Paganism/Secret Societies thread

Paganism/Secret Societies thread

>Do you know any members of secret magickal societies?
>Anything about practicing rites & rituals to "the older, truer, stronger gods"?
What the fuck are they doing?

Other urls found in this thread:

nothing, go sleeping, kiddo

Anyone know where i can join one?

And not any of that Wicca bullshit


Sorry fam, but the first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club.

You can easily contact officially recognized Odinists and Wodanists organizations in Iceland and Germany etc. They base themselves on the Edda.

How about in the United States homie

You can contact your local masonic lodge and apply for membership, usually you get invited, but you can ask for a talk too.

Not sure if there is a by gouvernment recognized Odinism there too

what brand of bullshit would you prefer? There you go.

>what the fuck are they doing


Literally an elk's club for a bunch of old racists that want to pretend to be templars, when in reality they're just running the nation's oldest pyramid scheme.

I heard we have some "Christians" in our neighborhood. They believe an invisible man who lives in the sky, reads your thoughts and watches you constantly, all in order to decide if he wants to throw you in a lake of fire or not. Sounds crazy, but that's what I heard.

this guy gets it

I was once in such a society. Strict entrance requirements. Gotta know at least 1 real magic move.

Hmmm, my impression of freemasons is that they are elitist, close-minded, and superficially friendly. I said things to them which I read in a book written by a freemason, and they denied it lol

If you deny things other freemasons write, your organization is messed up.

I met rosicrucians too, they are secretive too, but the opposite and very friendly people

So the Odin Brotherhood & Germanic Heathens : illusory racists or mysterious wizards?

this right here

now delete this thread and go to bed OP

What is >real magic move

Why did you join it and what was it like, as far as you can say things openly about it?

>fuck off magic isnt real. Now stop bothering me before the pope throws me in fire. Kek.

Hmm I wouldn't say that too loudly

Not much really. A lot of chemistry is involved i'll tell you that much.

Winterhold ass niqqa

Alchemist-type stuff or what?
With what purpose?

We're looking for answers here, albeit on Sup Forums

Ah, so I guess you joined either alchemists or a secret drug cartel. Alchemism is cool, I like the symbols

All I know how to do is slightly levitate. Hard as fuck to do.

all norse paganism is a fan religion based on scant religious texts and almost no knowledge of ritual, with the best sources often being shot-full of christian influences.

edgy "muh ancestors" club

I joined for the purpose of learning. We also have a few people who know telepathy. I don't know telepathy yet, I'm still learning.


Stop trolling, that Uri Geller shit is fake, Randy exposed him.

Would you say same for Celtic shamanism & the like?
Can no-one recreate the nature-type magick that was so prominent in Druid/proto-Germanic culture?

i heard if you give a lady a drink with your semen she falls in love with you

So basically group-based psionics?

Fake. Only real "magic". Chemistry is really fun when you can throw a chunk of ice and make it explode into flaming crystals of ice.

if you are meant to be a member of a 'secret' society you will know it.

otherwise content yourself with the fact that most are made up of either
1) delusional individuals who share a common idiocy
2) elitists who seek the company of those they consider equal

ordinary men pay heed to neither, because we have neither the time nor the resources to validate the existence of these secret societies.

face it, faggot:
you're only interested because you think it will make you a bigger man to be a part of something that the majority of intelligent people reject.

and besides, most secret societies are just fronts for charity organizations, if you can call keeping 85% of the proceeds as 'operation and administration' costs.

wake the fuck up.

It is lost for eternity, all that is left is scarcely recorded in medieval ages and antiquity.

Lost, but recovered, you mean.

Ordo Templi Orientis

They are said to have strong connections to the occult, i have no idea what they do tho they're very secretive

Or maybe i want to practice magick like my ancestors did and want to find people who already do so i don't have to start from scratch - simple as that

magic isn't real you douchenozzle. might as well start learning science.

Only partly, you won't get back the 100℅ same and none is written by the own people, except for Zoroastrism maybe. It's all written from a Roman, christian, jewish, Arabic or Greek perspective.

But they're name is known. The society I am in has 157 members and growing slowly but surely. Not known to the internets. Just be wary of red suits.

I have a book from the 12th century containing a selected few "spells".

What's yours' name then
Just bc you can't use it doesn't make it not real, asswozzle

Pics or it didn't happen

So do i, but nothing drastic.


Not posting on Sup Forums.

O.T.O. published Liber Null via Peter Carroll, intensely informative on all this crap

Still can't find shit about their real-life exploits online

Influenced by christianity most likely...

Why tf not

Don't trust us with cosmological power?

Yep. People go fucking nuts when on power.

I have an 11th C book with about a dozen spells but I agree Sup Forums can't be trusted with this knowledge

OP here -- do you ever practice these spells? Know they're legit?
Where can you share it with me alone -- let's start our own shitty society

I've got a fingerbox, but I won't explain it to you.

I'd love to join a secret society.
I'm an elitist who's not good enough yet.
Not even the masons have approached me.

Have a skype?

I do practice them. Not like I should, but I practice.

Plato's Euthyphro dilemma?

Well I live in India so yeah every fucking person around me is mart of some secret magical society and practice weird rites and rituals

Druids never wrote anything down so their activities were recorded from a foreign perspective like its been stated. Mainly Romans writing it down with a bias against them for being alien to rome and its culture etc.

as for their "Magic" its lost forever

Tell us about these exploits -- what have you accomplished

I do not know.
Quick think of a famous person that is a household name know...
Google them for about 5 minutes and you will find they are a Freemason..

Are they masons first, or do the masons find something for them to do?

Pagan isn't an ism, and it isn't a secret society. It's a word we now use to describe all the many, many different religions, spiritualities, mysticism, and plain old studiers of the natural world, scientific and unscientific, before Rome took over with their ultimate weapon, the official Roman religion, part Judaism, part Zoroastrianism, part regional cult mashup, and all urban, and all ignorant as fuck of anything beyond the human scale or outside the known world at the time. ...which replaced every other unique culture it encountered by killing anyone who didn't convert for over a thousand years.

Neopaganism is an attempt to piece together a sort of mashup of 1, the few surviving scraps and bits of texts and rituals some of those cultures devised, and 2, what we now know of the greater natural world and universe, which dwarfs the old wisdom a million to one. We do this to pay homage to our ancestors, force ourselves to dedicate a moment to consider the awesomeness of the natural world and life, and also quietly flip the bird of protest to the Jews and their equally idiotic blood-soaked spinoffs of Christianity and Islam.

Mostly we just get together immersed in nature, read a few cool discoveries to inform, and a story or poem to celebrate the season etc, enjoy some good food and beer, and daydream about when it would all be followed by an anything-goes fertility rite (orgy).

Can't do that anymore. AIDS

breddy much it was a worship and celebration of the earth, sun and moon and giving back what we took away and realising this isnt our planet, we share it with everything else

You can't know that for sure. We have discovered many questionable items, etc.

TBH I believe magic is real. Its just not magic. Its more like secret science.
100 years ago we had some hilariously stupid sciences (triphoning, leeching etc)
The concept of the internet would have been unfathomable only 60 years ago. It too would have seen like magic.

So you negroes don't practice magick

Correct. Secret Science.

Like what?

Should point out as well that many practices were adopted by Christianity in Europe cause they couldnt totally wipe out paganism. What they'd find is christians would say like "You're christian now, be christian" and they pagans would say yeah then when the Christian authority left the area they'd resort back to full paganism. Happened a lot in Finland

Also stuff like easter, halloween and christmas were pagan festivals. Samhain. Eostre, and Yule

This guy gets it

Yep, pretty much.
That's adult neopaganism. Paganism for kids is just a bunch of dramatic arts teenagers trying to be spooky and edgy and rebel against their boring Christian suburban upbringings and actual powerlessness over their lives. Same as kids satanism, wicca, etc, they grow out of it quickly when they discover magic spells don't do anything and never did.

I celebrate Samhain with a bunch of people but as far as "pagan magic" goes, nah, thats LARPing for old middle class hippies

It is both simpler & more complex than can be imagined

The science of emotion conjoined with logic and empowered by the human spirit ::: this has far-reaching powers & consequences that people have banded together to try to understand & harness

I have read a little about that. Not a huge fan of gay sex. Their sex magick prizes the homosexual over the heterosexual. Joining that is pretty much like saying its ok to get fucked (or possibly raped) in the ass.

Mainly peices of old spells that we try to recover. Doesn't always work sadly. Also manuscripts and old-written stories. History is a thing we treasure.

>Not a huge fan of gay sex.

lol faggot

Until you do it yourself you don't know what the fuck you're talking about
Watching others with a disbelieving eye only nets you more ignorance

What do you think of the masons influence in politics and in general in India?

How does she hold her shit in?

>the biggest secret is that there isn't one

I've friends with a mason who would like very much for me to join.
I have very seriously considered joining.
>Must be 21

But I've also wanted to keep my options open, because I like the idea of something more... esoteric. The masons on a blue lodge level seem overwhelming boring.
"Yeah, we have luncheons and we make pancake breakfasts for town."
The meetings seem to mainly revolve around practicing ritual and actually acting out the rituals, along with talking about how you can help the niggers in the town stop fucking up everything.
Of course, the population is just saturated to hell with masons and it can certainly would give me the brotherhood that I've been searching for.

Let's go to where the rainbow ends together, anons.

But thats the thing, talking about Druids, they never wrote anything down it was word of mouth cause that requires a strong mind so any spells written down would not come from a druid. History IS a thing we treasure but history is written by the victor, in this case Romans who see celts as barbarians and below them

I ... Dont know user. That is almost painful to think about.

At least you know what you're talking about. I like you.

>until you do it yourself
>secret science
>secret societies
>do it yourself

So what are we supposed to walk around the fancy areas of town in the hope of knocking on a politicians or celebrities door then convince them to let us into their magic circle?

Sure pal

No possible idea.
Its funny
that specific picture is photoshopped.
BUT there is an actual porn of a girl with fruit loops and milk up her ass and the gape is about that big.

shoop but her butt is still a num num. The asshole is elastic

he he he gotta read the whole damn thing fam

Secret shit dude

That seems to be how a lot of people think it works. I believe many are born into it.

Thanks I have been looking into paganism for the past couple of years and reading up on the celts and vikings. Interesting stuff and where paganism is concerned I believe its the correct path, from what I've been reading anyway

When you see that magic works for yourself (all it takes is a copy of Liber Null), you become worthy of helping & getting helped by others in the craft

Like committing an assassination or two to get into the assassin's guild

Everyone in this picture had to lick someone's anus to get in the club. Literally, they had to, it's a common practice.

Hey. Longtime Pagan here (panentheist). That was really well said!
I'm not used to seeing intelligent discourse on Sup Forums.
Than ks!

oh yeah totally take the Rothschilds. Hell look at george dubya, his role as president was decided from birth. Also depending on how deep you wanna go, Richard Nixon AND Ronald Reagan were at Bohemian Grove in the 50's and BOTH went on to become president. Then Nixon said it was all hippy faggot shit and he was forced to retire.

pagan/heathen fag here. we barely have any grand rituals or gatherings because that is something for monotheists. We just celebrate nature and seasonal events + a few divine holy days.
If you want to join be prepared to spill lots of blood, including and not limited to your very own blood.

Born into it or learning it, famous & rich or not, the Mysteries will always have preservers and followers

Euthyphro ::: do you do it because you're elite, or are you elite because you do it?