How shitty is your life?

How shitty is your life?

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Pretty shitty My life is a 3-10, I hope I get cancer soon

Worst it's ever been

I just can't figure this life shit out, and I've been doing it for a while

29 and can't kms until mommy and daddy die

All time low

I'm actually pretty content. I don't have much but I'm totally okay with that.

No reason to live except guilt and shame(?)

Bad as a hell. I live in a poor country in a poor city and I have to deal everyday with most stupid ppls. I wake up everyday wishing i was dead, or that i will die at my sleep. I'm serious considering killing myself by hanging, but when i remember my family and how they would suffer for my cause, it's bad. I'd rather being dead or never be born. Excuse me for any grammar mistake.

Lets all make a suicide pact ,and then not follow it

I pray for death

Get out of here third world, this is first world problems. Fucking hicks!

Anyone in Humboldt Co. CA?

Dubs of truth

I'm 12 counties southwest of Humboldt county

It's a mixed bag. I have no real friends or family, but I make a lot of money at my job.

Things get worse because I suffer from severe social anxiety and i'm isolated from society and school. I'm like an autistic living a poor live. My only bet is killing myself from hanging (because i haven't a gun or poison).

I'm strokin. Also rollin

Can you send me some heroin?

How old?

It's not shitty in terms of having a roof over my head, internet, clothes, and food to eat... but I'm 27, jobless, live with my parents in the middle of nowhere where there are no job opporotunities unless you have a vehicle of which I do not have, and my social skills suck so my social life ended up dying due to me becoming more distant and introverted over time.

It sucks horribly in many ways, but it's not horrible enough for me to want to kill myself or anything.. just lonely and boring.

23 years old.

I know most people around here are late teens and into their 20s. There seems to be an assumption that your 20s are the shit, and life is better now than it will ever be. Being 36, I can tell you that is total bullshit. I'm not wealthy by any means, but you learn to take what you have, and make it work, and I'm happier now than I've ever been.

Can you get me some pussy?

I don't know. I do know, however that I got dubs.

same, I think there is more of us than people realize, hopefully there will be a social revolution eventually.

you need to start a cult,

Fuck off gramps

Not good
>20 khv
>Never even tried to get a gf
>No self esteem
>College drop out
>Probably autistic
>99% sure I have Avoidant Personality Disorder
>Bad looking in gereral
>Buck teeth
I have no use on this planet.

probably 4/10. Could be worse but could be much better. More points off for putting myself in shit positions

Lets all start a cult together

>take what you have, and make it work, and I'm happier now than I've ever been.

In all honesty, you are just drinking the kool-aid.

So you work at a Convenience store, or a grocery store?

Not great, but it could be worse. I hate my job, but it pays well enough to get an okay apartment and pay the bills. I know I drink too much, but I'll ignore it. I'm kinda lonely, I'm awful at relationships and I only know of a couple of friends, and both of them are probably not gonna live past 30

Not gonna anhero anytime soon, but I've thought about it. I'll probably die from a drunk driving accident, or end up as a vegetable because of it

Alcohol and half a gram of blow and you can get laid in Humboldt

Great truth spoken here.

Dude, I could do that here.
I was saying if you had a pussy I'd drive it down their myself

im a 21 year old college dropout living with my parents trying to be a musician in a 3rd world country

I'm a parts inventory manager for a group of truck dealerships. Not some menial, minimum wage shit job.

Official SHITPOST server

Raids start in 1 hour!

Don't fool yourself into thinking you'll be dead or vegged at a young age, I'm about to be be 30 and I always said I'd be dead by 21, then dead by 25, dead by 30...
I'll probably live forever, knowing my shit luck.

How ugly are you?

>parts inventory manager
>Not some menial, minimum wage shit job.

Not to bag on you, but your job is menial
You don't get paid that much over minimum wage

Let the man live the dream

The key to happiness is finding a job that you LOVE. One that gets you get excited for Monday. Excel and work harder than the rest. Dedicate your entire being to your work.

Figure out what you're passionate about, then develop skills to turn that passion into a job that pays the bills.

The rest will fall into place.

>How ugly are you?
And you call yourself an addict
I call bullshit on you!
You are just some hipster that parades around about their heroin 'addiction' so they feel like they are somehow more afflicted then their hipster friends
Your addiction is just a fad you like talk to your friends about

Hurr durr I'm old as balls and I do inventory

After taxes, insurance, and other shit like that, I take home 6-7K per month. Like I said, I'm not a rich man, but living comfortably.

You sir are a liar

it's crippling

Wait wait, they pay you in Mexican pesos, and you are a Mexican nationalist

definitely sub-optimal but could be alot worse

I'm not an addict. I just like heroin. I don't leave my house so I don't have an audience to play hipster to.