My girlfriend Niki goes to Brighton uni - she's been partying, doing a lot of coke...

My girlfriend Niki goes to Brighton uni - she's been partying, doing a lot of coke. Started wearing an anklet her dealer bought her. Am I being cucked? Have you fucked her? Want nudes?

Post the nudes

Send those nudes! And yes you are being cucked.

she is a coke whore, dump the slut before she robs everything you value


post more feet and the anklet

Found these on her phone

>Started wearing an anklet

The ghetto trash of jewelry.

Coke makes people do fucked up shit. Gf's sister and cousin used to do blow. They would steal from EVERYONE. They are both clean now and regret it to this day. My aunt was hooked on coke for years. Told me fucked up stories about straight guys sucking cock for blow - hell I'd be a fool to think she didn't suck a few cocks herself.

So, yeah you gf has already probably sucked a dick or two for blow. Sucks dude. Cut losses and move on. It'll hurt like hell, but you will be better for it.

And if being a cuck is your thing, enjoy your AIDS if you stay with this chick. If you are going to be a beta cuck at least do yourself a favour and get a girl who at least make them wrap it up and get tested.


this right here

I'm with this dude.
He gets it.


Oh you poor poor man. If they're on her phone and she hasn't shared them with you she's sent them to someone else.

Jesus... She is an ugly fuck pig... He is doing you a solid.


defo bro. I'm in quite a bad way through coke atm. Trust me no dealer gives you a gift, probs blowies for an 8th, She;s a munter too, scrap her and find a new model


huh.. so people have relationships with pigs now

Look at that pouch rofl

Any more?


This. And she's too ugly to be cucked for. Not worth it. Leave.



Has OP gone?
Dump that hoe, but before you go post the rest!

yep shes getting tuned out for lines. it sucks, but i dont get pissed at a dog for following its nature

Waiting for OP..

thread is kil, op is a faggot, let's post spidermen