Could it be that all those third world countries are just unable to build a modern democracy even with our first world...

Could it be that all those third world countries are just unable to build a modern democracy even with our first world help?

Why the fuck were all germanic, romanian and eastern europe countries like sweden, netherlands, france, britian, germany etc. able to build a democracy with decent laws, minimal crime, decent loans for standard jobs and a somewhat stable currency (ignoring brexit) while those niggers from africa, radical muslims from pakistan etc. are fucking struggling to keep themselves from killing people for silly reasons like religion, money etc.

Most of you can probably smell the racism by now but could it fucking be that behaviour, intelligence, loyality and all that stuff is based on your gens?
Like, lots of these third world countries have fucking huge amounts of oil which could rocket boost their country to a modern civilisation but yet, they are still unable to get their fucking useless religion out of the way and just keep on killing their own people.

Are third worlders simply retarted pieces of shit who do nothing but harm to other people? Are first worlders simply, smarter?

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Non-whites are dumb as fuck.

Yes. Question answered.

They do look the most like animals, so do not expect much from them


All the current first world countries had to work their way through civil revolutions and the industrial revolution themselves, and the current third world countries didn't go through that. It's like giving a poor man the lottery, chances are good he's gonna blow all that money on useless shit, because he doesn't know how to handle it


"There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so"
James Watson, Co-discoverer of the structure of DNA

Has a lot to do with natural resources. Places with the means to make steel can make weapons. Weapons lead to conquerors, which leads to governments.

I ran into that girl in the picture OP posted in the meatpacking district in NY. She dates will smiths son and is super fine. I literally ran into her skating haha.

The reasons people in those countries is that they dont have any kind of education so they wont advance. We even send so much shit to them they dont need to work or grow their economy, they just live off the shit we send them

why does everyone have to have a democracy?
monarchies have proven to be the most stable

>She dates will smiths son
how terruble for her

If they're brown, gun 'em down.

Their resources belong to us, culling their populations will not only mean more resources for those deserving, but also reduce greenhouse gasses and the uncivilized beasts' desire to be like 1st world nations. Because they will be dead of course.

they have all the resources man. you give a kid a million dollars, he'll never dev correctly and he will be taken advantage of.
Euros had to dig through the mud and shit to put together a working civilization.

but yeah i think the gene responsible for skin pigment must fry the brain if it's too concentrated...


Ever heard of WWI?

>germanic, romanian and eastern europe countries like sweden, netherlands, france, britian, germany

They were all mostly empires and kingdoms when they became civilizations.

Who's this sperm wyvern ?

And EU choose Donald Trump as your president....

ever heard of USA and how theyre one of the most evil countries to exist that are constantly fighting with anyone and everyone?
ever heard of Rome which was an empire and lasted for 1000 years?

The lesser races or "darkies" as the scientists would address them have had their brains fried by the sun. Explaining their obviously inferior mental capacity.

This. Who is this ejaculatory discharge juice goose?

A "third world country" has nothing to do with the economic status of a nation, you fucking idiots. First world country = aligned with NATO
Second world country = aligned with Communist Pact
Third would country = not aligned with either.

Fucking Switzerland is a third world nation.

Being this dumb is astonishing. Afghanistan and Iran are perfect examples. Both countries prior to the wars were as highly developed as DE, UK, CH etc. at that time. The reason a country falls into such a terrible state is change of the concept (Democracy is not always a good thing, Afghanistan was one of the richest countries (in total and per person) when it was a monarchy) because other countries (like the US and UK) want either rescources (Opium, Lithium) or want the geostratigical location (in the case of Afghanistan)

Doesn't matter honestly, everyone knew what I meant.

Rome and China have had wars as a constant.


don't bring your book smarts into this here racial discourse boy

I'll facking slap ye


>Discussing in a rational and intellectual manner only taking into consideration facts that are known and well established is too complicated as thus I will just talk like a 13yo black uneducated kid to show how cool I am.

The middle east is a chaotic shit hole because western diplomats and spies made it that way. Same with Africa, to this day international corporations bribe warlords for access to resources.

But fuck that, I could writeseveral books on this shit which would take way too long to explain so lets just settle on niggers gonna nig.


The inability to cultivate mass crops and livestock, corruption among government officials and with disease and faith tying for third are some of the largest reasons why poor countries haven't been able
to grow.

Lower IQ's, primitive cultures.

The sad truth is that these places can not become Democratic Republics until their culture has become sufficiently modernized, and that has to happen from within.

These places can not be ruled over by anything other than dictators. A hard, ruthless people with warring factions needs a Hussein or Gaddafi to keep things semi-orderly.

The exception was Iran; they had a democratically elected leader decades ago. Until MI6 and the CIA colluded to overthrow him in Operation Ajax, then install the Shah in exchange for favors and goodies.

Now the U.S crusades to create the same democracies they themselves overthrew, at the same time creating ISIS and strengthening the Taliban. They know where the weapons they ship end up. that quote real

>Blah blah blah white people's fault
How's undergrad?

>Discussing in a rational and intellectual bladibladibladi bladi blah

there you go again using them fancy words and that reasning bullshit we's been warning you about

What im sure you meant was: white people are superior and brown people couldnt build a pyramid if they fucking tried

>most evil countries to exist


> are constantly fighting with anyone and everyone

Someone has to keep the world in line. Welcome to Pax Americana, bitch.

If they weren't doing it, someone else would have to. Most countries don't even have to bother with any real sea force projection because the USofA will do it for them.

It's beneficial to our allies and our enemies to have safe seas.

>I am too uneducated and black to understand what this educated university student is saying as thus I will try to fool people dumber than me (who do not exist) into thinking I am right.

>writes a typical sentence for a mid-20yo educated European man
>fancy word bullshit

You are aware 12yo (specifically Americans) aren't allowed to use this website?

jesus fuck stop falling for the god damn troll how retarded are you

I mean, he's not entirely wrong there. A lot of the problems with the current middle east, Saudi Arabia in particular, can be directly traced back to British meddling during WW1.

>He clearly showed everyone how retarded I am lets say that I was trolling so people think that I was just acting dumb xDDD

> prejudice + power

This is the dumbest fucking idea. The entire race war is constructed by people too stupid to realize the ruling class would fuck the planet of the apes if it meant marrying into and keeping money in the family.

White people are the Winter people.

They had to contend with the cold and dead of Winter, which meant learning "deferred gratification", i.e the rainy day mentality. Storing crops for Winter once the agricultural age began, etc.

This is not entirely unique to Whites, but it is a contributing factor.

Asians have the highest average IQ, followed closely by whites.

The average Somalian IQ is fucking 68. Official classification is "extremely low". Low IQ correlates highly with violence and criminality.

I'm not even the same person who posted the retarded shit, but it was pretty clear that he was just trolling.

68? What the actual fuck, how are those people even able to speak.

doesn't killing them all create a huge pile of corpses that will disintegrate and release a ton of methane which is a greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than C02?

>I'm not the same guy
>IPs are visible


What do you mean, our fault? First of all, it is more evidence of our superiority; we are able to exploit, bribe and manipulate events or in the very worst case scenario erode and undermine established goverments to the extent where our nations come out on top.

What, did you think history is full of countries just holding hands and whispering sweet nothings into each others ears whilst diplomats and spies were all just gently tugging at each others cocks?

No. We are masters of our histories and we stand to gain from fucking over our neighbour's back gardens. How would europe benefit from a united middle east? Why would China or the US want africans to own their own natural resources? Why the fuck would anyone want russia to be a superpower again?

We do what we can to stay on top and we should be proud of it.

It's a shame that the CIA is just so dogshit terrible at their jobs that they fuck up so badly as they did in iran or nicaragua

Still, we know what we are doing and we should be happy that we live in countries doing the fucking and not in the countries with their asses asses up in the air and their faces down in the shit

And the CIA over throwing Iran leading to the Islamic revolution and Henry Kissinger breaking the Syrian/Egyptian/Saudi alliance to protect Israel.


Then of course Darth Soros had Hillary kill the guy via Islamic proxies. Dude was literally fucked in the ass with a bayonet before he died and she laughed about it.

But Trump is the psycho war monger.

IQ has a strong cultural component. It takes a certain society to create a person with high IQ. The capacity is wasted without the resources to support it. The language barrier makes pushing the needed cultural components to people difficult.

Ignorant people gonna nig.

Accusations of not being "black" by urban kids is a way of keeping other people down and keeping people from surpassing them, and it works by isolating their social group causing an artificial social wall, lowering IQ in poor urbanites.

You're the reason every one should hate the British

western powers keep them suppressed for economic gains.

sorry dude, these people are just that stupid

the phrase that should have given me away is "brown people couldn't build a pyramid if they fucking tried"

see, dem booksmarts aint helping you now, is they boy?

Yeah he said it. He was threatening the USD in Africa with his own gold-backed currency and interest free banks. Once he died they put the typical Rothschild style central bank in there.

.... but I'm not even brittish?

fuck man fuck this is fucking me up shit

>Implying a Republican government wouldn't have done the same thing.
Reagan was first to use Gaddafi as a scapegoat.

Then don't use whilst faggot

>probably smell the racism
I only smell a bait

Nope, I was actually being serious.

Yup. There are local fracture lines and power blocs in the region for sure, but it doesn't help how outside powers seem to stir the pot every time it reaches some sort of natural equilibrium.

There is a difference in the races of mankind.

Chihuauas are not racing dogs. You can't teach a bulldog to heard sheep.

Europeans are separated from sub-saharan Africa by tens of thousands of years of evolution. Whites and Asians needed ingenuity and team work to survive harsh post ice age climates and eventually developed agriculture to improve upon that, where Africa is very bountiful in its food supply (when not mismanaged by despots and foreign intervention).

Environment and Evolution made us very different, those that left Africa and survived developed so much more than those who stayed behind, and were quite stagnant in their evolution.

Yet, Africa was fairly well off when it was just tribal and hunter gatherers. It wasn't until colonialism that brought primitive people hundreds of years forward and expected them to integrate and co-operate that it all went to pot. Especially without the whip and gun to keep them in line.

Once the white man went home they just reverted to their primitive nature and you can see the state much of Africa is in (and for that mater, all other black countries such as Haiti).

We are different, and that's ok. forcing us together, especially mixing races is counter evolutionary, and a major step backwards, yet it is being promoted heavily - and you really have to ask yourself why.

IQ is largely immutable though.

I've noticed this shit among blacks to hate racist stereotypes against them, which of course makes sense, but then any of their fellow blacks who don't conform to that same stereotype are shunned and shamed as Uncle Toms and "house niggers".

There's this softcore SJW at work who said that Ben Carson "wants to be white so bad". I completely shut him the fuck up by explaining that his implication that Carson isn't acting black enough or "wants to be white" is inherently racist in that is assumes certain behaviors and traits are innately racial. This shit happened in front of his more hardcore SJW friends who stopped in to see him. They hate him now and they tried to hang out with me but I said no.

Exactly this. Often times money is spend on weapons rather than infrastructure.

The 2 parties are far more closely aligned than anyone "outside" knows, and far more than they'd ever let on.

My point is the inconsistency and denial on the part of the media and Killary's shills.

Well let's talk about it, user.

>First of all, it is more evidence of our superiority; we are able to exploit, bribe and manipulate events or in the very worst case scenario erode and undermine established goverments to the extent where our nations come out on top.

That's the Jews you dingus.

Maybe because european nations dominated those "third world countries" until late 19th centuries? Stripped them off their resources? Dominated in every way possible?


They elevated those nations, and when they left, they returned to their shit flinging, goat fucking and beheading.

better quality image, friend

Don't be mad that we're better than you.

I'm not mad that Asians are better than us.

aaaand forgot pic

Third world cultures emphasize only caring about yourself and your immediate family and not giving a fuck about anybody else. You grab what you can, whenever you can. Fuck others, fuck laws, fuck government.

That kind of mentality keeps them perpetually third-world. Those failed cultures unfortunately keep getting propped up by the civilized world and the UN instead of being allowed to die off naturally.



Thanks for the laugh user

>Are third worlders simply retarted pieces of shit
>who do nothing but harm to other people? Are
>first worlders simply, smarter?
why is taking so long for people to figure this out


Dirty coal burner.

>Rome 2000 yrs
>Greece 2500 yrs
that definitely happened after Jesus was born, i took history too buddy

Some cultures are much worse than others. Despite what liberals spout about saving, and doing about keeping and valuing all culture as something special, you simply have to look and see that some cultures breed misery.

White western culture is superior to many cultures (not all, but many)

East Asian culture might be only a little worse than western culture, but they are mostly peaceful people with emphasis on respect for elders, education and prevention of family shame.

It used to be common knowledge, but it become politically incorrect to say.

Now you're a racist if you don't want Somalians with an average IQ of 68...literally fucking flood Michigan by the thousands, ghettoize, insulate instead of assimilate, and create a tiny Somalia in the middle of your fucking state.

The endgame of all this is to destroy the West from inside out and silence all opposition with shaming, which is the role the SJW's serve.

Once a war does break out, this will give the governments of the West the pretext they need to enact a Police State, and these police will be an international consortium.

That, along with an engineered economic collapse to make almost everyone poor, will finally bring about what we've heard called the New World Order.

Create the crisis, offer the solution, expand power.

The kek answer: Niggers and sand niggers gonna nig.

The historical answer: Hundreds of years of rampant imperialism put the Eastern European countries in a position to succeed. They did this at the expense of most of Africa and Pacific island countries, which mostly only gained their independence in the past 100 years. The Middle East failed mainly because of Islam.

>Dirty coal burner.
[citation needed]
She is?

>rampant imperialism

Spreading civilization like rabid maniacs lol

Euro colonialism helped those places.

Once they left, they backslid into niggerdom.


Do you even read history? They didn't help them at all. Sure, they built a lot of factories. But the managers were all Eastern Europeans, and they only stayed until they ran out of natural resources or found cheaper labor elsewhere. They only taught the natives just enough to do the labor and pretty much nothing else.

i did not know this.

Cool story bro, but you missed the bit about the long history of great mathematical minds from the Middle East. Im not even a sand people

Jaden Smith is in one of the latest David Blaine shows.

(the whole will smith clan)

The Middle East was pretty awesome until they adopted a much more conservative backwards ideology of Islam.

My dad's gf's daughter is her best friend. Modeling friend group. I met her but i didn't meet jaden smith. She's hella fine.

>long history of great mathematical minds from the Middle East

That ended in the year 1100, when they learned how to be better muslims and denounced mathematics and numbers as work of the devil.

[this is not a joke]

Every region has its geniuses.

We're talking about the big picture, the aggregate, the average.

>asians are shorter on average



True story.

Islam ruined everything for them. The only reason the Middle East has ANY money at all now is because of the demand for oil.

>Middle East was pretty awesome until they adopted a much more conservative backwards ideology

They were doing great things in math, medicine, science astronomy while Europe was busy disemboweling each other over their religious matters.

My how things have flipped