Discussion of general sexual depravity, the discovery of such and perhaps the shame that follows?

Discussion of general sexual depravity, the discovery of such and perhaps the shame that follows?

Also since the last thread hit image limit.

Sexual depravity? As in, what? Sadism? Or incest? Or rape? And what about it?

Less the subject matter and more the reason/feeling behind it. I'm just curious as to how these things develop, dark or secret fetishes that one must hide from everyone else.

For instance, I've grown to have a very twisted "mommy" fetish, that I'm more obsessed with every day it seems. I'm a masochist, and I crave harm being brought upon me, though I'm not sure why I've developed it. What the cause could be, etc. I'm just wondering how others see these things, trying to get other perspectives about it.

Sexual fantasy is not only about the fulfillment of the sexual desire, it is about the desire itself. It is about the unobtainable object cause of desire. We do not want what we think we want, we want the want itself.

That's true, I take more enjoyment in the craving than I do the act itself to be honest. I suppose something unobtainable like "mommy" would make sense, as it'd be the hardest thing to achieve, and therefore satisfy the craving. Though my girlfriend and I do it often, it isn't all the time even though I'd like it to be. But on the other hand, wanting it and not having it is where the true desire lies. I suppose I crave raw desire above anything else. Is that better or worse, in say the eyes of a supposed God? To crave desire itself in such an obsessive way, or to simply crave an object that can be attained?

You can never desire that which can be obtained because once you obtain it, you no longer desire it. Desire's primary goal is to continue to desire, which is why we desire the unobtainable. The desire for "mommy" is an Oedipal complex in which you want to return to the before, to the pre-birth, the pre-existence.

That makes sense... Though I wouldn't say I have an Oedipus complex because I find the ides of doing anything with my mother to be disgusting, and she's not unattractive to be honest. But yes, I desire to be little again for some reason. I wish to be innocent, and I need someone to be a sort of caregiver, and dominate me. I had and have a great relationship with my mother, so I don't understand how or why this all developed.

The Oedipal complex is not LITERALLY you want to have sex with your mother, it is that you want your mother's focus and attention to be fixated upon you and you alone. You want to become one with your mother, like a baby who relies entirely on his mother for breast feeding, comfort and warmth, and so on.

Oh, I see. In that case, yes that's exactly my problem. I need someone to take the role of "mommy" and while I wish to be submissive, and the one who is devoted, I still desire for all of her attention to be on me. I also have a big lactation fetish, and comfort and warmth, holding and such touch me in a way nothing else does. But why though? Why do I crave these things on such a level? I think about it nearly every minute.

Neurosis, some sort of traumatic childhood experience in which you sought your mother's comfort but was denied, perhaps an over indulgent mother who doted on you all the time, who knows exactly? I'm not a psychoanalyst, I'm just a painter with an unhealthy interest in philosophy.

This little nigger needs some faggots to give him some direction?

Perhaps... I mean we did spend all of our time together. I was homeschooled, and my mother and I were always very close, I'm her firstborn so I guess it comes with it hahah. It's nice to discuss it with someone, and if the pictures you've been posting is your work, I am very impressed.

So it's most likely the doting mother, you want to return to the state before in which you were young and had your mother's full attention whenever you wanted it. Now your mother is your object cause of desire, the unobtainable object which fuels your fantasies.

Yeah... I guess I do. I'm tired of this existence, everything about it frustrates and depresses me, I just wish I could go back to being a semi-mindless child, knowing nothing but lust, desire and care for and from "mommy".

Should I be ashamed of this? I feel a gnawing embarrassment and shame for my desires, self-loathing even, yet the thought of being without these twisted fantasies is something I never want to happen.

I have a sexual fantasy of buying out a farm i=out in the middle of nowhere and getting a group of like minded individuals who go out at nigh and kidnap wommen and lock them in the basement of our farm house so no matter how loud they scream no one can hear them.

Then we make them under good a lot of torture and rape and condition them to think their inferior and continually rape them for the rest of their lives and if the have children we will raise the boys to do the same and the women will be raised to become sex slaves and the ugly ones killed!

Titty milk tastes good. Fuck all that meaning shit. They should sell it in stores.

It is just ideology that has structured your way of thinking. Society has dictated that it is wrong to have sexual desires for a maternal other, so your thinking is informed wholly through this. The horror of your situation is not that you feel these desires, but that your reality is structured in such a way that you think it is wrong.

That's an interesting concept. Can't say I wouldn't join up to be honest lol, but I think I'll stick with mommy.

Haven't tasted it yet sadly, and it isn't just that it's breastmilk, it's the act of breastfeeding that sets my insides on fire. Titty milk from the store - meh, mommy holding me and feeding me - diamonds.

Good point, I do feel as though society as a whole would shun me for such desires, and perhaps it's the constant gripping feeling of guilt I suffer on a daily basis that merely plays off of my insecurities such as my fetishes. I'm Schizophrenic, so that probably has a hand in it, too.

I honestly always licked incest mother son hentai but the thought of having sex with my own mother has always disgusted me!

Yeah, I love incest porn and hentai, but no, I'd never fuck my actual mother. I just need someone to pretend to be her I guess. It's about the role.

It's not exactly society that is shunning you. It is yourself, which has put on the ideology glasses and so only sees a reality informed through ideology itself. The guilt and shame and so on is felt because you perceive yourself as failing to meet the ideological standards that your reality presents to you.

Oh, I see what you mean. It's hard though, I don't understand it. It's so easy for me to discover and see what is wrong with myself, and yet it's impossible to change. I know this deep-seated guilt and shame is only myself, and yet I still can't stop feeling that way.

You can always rephrase the problem. Instead of "It is wrong to feel sexual desire for a maternal other and so I feel shame" you can instead say "It is wrong to feel shame about the sexual desire for a maternal other." You see what I mean?