I was wonder if after 15 years of trying to get rid of my suicidal thoughts, should i just go ahead and do it...

i was wonder if after 15 years of trying to get rid of my suicidal thoughts, should i just go ahead and do it. I just bought a gun and its been about 3 weeks now since the purchase and I think its time. Pic is the gun I bought

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I did it 15 years ago and never regretted it. Totally worth it

well that would certainly end your suicidal thoughts, but you should at least hold out to try the new pokemon game in case its good

havent been interested in games the last 6 or so years. Although I do play melee, but thats about it

Are you the legendary hacker known as Sup Forums?

If you have a gun, go out shooting for god's sake. Put a couple hundred rounds downrange and work out some angst on paper targets.

Or read a few books on a subject you're not familiar with (I recommend old science fiction).
Learn a skill, go someplace new, strike up conversations with strangers.

If there's one thing that can help you out of a rut, it's getting into a new and interesting hobby.

Well you need to stop being a faggot. Make a fucking choice and stick with it. Either decide to die or decide to live. Make it the last time you are going to ask yourself this question, then move the fuck on or out. This is how I got over my faggot suicide bullshit. Hope it helps user.

Fellow suicidal fag here. how hard is it to buy a gun if you have no license? Ive tried and failed to hang myself 4 times, getting pretty sick of that shit.

Yes you should.

But no, you should not do it with a gun. There's no need to fuck up other peoples' lives by taking your own.

Make an exit bag, take a large amount of high strength painkillers or do something else painless, and leave yourself someplace not difficult to clean up.

Don't be selfish or inconsiderate.

Suicide isnt necessary as guaranteed as you might think. Those failure percentages are horrifying things to look at if you arent just going to shoot yourself.

wow actual good comments here. I like the hobby Idea, I think I should gop shooting more. I mean my dad does have an arsenal of guns. I should probably also strengthen my current hobbies.

I have thought about if I did shoot myself, it would be messy. But the idea of there tears washing over me as the clean me up. (family would prepare body)

Look up a 'Slam-bang shotgun' if you're really determined. Cheap and hard to fuck up. ALTHOUGH
Are both things to think about. Given the shaky state of gun laws nowadays, using one for suicide only gives the fascists more metaphorical ammunition to use against human rights.

Yea man, if you have even the slightest inkling of wanting to explore new things you should go all out.

Spend some cash you shouldn't. Do something nuts. Go to a different country. Buy a motorcycle.

You could definitely try to live a little bit crazy to make things interesting.

That's because most people hesitate or do stupid shit like blow their cheek off or catscratch their wrists.

If you're serious about dying, I can't imagine failure.

That, and causing problems for other gun owners, is why you shouldn't use a gun. Do something clean and painless like helium or opiates.

I did joint the navy for the sole purpose of traveling but I got kicked out before getting very far. Only got to greatlakes and florida

shit your right, we already have strict gun laws here in california

>If you're serious about dying, i can't imagine failure.

You seem misinformed or uneducated. Most forms of suicide aside from shotty to the head have a pretty ugly failure chance. As far as wrist slicing goes, you have to fucking mutilate the shit out of yourself to get it to work. No matter how deep you get with any given cut, youre going to have to keep working to bleed enough. And no matter how efficient you are, it could take goddamn forever.

>Helium or opiates
That is far from a guaranteed death

And yeah, theres enough examples of people putting a bullet in their head and gaining nothing but hospital bills. Your body works like a motherfucker to keep you going. You'd be surprised.

>Want to kill self
>Care about the potential impact of gun laws youll leave behind

Da fuck?

Do you know what it is that bums you out in general? 15 years is a long time to feel that way.

What sort of changes have you made in the past to try to get it to go away? Any success for any extended periods of time?

In fairness, I'd want to kill myself if I lived in California too.

Typical normie talk

Don't use a gun. You can fuck it up and live hooked to a machine stuck in your own mind until you die. Plus you give gun owners a bad name and contribute to antigun stats used by libcucks

>People thinking you shouldnt use a gun to end your life.

Just fuck me up fam.


no real specific thing, just my find life less and less enjoyable. Things that used to be fun areant fun anymore. I find myself looking back at things over the years that I could have done differently to make my life better. These points are more of a capstone in my life that actually accomplishments. I guess I tent to dwell on the negative things that happen in my life because that the only thing I could remember. As for things on helping my situation, mostly self help books. Out of pocket therapist. Excercise. Thats about it

>Ive tried and failed to hang myself 4 times, getting pretty sick of that shit.

If you tried and failed four times, you're not serious about it. Not when there's such a thing as partial weight hangings.

Thanks for the website. I bookmarked it

>Shitty knot slipped and i cracked my head on the floor, unconscious for 2 hours.
Probably subconscious sabotage considering i practiced it plenty before hand.
>Pussied out the second time, scratched the shit out of my neck but i managed to get down
>Tried to snap neck third time, ended up in hospital.
>Went back to strangulation for fourth attempt, blacked out, rescued by friend.

The obvious answer is to go back to a neck breaking tactic, but fuck me man that hospital trip is the most humiliating/discouraging thing ever.

But yes, statistically i am garbage at killing self. Hence my desire for a gun

You might also consider camping out in the woods for a few weeks, or desert, whatever you've got. There's nothing quite like getting away from people for a while now and then.

Its a great website. Very fair mindset and has a lot of shit you dont usually hear about.

Is Infinity Wars out yet?
Can't fucking do it yet.

No, you're being obtuse.

I can't imagine failure because if I wanted to kill myself, I wouldn't jump off a water bridge that I know not to be lethal, I wouldn't attempt to cut my wrists with a safety razor, I wouldn't take 5,000mg of tame ass Ibuprofen, I wouldn't step in front of a slow moving car with crumple zones. I would suffocate on helium. I would take 20,000mg of vicodin. I would nearly cut my hand off. I would dive headfirst off a skyscraper. I would wear a Trump shirt in Portland.

An exit bag is GUARANTEED DEATH. Helium replaces oxygen. You cannot breathe. You die. A massive dose of opiates is a GUARANTEED DEATH. You cannot survive a ridiculous amount of opiates.

What are you even arguing? I know exactly what I'm arguing. I'm saying that if you actually wanted to die, there is nothing to stop you and there are guaranteed, simple, cheap, painless, quick methods to do it that will not result in your being a burden to your family for the next 2 years in a hospital bed.


What does self-worth have to do with respect and human decency?

Do you think wanting to kill yourself automatically makes you a selfish anarchistic nihilist? Nobody who kills themselves wants their family to suffer too, so why would they want strangers to suffer?

If you kill yourself with a gun, you become a number to be used against other gun owners. That's destructive to liberty, because you wanted to die.

SIR I know more about lack of oxygen to the brain than you and it's because I took AP biology.

Do some fucking research.

I know this is gonna sound kinda dumb, but have you ever checked out religion? I'm not religious at all but I bet it could do wonders for you if you gave it a real chance.

Hell, you don't even have to really believe, just give yourself something to lean on.

Then use your degree to explain how your brain can survive after 10 minutes with zero oxygen. Not low oxygen, zero oxygen.


Catholic here, can field questions about my religion and some related ones if interested. It's really not as ass backwards as the general public thinks.

>SIR I know more about lack of oxygen to the brain than you and it's because I had umbilical hypoxia

What does the trinity really mean?

1. You don't get a degree for taking an AP course in highschool.

2. Here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna sit in your little pussy bag for like 1-1.5 minutes, and you might pass out (Might). Then, you're brains going to enter it's version of battery saving mode. It'll stop less important body functions to preserve brain function. You can be on this for anywhere from 5-15 minutes. Depending on your health.
Remeber how I said might? Well, what's gonna happen if you don't pass out is that you're gonna be struggling to breathe for that entire time and due to your body shutting down less critical organs, it's going to be excruciating.

There's also a bunch of chemical variables, molecular diffusion, air pressure, air temperature, you wanna know why people fuck up suicide so much?

It's because they don't do their God damn research.

Normal person here, I don't really have anything to say. this website has me soooooo booooored

About 3 years ago I did tell a gf that I was planning on going to church more but ive never gotten around to doing it. Im actually amazed by how much help im getting on here. Who would have thought, Sup Forums saving lives.


After a minute and a half you're not even conscious anymore.

I've seen dozens of fights where very fit, oxygenated men pass out cold after less than a minute in a choke hold, with oxygen in their lungs and system and surrounding atmosphere.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, shut the fuck up. You can't even type, you can't possibly expect anyone to take you seriously.

Keep reading your pamphlets..

whelp, I think ive gotten enough info for today. OP out

Having your trachea forcefully collapsed and hoping there's enough helium in a bag to end your life are different things moron

At it's most basic, the Trinity is three personalities or aspects in one divine being.
There's a fuckload of symbolism, and several theologans have devoted books to trying to work out what it's real meaning without much success, so I doubt I can do much better. The general conclusion is that it's magic, aint gotta explain shit.

Fookin a mate, go to a church for the next 4 weeks or so. After you get comfortable there talk to the priest about your life and shit will likely get better.

Also, stay off Sup Forums. This kinda of addictive bullshit is so depressing.

No they are not. The result in both cases is identical; asphyxiation.

Holy fuck, have you been trolling this whole time? I can't actually tell if you're trolling or just a simple idiot.