Outside of Sup Forums and the internet in general, what would you say a normal age to lose virginity is...

outside of Sup Forums and the internet in general, what would you say a normal age to lose virginity is? most 16 year olds, if asked by the right person, will admit to having sex before, even ones that seem innocent.

I was 19, but the average is all over the place these days

>most 16 year olds, if asked by the right person, will admit to having sex before, even ones that seem innocent.
wut. What the hell do you base this on?

personally, what i went through when i was at school. my sister is also a guidance counsellor, and does know these things from students having conversations right outside her unsoundproof office. (the counselling is in a more soundproof area)

I am 18
Still no sexytime yet

Am 18 and virgin, no girl in sight even though I'm not ugly and more of a gentleman.. but girls only like jerks, I guess.

I am a completely waste and i managed to do it at 15yo still dont know how did i fking reach it

Saw a research on this recently. It's mostly 15-16 in the west nowadays, Iceland is the earliest, they lose it at 13 on average, and asian countries are the latest, 22-23

Google it, I'm too lazy

are you straight? I'm 18 f and still haven't

Yeah, straight


Maybe if you hit the gym you would see change in that

u in the uk?

haha, sadly no.
I live in Germany

dang lol

i bet you'll find someone sooner or later

same to you lol

let's hope it's going to be sooner. haha

implying a teenage girl would be desperate enough to fuck a virgin Sup Forumstard

if a teen girl wanted sex she would have it

this is either, sad samefaging. shitty bait. or complete aids

implying i'm not as much of a virgin Sup Forumstard

oh also got first serious gf at 17, waited a full year before sex. lost v card to her at 18 and it was awful, we tried 4 times over a few months and stopped after a few seconds each time, never came. dumped her, got new QT gf, took her v card at 19 and been happily fucking since

how about none of those 3?

not as much what?
honestly is this english?

lurk more faggot

17 is most ususl

right gonna go ahead and label it shitty bait.
you had me for a post or two I'll give you that.

Your chances will improve if you show tits.
Otherwise, GTFO!

>in other news... This is not a dating site.

Show tits or GTFO!

depends on if you ask america or the rest of the world

>girls only like jerks
>i am chivalry
well buddy, guess what. slutty girls like jerks.
real qt nerdy gf material girls like nice guys, nice guys who are attractive and not autistic. sorry to say if you're having trouble you fall under autistic most likely


soon after marriage.

pre-marital sex is the main drive to a world of useless cheating slutty whores.

We still need you to show tits, girl!

Depends where you are I think. I was 14. 16 send like a pretty good average age to me.

It depends severely on the town you live in.
Where I moved to it was about 14 but in my old rural town it was 16-18, some of my friends were confirmed having sex at 11 and 12 but it was around 14 where it seemed most had done it by.
Kids are just horny af in australian cities it seems.