Can we talk about relationships?

Can we talk about relationships?
Does anyone else get fucking bored of every girl they've ever dated after like 6 months - 1 year?
I started dating skinny bitches with good asses who wear chokers and like to suck dick. I switched it up a little due to boredom and now I'm dating a curvy girl with big giant tits.

Its all the same Sup Forums, its all fun and games at first then after a while its just fucking boring and I want something new, wtf?


I feel the same. I have never wanted to stay in a relationship for more than six months. I keep saying to myself that I just did not find the right girl yet, but who knows maybe our generation is not meant to be monogamous... tinder and everything made it almost impossible cause there is just too much fish on the market you want to taste

>who wear chokes and like to suck dick

Is this an inheritant trait of wearing a choker?

This is a perfectly normal trait user

Swans have one mate for life, they comit completely and, as far as they're concerned, if they lose a mate, no more mates.

Humans are not like swans. Scientists can show you that a human mind doesn't want to be stuck with one mate but rather have multiple partners across a lifetime. No matter who they are, it's an inherant trait of the human mind, to desire others, desire new.

It's pretty much a blackbelt in dicksucking

Humans aren't entirely monogamous or polygamous and scientists haven't really proved otherwise yet.
It's just fucking frustrating throwing away the peak of my life with girls who won't really be important.

Well yeah tbh anons it sounds like your girlfriends are all extended one night stands

Abolutely void of meaning

I guess I sometimes just get into relationships out of boredom and that just results in the same boredom coming back. Fuck knows man I just wanna have a good time without hurting anybody yknow

makes literally zero sense

Same feeling right now. Don't always blame yourself, because sometimes the girl starts doing this shit.

Yeah I feel you. I'm a bit like you but without the relationships. For me it feels like going into a relationship properly is a huge commitment, I don't really get those that just seem to jump relationships every few weeks and then have a new one, like a girlfriend is like an accessory.

Do you get into a relationship cus that's how you think you won't hurt them cus you assume that's what you want?

Open relationships might be up your alley?

Btw I'm mainly like that cus I was so humiliated by a cheating girlfriend, that getting back into a relationship feels like a huge risk and really putting my heart on the line, genuinely.

Tbh fam I just get into relationships because I like the companionship and it's easier to fuck the girl you're trying to fuck. Unforuntately for me I have trouble knowing when to break it off and sometimes let it linger for too long.
Been dating a girl for over a year now who I actually do like but I can feel that similar boredom creeping in and want to find someone new.

>Humans are not like swans. Scientists can show you that a human mind doesn't want to be stuck with one mate but rather have multiple partners across a lifetime. No matter who they are, it's an inherant trait of the human mind, to desire others, desire new.

Scientists? You meant cheaters and whores? I've studied biology and im pretty intrested in those "Scientists" and their theory that makes zero sense. I need proof. How did they actually measure that?
Its just crap that people invent to keep on living their sodom and gomorrah lifestyle without feeling guilty bc HEY its my nature ... i cant help it.

And i say "desireing others" and "new stuff" is not the human nature. Its the illness of the modern world that keeps teaching people this cancer of a thought.
It bc people are weak. And were getting weaker and weaker. Pretty much every country where monkey urges rule over intelligence are rotten nasty shit holes

It makes perfect sense you autist

I had a over the year relationship end the other day because assholes keep attacking my gf and her family over our relationship

I get you.
Yeah the relationship makes it harder to be yourself if you always want new, does that feel fake at all?

I'm in an open relationship now with someone who I seriously do like and if I begin to feel like you're feeling, it's genuinely okay to let it out of my system and I'll always end up being back as I was, knowing that she's the person I genuinely do like.

It's mad how it even got to this

I like you. Underacknowledged post

You're clearly butthurt and are scared of being cheated on so are telling yourself it isn't true

Can't tell if b8
You mean you see a pattern in girls with chokers and good dick sucking ability? there is no other correlation than the pattern you've seen in your head

>does that feel fake at all?
sort of
I feel like these girls don't really know me and I'm just going with things to see where it takes me

I should probably break it off but I'm a pussy and afriad of being alone
Maybe I'll wait until i can find someone better

Are y ou in London

I empathise with you so much right now holy shiet. Been there. Been there

At least you get some pussy. Heh.
For me, I have zero interest's like I am fucking moron by purpouse. I don't give a single fuck about commiting to being in a relationship or not. I start texting bla bla, and then I just stop and don't text for 2 days ..simply forget because I don't even care in the first place.
I am enjoying being single, but fuck it sometimes it's good to have someone besides you.
I am so fucking indifferent towards everything.
wat do

Why are you so mad over this?
Does your girl wear a choker?
Every girl I've ever fucked who likes chokers either liked to be fucked rough and choked or was fucking amazing at sucking dick

Your girls had a train ran through her at some point sun

Nah but UK, why?

I feel you

This thread is giving me feels

Have some fucking backbone, you fag.

Occupy your life with something interesting, some long-ass journey to the top, so that she is never your #1 focus. Keep yourself busy and don't apend every waking moment with your girl and it will last longer. If not, then just have fun managing multiple relationships. No big deal. Stop complaining and start taking action.

I've been single for almost 2 years. I try to meet girls offline but to no avail and it's getting old. I don't really drink or go to bars so that's a missed opportunity to meet a woman. How do I meet women Sup Forums? I'm so God damn lonely


I like you

im from London, but tbh that word is used everywhere now.

just like lads, bois, fam etc


Glad u agree my man, take care, im sure it'll get better.

You are projecting hard my dude, no one's complaining, we're just in here to chat, chill out.

so are Muslims right in that having 4 wives is a good thing.

tbh statistics show there are lots more women than men and apparently in Russia women far outweigh men in population and many women will be single for life.

so 4 wives to every man is not such a bad idea.

yeah, it comes out of London like hype it's funny how dialects from other places don't spread at all in the same way they do out of London

Yeah, sometimes I don't communicate with my gf for 2-4 days, because I forget about people. It's just a personality thing. Don't neglect it - just own it. Set ground rules for your girls and let them know that you're not going to fucking text them "good morning" and "good night" every day like a fucking chode. None of what you aaid is actually an obstacle in getting laid.

Pretty much the dumbest statement ever on Sup Forums. Congrats, nigger.

Get some knowledge from RSD

I gave been with my current girlfriend for 5+ years. She is a perfect match for me and my personality, and I honestly couldn't see myself without her. I went into asking her out with the intentions of only being with her for a little bit, but now here I am. You'll know when you find that soul mate. Trust me. I fart on her, take shits next to her, go on /b with her and show her all of you faggots and your trap and other faggots threads. Shes into me, and I'm into her. It's a great feeling.

Dafug is RSD?

hahahahaha oh lord your aspie is showing friendo

u liar.
>post pic of gf

Bro, I know how you reel? I am the sake, I have 2–3 girls that want to talk, and I talk for 1-2 days and then....stop talking for weeks.

Pic related

I think I am not intersted cause I gap, before I fap I would fuck anything and get rock solid over anything.

After a fap, don't need to a girl.

Pic related, I talk and then don't bother replying.

could it be that you feel like your girl doesn't know you because you're not opening up to her?
what do you know about someone you only smalltalk and fuck with?

sorry for the retarded spelling, was on mobile and auto-correct is gay.

Same m8

You arent alone. Things go great for a long time, then the other person encroaches on you, and it blurrs the line of what you will tolerate to what you hate. its like eating the same thing for a month, you get sick of having it so much. there is nothing wrong with it, hell it may even be your favorite, but you cant keep hacing the same meal over and over without starting to dislike it. its always me, never them. ..well there goes my nice day.

>eating cereal rn
>cereal tastes like shit
>how i feel rn

Or when you realise you may be the single worst influence to someones otherwise positive and healthy lifestyle. That kills me. When you care enough to want someone to succeed but you cant stay with them and drag them under with you.