There is this girl I have a huge crush on and it's been 5 years now

There is this girl I have a huge crush on and it's been 5 years now.
I like to creep on her facebook from time to time, and today I searched her name to see how she was doing. I found out she has a photobucket, but it is set to private.
Is there any program that will brute-force search all the possible link combinations that might find her private pictures? I am hoping if i get into her pictures, ill find a few nudes.

dump a picture of her and let us see if its worth the time?

bump for bro


so you arent interrested enough in this, to post a normal picture of her, or give us ANY info so we could maybe actually crack this?


I have the tools to do this, OP

But anyone who has the tools is going to need more info

will OP deliver?

Might be a reason to get into kali linux

give me the tools, i like to catch my own fish

heh someone dont wanna share xD oh well, RIP OP


come on, someone has to know

I made a Java program that had similar functionality. It would generate numbers and characters sequentially and see if the link worked. Depending on your internet connection it can absolutely take forever. Can post snippet if interested

Amber Blank before anyone asks.

if you give me a base link and an example I can probably make a quick code

I could do it, dump a face pic for motivation.


Gimme a minute

Almost ready

Sorrry, I never did finish the java code but i have python code that just would see if a website existed and I'm sure this could adapted to use in the case. pastebin: /c4zikWbP

If OP the fag wants help, he needs to provide some incentive, at least.