How would you kill yourself?

How would you kill yourself?

Nitrogen gas

I dont understand why naked boys are not allowed here, but there is no problem posting this shit.


Tried with all of these and half of the bottle....did not work. Twice

Blow my head off with a shotgun in a very public place


Other pic

drink up, pussy

high stress levels, unmedicated high blood pressure, never getting enough sleep, sedentary lifestyle, diet rich in carbohydrates, overeating. it might take a decade or two, but it's only a matter of time.


yeah overdose of prescription drugs have only a 12.3% chance of success. Pretty poor choice.

Slowly with booze and drugs

Best way is to crush them all up into a powder and down them with some vodka or whiskey, u don't recommend this though you might just wake up with a fucked liver

Found that out 50 or 60 should have worked tho

Pick up smoking and drinking if you haven't already.

Either shotgun blast to the face. Or take sleeping pills + alcohol and fall asleep in my car with engine running

I've never understood why putting a noose around your neck while on a stool or chair hen shooting yourself in the head isn't a more popular way to commit suicide.

Not that I want to or any anyone to, but the bullet would certainly at least render you unconscious then the noose would ensure you died.

So you don't get the agony of strangling, or the odds of just making yourself retarded if the bullet doesn't totally kill you.

Drugs. But something good, like heroine.

the noose is supposed to snap your spine, not strangle you, assuming everything goes as planned.

proper noose cuts off blood circulation. you're out in less than 5 seconds. that's why so many people are going for it. strangulation happens when you're already out

But why both?

Hanging is just as (not quite statistically) reliable if done correctly, and you're more likely to stuff up the gunshot attempting to balance the fall.

Or just shoot yourself with the gun.

noose snaps your spine when you jump off something. if you do it on a door knob, you need to cut off blood circulation

mix and match your methods

On a gallows. People hanging themselves from a rafter are strangling themselves to death.

That's what I mean. Rope around neck standing on stool. Shoot self in head. Unconscious body hangs from neck. If the bullet didn't get you the rope will. No chance of surviving as a vegetable, no strangulation feeling.

i would be an hero and live stream it here!, on the greatest website ever ForChanDotORG

I want some

Jump into a lion, gorilla or other giant ass animal's pen at a zoo and traumatize children as they see me fail to beat the animal. Or take a melee weapon in there and try to kill it. If i win i get sent to jail where no one would mess with me because i killed a dangerous animal or turn into red paste. Either way i turned someones kid into a serial killer.

I wouldn't. Pussy.

Shotgun to the head seems like one of the fastest ways to do it but it leaves an awful mess. If aimed to the heart, it seems like a sure way as well and not too messy. Not sure what i'd choose

Posted this before but I'd do this.

Down a box of mentos, and quickly follow by a whole bottle of coca cola