wonder. the bad millenials are at it again.

>it's a millenials complain about millenials episode

they're (mostly) one dimensional and have no grey area. you either have the dire liberal/left or the total shut-in basement dwellers. there's a very small minority that go about their business and do whatever they want/are comfortable in their beliefs

car culture guys come to mind, they don't give a fuck about mostly anything except working on their cars. very few hobbyists are that dedicated anymore requiring hands on, and expertise. a lot of it is dickwaving and alterior motives rather than actual self gratification and mastering. millenials don't have the money or the willpower to do that, even though we have more free information and time at our hands than ever before. kinda pathetic really

Blame the self esteem movement and the notion that everyone's opinion is equally valid.

Also not a small ammount of confirmation bias.

The only respectable hobbies are those that require extensive physical activity and those that create something of value.

I drink wine all night till the morning birds kill my buzz.

That's a hobby

Society has truly nurtured a mess.

I mean, i'm a millenial and I have 0 willpower at all but there are soo many people like me it's absurd.

everybody thinks their life is a movie and theyre the star. literally everybody i've met is trapped in this mentality including myself even though i try to snap myself out of it.

No, thats a lifestyle.

Being a decent critic requires an extensive education. You can't become one just by watching a lot of film.


Gaming is a trash hobby for pathetic manchildren but they are a hobby nonetheless.

Any kind of serious analysis of art is a multidisciplinary exercise.

Does anybody else's hobby/passion make them feel like a fucking retard? I spent the majority of my time watching film, thinking about film and writing film. What a colossal waste of time. I really wish I weren't into it as much as I am. The art form is basically dead, it's like being passionate about 4:3 TVs or something.

> every generation is equal
> muh continuous progress

You don't actually believe this do you?

I fill notebooks with worldbuilding notes for a sci fi book i am never going to write... So i know the feel.

This is partially true too.

Nearly every young person today has the "I've got it all totally figured out" mindset and refuses any outside wisdom. Before the internet age, you wisened and became learned over the span of your life, you learned from your mistakes and saw cause and effect. You listened carefully to others because they had been through those crises.

Now young people are too caught up in their own self ego to learn even simple shit, its just a google away on muh smartphone. Old people? they're demented don't listen to them, trust me I'm 16 and mature for my age check out my blog filled with neo-leftist reposts. No fucking creativity or real knowledge anymore.

millenial ""hobbies""

>texting friends

>applying makeup

>taking selfies

>checking social media

Just end it all

Why are we so useless and broken?

Of course not. The baby-boomers were clearly worse than the greatest generation. It's just silly when they start lashing out as if they were a good generation.

Concept of generations are retarded to begin with. Humans don't breed every 30 years.

What is the new thing to you?

>mfw my school offers VIDEO GAME SCREENWRITING specialization courses in my degree

I will feel like such a failure if I end up writing for fucking EA games or something.

Millenials don't watch Dancing With The Stars.

what the fuck?
I literally live and work* for my hobbies.

Shit nurturers.

Bravo Kojimbo

The baby boomers were shit but they're still probably better than the millennial retards.

Thats why you put vague outlines around the generation. Or use defining cultural moments, like 9/11 or ubiquity of the internet.

I was born in the early 80s and definitely identify with gen x more than y.

It's a Baby Boomers did the same thing to him using print media and he didn't even notice episode.

Well why don't you write it?

I don't like to masturbate in spaces that large.

And you millennials seem to hate driving. wtf?

Driving was a rite of passage for us. Driving = Freedom. A hobby. A sport. Entertainment. A way to get laid. Something to do when you're bored.

I cringe to think about the next generation growing up with self driving cars.

Humans will eventually become unskilled lifelong toddlers with machines taking care of their every need.

You can become one via self study, if you are willing to put in the time and effort

The Internet will largely been seen as a mistake by future generations. Access to it should have been heavily restricted.