So tonight is the super moon, so it got me thinking...

So tonight is the super moon, so it got me thinking. Why the fuck are we trying to colonise mars when we haven't even attempted to build a moon base or construct anything on the moon. It would be an excellent staging point for future space exploration. It takes 3 days to get too the moon. Like the cost to colonise the moon would be so much lower.
The conspiracy usually is because Aliens have already colognised it and they told us to gtfo Hit me with your conspiracies or ideas Sup Forums

Mars has an essential resource - water.

Moondust fucks all up and spacesuits would need much better protection. Moon has nothing for us, we can't get anything from it, so colonizing it wouldn't make any sense

no atmosphere or natural resources to exploit on the moon nigga

The gravity on the moon is to weak, if a human were to experience complete zero gravity for a shit ton of time it would fuck them up, its much to expensive to create methods to circumvent this, whereas mars has a slightly more similar gravitational field to earth ; among many other things.

>implying the moon landing was real

I've heard the theory that its artificial and hollow. Who built it? Who knows..

>is the super moon
that shit looks as small as ever


My best guess

The moon is made of cheese, a type of stringent cheese that sacks all those that begin the circumvention of the perimeter. We haven't been able to publish there yet due to folding beyond are the answers. But - we could exponentially perhaps may somebody for the end of then; could be the wallop of time. Till the, were no gone. Bengal fewer goes towards hands, yo supper bin hockey sand. Wind rains on the supple bus.

Just like your dick

we are already on the moon

I'm posting this from the moon

I am the moon

Lol I cum in your craters faggot





A. Space nazi's
B. Aliums
C. Its a hologram
D. It's an extraordinarily advantageous military position and literally anyone who has a base on it has THE best launch point for nukes and spying and any country that attempts to claim this right will start the "End" war as nukes will just go crazy. Ontop of all of that is several international laws that state you physically can't claim land as a sovereign nation on the moon itself. You'd have to privately fund the entire operation AND disavow yourself and everyone who works for you for the duration until you have a viable colony on the moon upon which you can make your own nation. All the while you're going to catch flak for having ALL that land and military resources and considering you're a free agent any country could invade and absorb your new country which leads back to the main issue.


>So tonight is the super moon
Go back to facebook.

Ill take Isotopes for $1,000 Alex.

This Isotope of Helium has many scientific uses including medical applications.

The moon is a satellite with no atmosphere and no rotation, no day night cycle, no water.... I dunno man, is your goof still going or are you done?

Moon Dust is harmful, it's sharp as razors.

>No day night cycle

Are you fucking retarded?

are you?


What do you think the lunar phases are you gimp?

>what is the dark side of the moon

Spot the retard

Because the powers that be do not want you to know just how many things you have been taught are utter lies.

Moon Landings, and Evolution of man.

These are lies they tell you .

Nor are our Rulers really Jews. They are the Sons and Daughters of the Devil via Cain.

Now that we have elected the "false prophet" the end of mankind, Armageddon, and the Anti-Christs arrival is not likely more than 10 years away.

I thought the antichrist was obama

The dark side is still illiminated as much as the side that faces earth, are you forgetting that they both also orbit the sun?

No human man can or will be the Anti-Christ foolish one. Lucifer will be cast down among us in his full angelic form.

He will lie too claiming to be the second coming of Christ or an Alien. But he won't be a human and most will be fooled by his lies.

Solid Pink Floyd album.


Okay. Are you genuinely stupid and want (or need) to have these things explained, or is this a troll? I have the time, knowledge, and patience, and willingness to point out how stupid this is.

>mfw there is no time on the moon


Haven't u seen Alex Jones it's fake af there's edited pictures and shit. Made in the hollywood basement.


>Haven't u seen Alex Jones it's fake af there's edited pictures and shit. Made in the hollywood basement.
I'm sure Alex's film was made in a basement. Back to the question - Do you need to have this explained?

Well there's already Nazis on the moon so I think that counts.

truth. Mars has shown evidence of an atmosphere similar to that of the Earth although maybe not quite as stable. It;s the most suitable planet of the solar system (or so it seems thus far) to sustain life

Could mine helium-3

Quint should have had the tight rope walker in the nude it would have been far more striking.

Yes I do

Well there's already Nazis on the moon I think that has to at least count.

That it was fake? Sure go ahead

Because eventually even niggers may figure out how to get to the moon by themselves. We're just thinking one step ahead.

Not the user you have been chatting with.

But boy is the reality of how deceived you really are and by whom is going to come to you as a very harsh awakening.

Sure the moon landing is said to be real.

Neither you or I witnessed it.

And septicemia would be a far wiser approach than to just believe every lie some university pinhead wants to tell you.

Yeah we know gravity is real.
But we still do not even have an understanding of it in full. There is no unified field theory yet.

So don't be so damn sure that Kennedy was not killed to protect their lies.

>THE best launch point for nukes
> >350,000kms away
Righto champ

Just because you have a faggot newsroom in your basement doesn't make you sane, or in his case human.

That fat retard sells you his bullshit and you suck his cock like he is David Koresh. That faggot ends in a mass suicide. And I hope you are "drinking the kool aid".

ignoring the bat shit crazy in OP's post
this super moon is amazing
looking at it is the same as looking into a pair of headlights
it is so bright I can still see greens and blues
and it is washing out all but the brightest stars

obviously this^

Truth shall set you free

Shit, you're a hateful bastard. Daddy love you a bit too much as a kid or something?

But only if you seek it.

"Because they did not love the truth. They were given over to the lie."

1) Blue arrows:
Parallel lines will pass by an observer and converge. Attached is an example. The blues lines do precisely that in the Moon photo. If Alex drew those lines, and somewhat poorly along the right edge, as he did not take topography into account as well.

2) Pink:
The tic marks show equal angles of view, measured from the center. This and distance allow the interpreter to determine size and distance to objects in the frame. The center tic is indeed the center of the view. This is ttally unrelated to the shadow direction. If he pointed the camera directly at the Sun there would be no shadow in the center. It is unrelated, but using buzz words makes him think he's being clever. He's not. He's an idiot.

3) Orange.
Backscatter. The area around the shadow of his head on the ground will appear to be brighter mostly because as you look closer and closer to directly opposite the source of light, the shadows cast get smaller and you see more illuminated surface. You can see exactly the same effect when you look at the shadow of your head on a lawn. Or if you're in a plane and you can see your plane's shadow on clouds below.

He's an idiot. Don't follow. Engage your brain.

I'd like an explanation, I'm not smart enough to figure this stuff out on my own

The moon has clouds of astronaut piss floating around. At least Mars has gravity and an atmosphere.

>Neither you or I witnessed it.
I never saw your Dad fuck your mother, but that doesn't mean I won't believe you're their kid. There's enough evidence to explain your existence and why you're in that family.

Kennedy was killed by the mafia

>I'd like an explanation, I'm not smart enough to figure this stuff out on my own

It aims directly down and has vastly reduced gravity so they can use better boosters and faster take-offs.
Its the whole reason they talk about moon bases to launch mars missions and the like.
There's also talk of gauss cannons or rod launchers now that would basically launch a several ton rod at obscene speeds at their intended targets and, again, the reduced gravity and atmosphere means it would be fairly easy to achieve said speeds.


why isnt the moon big right now?

Or up i suppose depending on person orientation.

>Haven't u seen Alex Jones

How big do you want it to be? :)
Here's a comparison between the Moon at perigee and apogee. I wish the news wouldn't hype this up like it's some crazy wild phenomenon. It's bigger, but not dramatic.

>Giving this much of a fuck on Sup Forums

Didn't even read, faggot. Hope you got your self-satisfaction and convinced yourself you're superior to people on an anonymous image board.

Hope you enjoy being stupid, ridiculed, shunned, and indigent.

They never went there in the first place .
no more NASA fairytales

Yes, those footprints we can see with modern telescopes and those retro reflectors and seismographs we left and can shoot lazers at and send and receive data from have always been their.
We never left those there after several missions costing several billions of dollars.

No, The Mafia can not tell security details at the local Military base to "Stand Down"..

The VP could though and LBJ was a Texas man heavily invested in the Military Industrial Complex. Always follow the Money and the Power.

Isn't there some international legal reason behind it as well? No one is legally allowed to colonize the moon for some reason or another?


What is unmanned space junk, for $500 Alex.

footprints with a are a special kind of stupid

The hubble can't even see the surface of the moon you idiot!

the international space treaty is very similar to the international antarctic treaty
it can be used for scientific reason
but not for colonization or military uses

and the fact that Armstrong's landing speech essentially claimed it in the name of humanity so it exists in a weird legal limbo as it is owned by a group with no official governing body
>inb4 UN
the UN is a diplomatic body with no executive authority outside the executive authority exercised by its member states

>The hubble can't even see the surface of the moon you idiot!
kek... Pot, kettle, black.

>moon has nothing
>mars has nothing
>earth's dirt is 1000x more interesting
welcome to space travel

This. And it's not like it's sudden, either. It's not gonna be noticeably larger than it was yesterday.

look it up . Telescopes can not see the Apollo landing sites .

>point telescope at moon
>see some faggot playing call of duty
>smash telescope into pieces
Yes, I want muh moon colonies too.

>look it up . Telescopes can not see the Apollo landing sites .
Before you start throwing names, re-read what you posted - that the Hubble san't see the surface of the Moon. Hell's bells, fool - you can see the surface with the naked eye! I know darned well what you meant, but you're too quick to look for ways to call people names to think of it: that even the Hubble couldn't *resolve* objects that small on the surface of the Moon.
And not only that, but they'd never point the scope at the Moon - it's too damned bright and would saturate the detectors.

I'll hold off on the name calling, and leave the self-chastisement to you.

Sorry .Forgot that you're stupid '
>the hubble can not see the Apollo landing sites
Is that better

Why do people refute the moon landing photos as if we've only been to the moon once?

If you wish.

The moon has no atmosphere to protect against solar radiation, meteorites, or blasts from the sun. Mars does.

Other than mining, the moon is useless to us (besides tides and shit) mars it way more suitable for habitation, and there's a good chance there's water. And with enough terraforming, mars could be a habitable planet without life support

If that size increased happened to my dick I'd be excited. Fuck u

The moon moves too fast to get a good look at it with regular telescopes. Try it yourself

mars has almost no atmosphere . no way to land on it . parachutes wouldn't work

>no way to land on it
about a dozen probes have landed on Mars
>parachutes wouldn't work
all of them used parachutes for most of the decent

Duh....cause it's fake

>The moon moves too fast to get a good look at it with regular telescopes. Try it yourself

I do. Regularly. Through a 14-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain. I like 167x. True, it takes about half a minute to cross the field of view, but... the scope in on an equatorial fork with a clock drive. This of course counter-rotates the Earth to make the sky appear still.

The Hubble from orbit is not on any such moving platform, and the Moon is sufficiently slow to get great images, were the Hubble able to close down an aperture far enough to not make the sensors bleed.

I'm trying to make sense of your contention about moving too fast. Huh?

The reason:

Moon and mars aren't landable. They aren't what they tell us. The moon looks landable through footage, but it's not. Mars . . . people think it's a round planet similar to earth, but mars is not that. Mars is a fucking star; a wandering star. Those fake pics NASA and the other agencies feed us are crap. Look through the most powerful telescope you can get YOUR hands on, you won't see any round planet Mars, you'd only see a round light.

Anyways, the mars colonization bullshit is simply mind programming to make the people beleive in the space agenda. Make people think that there is actually an outer space with planets and asteroids and massive suns millions, billions of miles away. Absolute bullshit. They're just conditioning you, making you their mind slave. I mean, they achieved making humanity believe in the holocaust, they can easily make people believe that they'll put man on mars, just like they made people believe they put man on the moon.

Whoever controls the present controls the past. And whoever controls the past controls the future. - Orwell

> a dozen probes have landed on mars

a clear examply of religion. Just because they told you and gave you possibly-faked footage and info, you believe they put probes on mars? You're pathetic. You're not a scientist. You're simply a believer. You gobble up bullshit without REAL proof. You're a sheep, just like a kike who worships his holy wall, or a catholic who eats holy bread at mass. Your mind works for your space agency masters, and they're controlling your views on reality that way. I bet you also beleive in black holes simply because "scientists have seen the effects of stars around black holes".