Link your masteries faggots

link your masteries faggots


grill gamer

I smell lunch meat


Lol faggot

hey there geg


hey look a riven/zed main, no skill is fun



i play league casually so i pick the champs i like the most...problem?

Recently took up pantheon as a jungler

really good so far, anyone got tips? I havent really played for a year or two.



>301 mastery

choose 1

430k udyr here


Posting my rank too b/c don't feel like taking a new pic.

Where is Yasuo faggot?

casually = i dont play ranked

i dont even play normals that much i play other modes and have 1600+ aram games on which i've farmed masteries

literally cant play him vs bots, i always slide under turret and get tilted


I literately don't even have 10 aram games in all my years of playing.