By petitioning to get Trump unelected your petitioning against democracy

By petitioning to get Trump unelected your petitioning against democracy

By rioting to get Trump unelected you're protesting against democracy

Critisizing the elctoral college as undemocratic is hypocritical if you are only doing so because the party you wanted to win didn't, ie if you weren't critisizing it before this election

If this movement gets what it wants and has Trump unelected then Hillary put into power instead, would you actually feel proud to know that you live in a nation where a democratically voted for politician can be fought out of power through violent protest

You are fighting for facism and a victory would result in a dictatorship fought for by a minority of young fit (privileged?) people who refused to tolerate the wishes of others

Republicans never rioted because the democrats won, maybe they're not the irrational ones

Other urls found in this thread:

Furthermore I should add that it's not gonna work anyway because that would be fucking absurd

Then why so worried? I'm on board with the other thread.

Im not worried because im not an amerifat but I am shocked at how retarded you guys can get

>By petitioning to get Trump unelected your petitioning against democracy

No, you're protesting the electoral college in favor of the popular vote, otherwise known as pure democracy.

The electoral college is there to prevent pure democracy. Learn some history.

Your priority obviously isn't pure democracy if you weren't protesting the electoral college when it got your team to win in the past, if what all these protestors really did care about was pure democracy they'd have been rioting before the election result, which they weren't so that's bullshit

See most people are too stupid to make this connection and need to realize the game is over now deal with it. It's called being an adult and not a whiny special snowflake. But special flakes are in this year so we will have to hear them cry until they realize no one is listening.

Honestly I made this thread becuase I want someone to reassure me that all these Americans protesting do actually have a reasonable motive because it seems to me like they actually don't and it's really turning me off democrats

I wasn't defending the special snowflake generation, just correcting OP as he seems to think the USA is a pure democracy.

I think the whiners need to grow up. Respecting the constitution cuts both ways.

America is a Republic, faggot.

I'm about to go sleep so I can't go on some big spiel. But I agree with you.
Bam. Reassurance.

If the petition did go through, we would then riot and have good reason to get violent with little liberal anarchist faggots.
Either way, they loose.

technically speaking you're supporting democracy, given that she won the popular vote. You know, the sign of a raw democracy.


Some are reasonably scared, trump is expected to set us back on some fronts (climate change, women's rights, science, etc) but instead of making sure certain laws or policies do not go into effect, they would rather cry and protest. This is what you get when you raise a generation of everybody is a winner special snowflakes. As an American, who didn't vote, I think it's funny to see my nation do the same shit with oppose people when Obama was elected. Some people want certain states to succeed, others waiting for him to fail or get kill.

that's because you are a fucking moron.
you are black lives matter.
if you already don't hate US democrats and republicans, reread my first statement.

>By petitioning to get Trump unelected your petitioning against a Republic
>By rioting to get Trump unelected you're protesting against a Republic

Fixed that for ya

They don't. They might say it's because "racism bigotry and misogyny", but these are the same people who bitch and cry so much at video game companies for doing things like not making playable women characters in a WW1 game to be historically accurate. They have no actual basis in reality and think they should be constantly catered to because "muh feelings and movement".
Fuck them all to death.

>"trump is a fucking facist scumbag!"
>"this is fucking bullshit other people are wrong we are right there is only one president for us and that is not trump!"
oh the irony boys

Well then you should have been complaining about the type of democracy America uses regardless of which side and before any election, this is probably literally the worst time to try to change something like this which just indicates that it's actually nothing to do with the voting system it's to do with not being able to accept a democratic result

>you are black lives matter

I think i've given you the wrong idea about me, I would vote republican I just don't like stereotyping groups of people like I am the democrats right now and would like to hear that I've got the wrong idea about them, my idea about them being a bad case of special snowflake syndrome

Hrs expected to set us back because the media used propaganda to sway people's opinion against him.
Aka legal citizens are perfectly safe.
As for illegals and potentially dangerous groups that oppose the US while living in the US go, they can get the fuck out.


Hold the fuck up boys and girls!
Fuck Trump!
Fuck Hillary!
There's still a chance of President Harambe?

Exactly. I was saying it months ago. "Why if the left is so opposed, aren't they protesting for a new "worthy candidate". If they wait until he wins, and riot, there will be civil war.

le monkey joke that's always funny :^)

Some of it is not the media, when the people around him deny climate change, evolution, that smoking doesn't cause cancer for an example, like the VP or appointed secretary of education, you should be a little worried.

Well maybe you actually are a special snowflake but you're fucked anyway so just stfu and embrace your new overlord

The irony of this whole thing is that Hillary's supporters were critical of Trump not possibly accepting the election results if Hillary won. Now that Trump has won, Hillary supporters don't want to accept the results.

The electoral college is so that populous states can't fast lane their candidate to office. If it weren't for the electoral college, every election would be decided between Florida, Texas, and California.

What more worried than when Hillary says she wants a no fly zone over Syria? To be fair it doesn't sound like a bad idea if you don't know what a no fly zone is or that much about the state of Syria, which to be fair most people probably don't but the truth she was talking about escalating a war zone during her campaign, I'd rather a dipshit than a paid out war monger

Also sorry I couldn't find a good article but googles full of post election stuff now

I agree with you. It was funny hearing him bash the clit about how we are always arming rebels and then we have to fight them

By posting this you are a nigger.

> changing anything let alone the fucking presidency of the United States
these cucks don't put any effort into dealing with situations period.
just making yourself an insignificant number like a fucking communist does dick all, this isn't a group effort because in order for there to be a group effort there needs to be EFFORT.
Ticking a box or clicking "share" isn't effort.
Effort is going out and speaking without regret and facing people who oppose you albeit in a rational matter, not just dismissing and blocking others out while yelling "EVIL! EVIL! HISSSSSSS!"
All Hillary supporters did was tick boxes and click "share" while yelling "EVIL! EVIL! HISSSSSSS!" all the while Trump supporters got out and talked, thus trump winning.
I think Trump is very unfit for being in the position of president but he is and instead of assessing this comparing and how it happened, people are just rioting streets and defecating in public like primates.
I'm out.

forgot New York which evidently hates Trump even tho he lives there

Clinton won the pool popular vote. If democracy was upheld, she'd be president elect

not an american problem we got those guys in germany too.
>we got to save democracy by undermining it
fucking leftists

They just going to cause a civil war and then they will all die because guns are scary to them, and a unit of patriots meeting them on the battle field would literally kill them from fright

Look at op's pic stupid

Once again, nigger

The electoral college is so that populous states can't fast lane their candidate to office. If it weren't for the electoral college, every election would be decided between Florida, Texas, and California.

The electoral college is there to make sure that Americans have equal representation no matter where they live.

If the popular vote was what won the election there'd be no point campaigning anywhere but big cities. Campaigning is time and resource intensive. So candidates would only go to where there are a lot of people and ignore the places where there weren't like rural areas or large states but with little population density like the entire midwest.

The idea to repeal the electoral college goes through Congress a heck of a lot. But it never gets done. And that's because the electoral college makes sure everyone's interests are represented, regardless of what your Facebook compiled 'knowledge' of history tells you.

Not how our elections have EVER worked since the Electoral college

And saying you won, when the difference is less than .2% (margin of error in an election counting over 120MM votes) is just plain ignorant


tfw everyone's calling me a lefty and saying I'm into BLM when I'm a brexit type guy from the UK

You're not undermining democracy if someone wins with your democratic voting system, you're undermining democracy if you want to change who won with your democratic voting system which the people I'm complaining about are

I voted for TRUMP.

That's the electoral college in action though to properly represent different class areas so not all the voting power is given to one type of person, such as only people who live in cities

you got me wrong i agree with you i just wanted to say that you got those guys outside of america in every democracy.

People need to realize the president does have some power but is mainly a dog on a leash. He will have so many people telling what to say and how to act, I'd be surprised if he stayed his eccentric self while in office

>religious nuts
>not the irrational ones

Exactly my point. The electoral college is the fairest way of electing a president.

United kingdom lol

>By petitioning to get Trump unelected your petitioning against democracy


>By rioting to get Trump unelected you're protesting against democracy

Sadly true, I understand why people would want to protest, but they are not serving our cause very well

>Critisizing the elctoral college as undemocratic is hypocritical if you are only doing so because the party you wanted to win didn't, (edit for space)

Not really. There are arguments for and against the electoral college. In general I favor it, the real problem is that this country's voting districts have been gerrymandered to hell and back by Republicans, which is not to say that democrats would not have done, and indeed haven't done, the same thing if they had been the ones drawing the districts

>If this movement gets what it wants and has Trump unelected then Hillary put into power instead, would you actually feel proud to know that you live in a nation where a democratically voted for politician can be fought out of power through violent protest

No, but I know it will never happen/I feel Trump's victory indicates dark days ahead for our republic. It'll take decades to repair the damage he'll do in even just one term, but if we tear it all down just to avoid that, especially to appoint Clinton, there's nothing to repair

>You are fighting for facism and a victory would result in a dictatorship fought for by a minority of young fit (privileged?) people who refused to tolerate the wishes of others

I say a Trump presidency leaves us teetering on the edge of fascism in any case, certainly a lot of his supporters voted for authoritarianism if not fascism.
>Republicans never rioted because the democrats won, maybe they're not the irrational ones

Who's to say they wouldn't have if Trump lost? It certainly was on the minds of a lot of his supporters, and heavily implied by Trump himself

A Libtard, Bernie supporting Democratic socialist who wishes we'd stop defeating ourselves

Indeed. Where was all this outrage when Al Gore lost the electoral vote during the 2000 election, but won the popular vote by over 550,000 votes? Fuck everyone who is now just worried about this; you had 16 goddamn years to do something about it.

I didn't vote for Trump or Hillary, and that, my friends was my "fuck you" to the system. Now, I'll sit back and watch how this all unfolds. Should prove entertaining.

mfw im retrarded

>muh gender
>anti democracy
>low income
>happy to bully their opinions into power (facist)
>not the irrational ones

I'm not supporting overturning the election, but this line of reasoning is faulty. Right now, much of rural America is ignored by presidential campaigns simply because the states are guaranteed to vote Republican. And someone living in such a state, regardless of there political beliefs, effectively has no voice of say in the election. Additionally, rural areas of populous states are also ignored by both parties. There's millions of people in California and New York, Democrat strongholds, who identify and vote republican.

I would like to see in my lifetime a move away from the electoral college towards a more direct democracy. But I'd also like to see educated voters and rational discourse but surprisingly enough the only place I find that is the chans :/

I voted for Hillary and I agree with you.


OP here and can confirm bernie not winning is proper silly

apart from the fact he's definitely got less than 4 years left in him


Do you understand why the electoral college exists?

We dont use a pure democracy, if we did there would have been a runoff election being as noone got 50% of the vote.

Yeah, hopefully he can convince the Illuminati to give him the immortality treatment before 2020.

Rural America isn't ignored though. It's just that the rural areas in the country traditionally vote red and are probably the hardest to sway. Blue candidates typically don't waste their time. Same reason why red candidates don't spend their time trying to campaign in the Pacific NW. It's just a waste of time and money. There are some areas that will always vote the same way. And then there is the Floridas, Pennsylvanias l, Ohios, etc. The states that the candidates campaign in are states that could go either way. They don't campaign there because of populations, but because it brings on the highest probability of success

Yes, to give the retarded people a voice.

It's been GREAT so far!

That's not even the biggest issue, it gives all the voting power to people who live in geographically small and similair areas (cities), so a candidate only has to appeal to them in pure democracy, obviously the trade off is that city votes count for less than more sparsely populated votes

That's liberals in a nutshell.

Nigger detected

tfw lefites are the new facists

exactly what the trumpers wanted to happen if hillary won
nothing irrational here
>muh strawman
and? a point to be made or?
>anti democracy
EC is a republic retard, they won the democracy part
>low income
bc workers who create the value and glue society together being underpaid is somehow their fault? whats irrational is how rich owners get for doing no work.
halfway between right and wrong is still wrong. whats irrational is not having ideals. not having a vision.
>bully for power
which side is it with the "poll watchers" again? which side tried illegal discriminatory voter id laws and poll location closing?
yews right dem librulz duh ree tards ay cletus. gud thang i gived all muh moneyz to jesus!

im not even a liberal but yikes you cant make a single point. immigration? env? cant mention anything actual irrational?

Yeah you sound well indoctrinated by your overlords.
What makes you so afraid of Donald Trump? CNN told you to be so now for unexplainable reasons this one guy is gonna single handedly destroy the strongest nation on earth. Just like bush, mccain and romney were going to as well. You demotards are a broken record. Democrats blow tons of money and inact short sighted ill prepared plans that only stand to coddle their next elections minority votes.

My point is if lefties weren't the retarded ones you'd be too busy having a day job and not smoking weed to go rioting

the issue is the rust belt baby boom voters picking the president are retards

That's not how it works. That list is effectively pointing out how many brainless morons we have, though.

The issue is that poor people are too evenly spraed out so you need to cram as many of them as possible into singular constituencies to stop them voting wrong

> hypocritical

So youre saying trump didnt win 26 states to clinton's 21? Some of which were polled repeatedly to be for clinton.

democracy is an out of date ideology anyways idiots are the majority of the population and shouldnt be allowed to have a say on the important things that affect the country


this is just imagined shit. they dont work bc theyre at a riot? what if they took the day off or their boss closed for a day? not all dems are ferguson retards

but i do think that rioting in 2016 is useless. so that part is irrational but thats exactly what the trumpers had planned but in a more violent way

ITT: Defeated libs flee Sup Forums in search of less intelligent opposition

Spotted the tween.


You seem to be under a miss apprehension as to the number of Antifa and communist groups who are going to enthusiastically take that offer up, and you aren't also an organized group, probably win

California makes up 12% of the national vote and 1/5th of the required electoral vote. California is the only reason this election was remotely a contest.

is this sarcastic? i cant tell. idc if someones poor but the baby boomers picking the pres are just too dumb. they vote for bad reasons and have no foresight. the picked obama and trump for bad reasons.

what? where did i say trump didnt win? he won the ec fairly but the voters who pick the pres are retards. for every election not just this one. the prob is the ec comes down to dumb boomers in rust belt. america has an idiocracy problem

>what are key states

Lol, yeah, I'm the one that's indoctrinated.

not gonna lie fam it does seem that way


Do these idiots not even realize how the electoral college works or realize that a lot of states have LAWS stating that if you vote against your party you will be penalized and your vote will potentially not count. In the state of Michigan I am 100% sure that if you vote against your pledged party, your vote does not count and they will get someone else to vote.

You cant keep blaming the same group of people for 30 years. The college kids decided obamas presidency and this year people are just sick of the apologist money wasting habits of the left coupled with the fact that your candidate is an outted career criminal politician.

maybe the real reason is the job created under 8 years of obama presidency are low wage jobs.

> no actual basis in reality
This is the most important and infallible argument against these sick people. We often loose our patience and get mad at these fucks because they are so annoying and unbearable, but they're not doing this all on purpose (at least not most of them), but because they are contaminated and destroyed from within. The remainder of their mental illness is a humanistic cause at this point in history.

That's probably the stupidest thing i've ever read on Sup Forums

Thats a weak response Sup Forumsro.
Give me some logical reasons why you and so many other buttfrustrated democrats are so terrified of trump.

What really amazes me is how they waste time and energy trying to come up with arguments and silly words to justify what they're really doing right now, which is just crying like little bitches. It's immoral to bother others so much with your pathetic little whining.

Hes talking about these "faithless electors" that the lefts new plan revolves around. A lot of states have laws against the EC electors voting opposite of the election, and beside that, she would need 37 electors to flip on trump, thats absurd.

those things are true. obama had more support than just the boomers. but he had a margin. when it comes down to the swing states, its the dumb postindustrials who decide.
yes you are right the dems put up fucking hillary. i could shitted a turd more appealing

not sure what that has to do with it? what point are you trying to make? its the postindustrial boomers who pick the pres. and they are really dumb people.


hillary is also not my candidate im not a liberal