Welp it happened

>Welp it happened
>Didn't see this one coming
>No going back now
>We did this
>For better or worse he's gonna be president

That being said i would like to know more about my new president. please Sup Forums educate me, what are Trump's political goals, and how does he intend to reach them?

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If you're on Sup Forums to learn about your new president,
you've already made one too many bad choices in your life.

Get rid of mexican gangs, get US production happening again with a mixture of tariffs and tax breaks, can the useless SLS and get NASA back on track with proper funding, kill the TPP and relax a bunch of the harsh environmental laws in order to ease the economy while waiting for the actual polluters to start fixing their shit before getting back into it with a better economic position

If you're serious, search youtube for "this video will get Donald Trump elected". This will show you that he really does know what to do to save our country.

It's just I went on Sup Forums and nobody really knows. he hasn't been to revealing on strategy and with no political background to examine theirs no way to predict how he will act or who his supporters will be. Democrats say he's gonna be a wall building tyrant, Republicans just keep rambling about trump ending NAFTA but no one knows how he will do it or what will replace it.


Nostradamus predicted this and now he will become the last president. WW3 is coming!

he's gonna send all the fags to conversion therapy camps, deport -all- the mexicans, shut down every mosque in america, ban muslims from entering our country and put every other muslim on a list not at all unlike the sex offender list (making it nearly impossible for them to get a job and making it illegal for them to live within a certain radius of schools, parks, hospitals, etc). affirmative action will be repealed and labor laws will be reworked so employers will be allowed to fire someone solely for being black, muslim, mexican, or non-christian. A cap will be put on a woman's earning power (they won't be able to earn more than 10$ per hour and it will be illegal for them to accept tips or bonuses from the employer), and that's just going to be the first year ;)

>looking on Sup Forums period for information about politics.
You're fucking up, bad.

Well that sounds pretty bad. Surely he won't undo the work of every president since JFK? I mean even bush had no child Left behind. I'm not saying it was good but, the point I'm making is that if he did all of those things there would be rebellion and even with a Republican Senate and Congress if he makes a bunch of radical crazy changes like that they will impeach rather than have Donald Trump permanently Mar the parties appearance.

If you didn't see it coming than you live in a bubble and believe everyone who thinks differently than you is a racist or a sexist

I know you're just trolling me but the sad thing is there are people stupid enough to be afraid of even one of those things. think about that.

Did you just learn about Nostradamus a few weeks ago and wanted to share your wealth of knowledge with your Sup Forumsros?? Bc you look like a fool. Nostradamus also predicted Obama would be the antichrist, but yet there's still no hell on earth. Open a book more often instead of trying to sound like you have more than just a few brain cells, you might actually fuckin learn something. dick riding libtard.

I live in rural Arkansas, pretty much under a rock. I was not a shillary supporter, nor a trump supporter. I thought the election was rigged to make it easy for Hillary to win. I mean 3 years ago if you had told me Donald Trump would be president, I would have been like :
"you mean that rich asshole with the bad hair from that old show the apprentice? No way he's got no political experience and he's filed for bankruptcy 4 times. "

Take you ass back to lunatic Alex Jones.

>and he's filed for bankruptcy 4 times
why do people always say that like his bank account went to $0.00 four times? The dude has started so many business in so many different industries and only 4 of them failed? that is an amazing track record.

Nice b8 m8!

Do you know what google is you fucking faggot

This is what the guy said he wanted to do.
People shouldn't belive him?

4 out of 500 successful businesses. 4 is nothing. He has a great record with business. Most people that have been doing running many business's in the USA for the last 40 years have had at least a bankruptcy or two. Just the way it works. Get educated.

No one really knows because Trump has no policies of which to speak of This is why he has been keeping his public appearances and statements to an absolute minimum.

What is certain is that the next four years are going to be funny as fuck..especially to those who have no investment in what happens to the USA.

Bankruptcy doesn't mean his bank account went to 0 or that only 4 of his business ventures failed ( way more than that) it means he had either over extended credit or no liquid funds and had to liquidate property, stocks or bonds after settling his debts by filling bankruptcy.

whether or not you care about the USA has no bearing on how our economy can fuck up your economy. how much you care about the USA also has no bearing on how quickly a missile can reach your shores.

Really? Care about me or get fucked economically/ballistically? Calm down, people like you make me cringe. Do you have to be a bully to be a patriot? American pride died and was replaced by petty hubris. I'm proud to be an American and I'm embarrassed for you.

I just saw he appointed Steve Bannon the owner of Brietbart. What the fuck

This pathetic leftist rhetoric...

>4 glorious years of lul'z!


/thread. l2read fgt OP.


You're spewing the exact same rhetoric that has been echoed into your small, pathetic brain. I couldn't give a fuck less that you 'accept it'. Shit was going down with or without you.

You're nothing more than the product of the liberal echochamber hug box, and now you're just some entitled mouth piece for liberal angst and stupidity. Congrats on not having a single thought to yourself. kys pls.

>own multiple fortune 500 companies
>11 bankruptcies

I don't think you've read the thread. But you seem rather rustled and opinionated so you probably don't read well anyway.
>Jump on my nuts for nothing
>Kill YOURSELF faggot

Trump blocks imports or puts tariffs on them raising prices for consumer goods.
Trump cuts taxes and increases infrastructure spending, causing the value of the dollar to fall.
Trump behaves unpredictably, causing investors to move money out of the market.
Result = recession....BIG RECESSION.

Trump never had a business he couldn't bankrupt. Now he's bringing those skill to the U.S. Government!

because to him, bankruptcy =/= failure
to trump, bankruptcy == tax breaks for multiple years. that isn't failure, it's productivity

Trump cancels your health insurance then loses interest, fucks off and plays golf. Pence takes over day-to-day. Forces your girlfriend to stop taking birth control. Baby, no health insurance, no job. You become a negro!

I really don't understand how people act like he is this wonderful business man when he failed to make a profit with casinos

No one ever has or will 'jump on your nuts'.

>for nothing
you're the same entitled and opinionated cock sucking liberal faggot, mirror by the thousands of other retards who don't understand what marxism is, but completely buy into. You're probably not even aware what you're doing is part of the marxist ideology, but no one expects todays college educated queers to understand anything beyond 'our feelings have rights too!'

again, kys.

Don't care if fake, for most part it's a legit initial plan. Am a bit skeptical about controlling foreign trading abuses and the pipeline, but otherwise, good for Donny.

Trump builds a wall (now a fence) forcing millions of illegal immigrants who have been fleeing south over the border to stay in the country instead.

Trump, who wanted to be elected, but isn't interested in actually being President, gives the operation of government over to the same old Republican career bureaucrats in Washington, forgetting all about draining the swamp.

Trump stalls his fraud trial for his Trump University swindle until after the inauguration, forcing the courts to postpone the trial until after he's fucked up the economy.

say bye to public schools

Trump has Katie Johnson "disappear" in order to avoid rape conviction. Becomes a catholic priest and rapes small boys instead.

Again read you dumb nigger.
>Not a liberal
>Not a Democrat
>Didn't vote for shillary

I just said i didn't expect him to win, I don't think anyone really did. I'm not insulting your god emperor or trying to interrupt your feverish zealotry. I just wanted to know some more about our next president everybody else got that.

> Again kys you baboon fucker.

>cut funding, schools literally closing.
It couldn't get worse.

Yeaaa, your shits all retarded and you talk like a fag.

Sup Forums gets on its knees to worship the god emperor Trump. Trump shoves his dick down Sup Forums's throat, and has Moot arrested when Sup Forums gags.

Fuck 'em all to death.

Trump blocks Muslim immigration, causing Muslims world wide to join Daesh and rejuvenating the ISIS movement.

Good job, son. You got him good by proving you're a goddamn idiot.

you sound like a retard

Trump forgets lesson of WWII [If there have to be casualties, make sure they're mostly Russian.] Needs to prove his dick is as big as Vladimir Putin's. Sends you to Syria to die in battle.

Those are not policies...

no one asked for policies. the OP asked for political goals.

>not liking Trump
>Didn't vote for Trump
There are other websites you can use.

Trump repeals Obamacare and surrenders health insurance to pharmaceutical and insurance industry. 20 million lose insurance. Emergency rooms overwhelmed again. Health care costs double.

lol the third point. It does not matter what the regulations are, or their purpose...as long as there are mathematically fewer of them.

American stupidity is legendary.

So for example there's a barrel and in that barrel are a few gold nuggets but the barrel is full of diarrhea from katy perry.
Someone comes along and says I'll get a shovel and remove all the shit but I get to keep some of the gold nuggets.
But your argument is "hurr some of the shit has gold in it"
No shit, idiot.
He's going to remove all the shit and sift through for the gold.

The analogy and logic are flawless.

coming from a faggot that probably has never seen a check bigger than 3 digits.

This, but amerifats can't understand economics. They're just fucked.

4 out 500 businesses. Not an issue. Learn economics in the USA.

Comming for a poor uneducated fag who doesn't know how economy works

He doesnt really have any real policies.

We had pretty much fun with g w Bush, and tough it was over after Obama elect, but you did it again ! A big full retard. I'm really proud of you, retarded rednecks, and I can't wait seeing your joke president fuck the whole country. Have fun with your guns and debt, we're laughing from Europe.

So the precious CNN/HUFFPO etc claims. Keep that head in the sand bro!

You mean that 20T that Obama Bin Laden gave us? Let's get right on that shit

You could just tell us some.


Trump will cut taxes for the rich, stimulating the economy and therefore balancing the budget. That didn't happen last time, or the time before, and when liberals raise taxes on the rich it never actually hurts the economy, but you just have to listen and believe.

Why does everyone act like he was some average Joe before he came into wealth. Everything was handled to him on a silver platter and he didn't even turn it into something greater. He just maintained it. Barely.

In 2010 he held hole in one contest, refused to pay the million dollars to the person who made a hole in one because the contest was unwinnable by design (fine print basically said the shot had to be 150 yards or more and the tee was set just within that distance). The guy then sues of course, and Trump settles for 158,000. Of course Trump doesn't use his own money to pay those costs, he uses the Trump Foundation to pay the settlement.
Now don't get me wrong. Clinton is the worse between the two. But, Trump is a con artist, watch out. Watch him closely because you can be sure he's going to try and get rich from this presidency.


The good thing is YOU will clean my shit on the walls when I go to à shitty motel. Happy dumbass ?

It's not worth arguing with, he clearly has no original idea, just reverberates liberal rhetoric and bullshit.

i think ive figured this out. while a lot of us were watching trump on tv in the early 00's and laughing at how inept, incapable, out of touch he was, some people actually thought he was on tv because he was a good business man... either way, his popularity grew from it, and here we are today

I believe to a certain extent raising taxes on corporation incentives growth. Companies get to deduct costs and wages, so higher corporate tax rate means that employing more and raising wages to improve productivity creates a better future for the company with larger total profits to offset the lower profit margin (due to increased taxes)
Basically, when you are not taxed on investment, you have more incentive to invest.

he's going to take us back to a simpler time. something about kicking the mexicans out of the fields and putting black people in their place thus simultaneously preserving jobs and making america great again.


Shouldn't you have figured that out BEFORE you voted? Faggot.

The Witch is Dead

funny how all those with thoughts to themselves have absolutely no original thought and lack all proof of their claims... Obama is still an illegal immigrant to this fag, and to all his brilliant buddies who side with him (though independently and without any bias whatsoever).

He's not. But his supporters believe so because that's the image they were presented with. A hard-working white man who earned his billions (if he even has them) honestly. The whole thing was a facade and they were told to not trust the media... as in any media... so they trusted the media telling them not to trust media because clearly the people who are yelling the most ridiculous, divisive, falsehoods are the source of truth.

dare I say, YUUUUGE recession. Gonna be yuuge. don't worry about it though because Trump is such a nice billionaire that he'll definitely care for the rural folk. definitely. he knows what it's like to be a rural folk. he's so real and down to earth that he's orange. i mean, a billionaire, so real and rural and like the old times that he's orange... it's grand.

they were worried about the scandalous emails. so scandalous. nevermind that this man is currently operating 500 BUSINESSES, you fucking dumbasses!!!!! BUsinesses, like FOR PROFIT. You thought Hillary was corrupt? HA! Dumbfags voted big business into the office. Nice job. Really shook things up now.

Please enlighten us as to how Trump will help this country...

You're going to call him Obama Bin Laden? And place a 20T debt on him? And think that you're original? When you read (if ya can), or hear the shit you decide to spew back out you should realize they are lacking all substance. You were fed those lines, and never looked into them.

..and yet you Americans were in favour of him to lead you and represent you to the rest of the world.

I hope you people don't wonder why the rest of the world laughs at you. Even for Americans this is a new level of stupidity.

Imo Trump isn't racist as media shows it. Illegal immigration is... well, illegal. He wants to return illegal immigrants, not people that came with correct identification documents.

Also, he told he will forbid such immigration until they make protocol that can screen out bad ppl for masses (i.e. terrorists in case of muslim immigration, and drug trafficers from mexico XD, sry if i offended someone)

Also if u google his net worth googles says 3.7 bilion, so imo he doesnt need presidental paycheck.

Aslo Hillary made some shady things with sending americans soliders into dying and leaveing also all weapons behind.

And media well i think personaly its brainwashing ppl, and to me its looks like they are on hillary side.

Also those trump protesters doing riots, like who dafuq were hillary's supportes ? bunch of crazy fuks

this has been stupid from day one. what about her makes her a witch that wouldn't make trump an old floppy useless dick. with a corporate mindset, residing over hundreds of businesses and manipulating billions of dollars without releasing taxes to public, he's clearly and by far the more corrupt individual.

49.7 % of Americans retard. Not my president.

obama tried to establish immigration reform, reps shot it down because as they said themselves they were always going to stop any success he could make. we do need immigration reform, the problem is it's incredibly difficult to figure out what is going to work and what exactly isn't just flat out cruel. also, there's no way that evicting all the illegal immigrants is going to single-handedly revitalize the economy or give anyone a job back. that's just insane thinking. he has taken support from the KKK and other right wing extremists... that is why people think he's racist. i too have a hard time believing that he would be racist one-on-one, but as a president, i'd prefer somone who didn't take support from obvious racists... i mean, that's not asking much, don't support racism. if the media seems well against him, it's because he was not a good candidate. you can't snipe all the media, dodge all substantial questions, and then hide away in your little bubble. that's some fn bullshit, he's accountable to US. he's accountable to OUR questions, the media has only been asking our questions. a hillary favored media is possible, considering she's been around since i was a child she obviously is going to have a lot of support. what's astonishing is that usually that much time spent in washington makes for not nearly as many friendly associations as she had. she tried to work with everyone. she was the better candidate, and she lost for all the wrong reasons.


Negro? How you call those white shithead receiving food stamps and collecting garbage to survive,thanks bush.

Political Studies graduate here. Donal Trump won't do anything he said he will. Not because he lied to get into office or is changing his mind, but because he physically CAN'T. The southern wall will be physically impossible to build, even with Republicans controlling the budget. There are tens of thousands of acres of private land the wall will have to go through, cliffs, rivers, lakes and highways to build this thing through. It would take YEARS of negotiating with private farmers and paying them for their land. It will never happen. As for NAFTA, he can't get rid of that/change anything either. He kept saying Mexico took advantage of it and he wanted to tweak it to put bigger taxes on Mexico, yet the way the agreement works is it effects ALL of the Americas. Whatever he does to Mexico through NAFTA Canada will have to go through the exact same thing, which would never happen. Also to make any changes to it or get rid of it completely, that means they have to "open" the agreement and when that happens the agreement can not be "closed" again until Canada, America AND Mexico are happy with it. But when this happens any three of these countries can demand new import/export laws, tax rates, foreign corporate tax rates and a number of other things. For example, Mexico could demand that they are allowed to legally send 200,000 citizens annually to work in America. They can keep demanding this for literally years until finally both Canada and America agree to it. It is very dangerous reopening trade agreements. Donal Trump will NOT be able to do a number of things his campaign promised. If he had even an ounce of political experience or even his voters, it would have been more obvious.

lol delusional fag. name they support Trump "took" from the KKK. the KKK is a democrat startup btw.

lol graduate student yea right. name how many people own land that the border goes through. the number is 0 . wow u either fake or our education system more broken than we though.

well if obama can spent 2 blillion on a healtcare web page i quess building such wall isnt problem

Talking about broken education, a quick 4.5 second google search would have helped you from looking like a retard.

lul these guys only reply about the wall and not the trade agreement facts. also he is right about the wall btw, many texan and arizonan farmers have land right where its supposed to go throug