anyone who disagrees is trolling.

I've been suggesting this for YEARS to fix elo hell:

>still playing lol
>complains about elo hell
>implying the game isnt won at champ select
>implying this guy has downies

elo hell doesn't exist. it's not a ladder, you find your skill and you either get better or stay there. you've just found your peak. admit there will be people better than you

it isnt, some people just have bad games, then its your job as a team member to try help in the best way you can. Sometimes you cant do anything. And shit just happens. But if you remain a little cunt in team chat, then you wont get anywhere. So you self create elo hell by being a little faggot.

Ever thought that you just might suck ass ?

Maybe dont play fucking master yi on soloQ and take a few hours to learn how to play just one hypercarry

Idk man, whenever I play solo ranked I get at least one autistic team mate but I almost always manage to stay with a good K/D/A and I advance, I got from bronze I to Gold last season, could have tried to advance more but I played ranked just for the free skin anyway

I admit that there are people worse than me

on my team

and thats the problem

Elo hell only existed during season one where the highest rank was Platinum.
>proof, I've played Shaco since beta and he's been trash for years and I can boost friends to plat from bronze in two weeks.

that proves nothing jackass

it just means your skill disparity is so wide that you can solo carry

You shouldnt have to be platinum skill or higher JUST TO LEAVE BRONZE

Your team comp is dependant on Ali landing his CC. Odds are at that level he is too busy emptying the dribble tray on his keyboard to manage that.

Pick a jungle to support your team as opposed to being Mr Yi the ham hero. Moakai, Nautilus, Rammus or Malphite would have been solid choices to start a fight and easy to play.

If you land a decent opener then it's up to the others to spergerage in, if they fuck that up there no helping you tbh.

>Ranked Solo/Duo
Nice try faggot.

>Blaming your teammates instead of focusing on what you can improve

classic bronze

You mustn't understand the meaning of Elo hell then. Elo hell implies that even if you are a good player you could get stuck in a lower bracket because the rating system pairs you up with people that have radically different skill levels. This isn't the case and I just proved that. If you're skilled enough you can carry any team out of any elo.

The biggest problem I see with all my low Elo friends is that they can't close out a game. They could do work in their lane but completely lose the ability to team fight late game or get picks.

>you shouldn't have to be a play to leave bronze

You dont. You have o play like a silver to leave bronze. I'm a S2 support main and I know why I'm still silver. I know platinum-diamond support mains that can carry the fuck out of matches.

Want to climb? Stop crying, whining, and blaming your teammates for a match YOU lost.

>225 games on shaco alone to get to plat 5

learn to carry harder and snowball your team, take tp on toplane and keep an eye on your botlane and see if you can pick up some kills

blaming op and ignoring the four feeders he is queue'd with

classic Sup Forums shitmaster

lol you are fucking retarded

it IS the case and my YEARS OF SCREENSHOTS prove the obvious skill disparity

also the lp gain/loss is fucked and doesnt reward/punish individual performance

i've said this for years, you must be new here

So what about the enemy players that carry feeders? You are losing to bronze players and saying you're better than bronze players. The enemies have to carry feeders as well.

>plays these champs and wonders why he cant climb ladder
You seem like the typical bronze toplane who just sits there farming and killing their top 24/7 when you should be tp-ing places/pushing.

KDA isn't so important in the grand scheme of things. Pushing towers, decision making, engaging at the right time, grouping at the right time, objectives... Any newbie can have a good kda every game just by not taking any risks, but to actually win games and climb you're gonna have to be taking some risks as well as focusing more on objectives & victory than your kda.

And to add to my post here, I've seen you on this board for years zaphkiel, to the point where you've become a meme.

Anyway stop spending so much energy on posting on Sup Forums and use that energy to research ways you can improve at the game instead. It's an objective truth that a good player wouldn't be stuck in bronze 5. You must be doing something wrong. Hell if we all got perfect teams every game we'd climb to challenger with ease. It ain't like that. If [You + 4 bronzes] vs. [5 bronzes] = loss more often than win, then you can't blame your team all the time, statistically. People on both teams are always gonna make mistakes. Stop getting so tilted by your team and just focusing on winning games.

all you did was make my point


and as i've said my skill disparity shouldnt have to be plat to leave bronze

i shouldnt have to be able to single handedly roll a fed enemy team to climb

Yes you should. Other people do it that is why they're not bronze, because they're better than you.

>league of legends

Just play a role you can really carry with

>ashe support
>tryndamere jungle
> exhaust/ignite garen
> why am i still stuck in bronze you guys!
because you play shitty things.
dont try and think you're special or elite by playing that garbage, there's a reason it's not being played.

I have never been in bronze, after my placements i got placed in silver 4 or 5 i dont remember.

>trying to carry with yi
how bronze are you op?

Got gold playing broken metachamps its not really hard. Just don flame and just mute everyone

other question here:
I want to get bronze but i am too good to lose my placements 100% and don't want to feed when i have nice people on my team.
is there a "nice" way to get to bronze without punishing undeserving people?

it doesnt matter what i play because i play better than these motherfuckers

therefore i should move up, im probably just high silver, but im not one of these bronze fucking feeders

this ranked system is broken as fuck and no one wants to admit that there are some people in bronze that dont belong there

because it inversely implies that there are some people who dont deserve their higher ranks

anyone who disagrees is trolling

Play Only Evelyn, get protobelt= Win
Steal all kills and take as much farm as you can without making your team rage

you are the problem, you are everything that is wrong with elo hell

Takes a jungle with 0 crowd control and lanes got wrecked by that kayle.

> complains about elo hell
> still plays master yi jungle

you are in elo hell because you deserve to be there

dude your farm is 86 at 31 minutes and you have 3 assits, you are the ello hell.

Elo hell exists. Especially in lol and overwatch. There are people who are at your rank who shouldn't be that take you down with them. The game uses complicated algorithms to fuck people.

Just yesterday I climbed almost 600 points and had a huge win streak in overwatch before blizzard servers kicked me and forced me to take a loss, matches have since been matchmaking hell and it only reminded me of my time playing lol

Got me from S4 to S1 so it works

>complaining about bronze
get bent. I'm a mid-silver shitter and even I know you have to IMPROVE at the game to climb. learning how to carry is part of the game.

^ This guy fucking understands.

The longer you whine and bitch about "M-M-Muh team!!" the longer you'll stay in bronze.

The second OP stops blaming others for the things they've done and the second you realize that if YOU want to win matches then YOU have to play well and YOU have to carry is when you start to win games.

Want to cry, complain, and then post matches where you only broke a 2.0 KDA and then bitch about how "bad muh team was"? Fine.

Enjoy bronze OP, that's right where you belong.

op makes me kek every time he creates these threads. keep playing teemo, keep blaming tem

you actually just need silver skill to leave bronze. it might take you 300 games, but if you are truely silver you will get to silver

I get it if you were in silver 5 and posted this but bronze 5 and you got exhaust on yi... lmao fucking give up on life

Main one champ
Farm Better
Git Gud

No lie I think I've actually played with you before in a norms, I'm a support main.

Tips to climb OP:
1. Bronze is cancer, /mute all when the match starts
2. Disable all chat if you dont want to /mute all
3. Focus on farming
4. Use your fucking minimap
5. Use you fucking wards
6. Dont be an hero and do some "insane next-level" play that you probably wont pull off
7. Play like a bitch
8. One-trick-pony ONE OR TWO CHAMPIONS. Have a SOLID pick for 1-2 champs of your primary role and 1-2 that you can play decently well for your secodary.

Follow the tips above you will get out of bronze. Just keep putting in match after match of any champ with really good carry potential and you will climb, eventually.

sb one euw needs a free boost?

When I still played LoL I went from Bronze 5 to Diamond 5 in 2 seasons? You're just bad.

its because they only rate you based off of whether or not you won or lost.

thats like rating Kobe Bryant as silver, because he couldnt bring Lakers to championship.

thats like saying, "oh one of your teammates fed 10 kills while laning, and your jg just afk farmed and you guys lost? you went 15/2, got a triple kill and pushed lanes to take down 3 turrets? well youre just as bad as they are haha heres your minus 20 LP"

happens even in platinum. anything bellow diamond 4 is retardhell

no user looks like u suck

i went from lvl 1 never played league before to dia3 in one season just by playing with a head

Probably, what's your IGN? I don't play too much anymore. This preseason is ass.

Yeah some people are more talented than others, but it just proves elo hell doesn't exist. You are either good enough to carry or you aren't.

>27:12 minute game
>113 farm
naaah, you're as trash as the rest.

Elo Hell? belive me...this is nothing. Come to the low Dia ranks where all the boosted faggots are. Fun. I tell you. Pure fun.

M00 Cow, I used to be a one-trick-pony alistar main for a good while. I got placed at Silver II but never played ranked after. I play with plats/diamonds fairly frequently in norms though; I can't really remember which account I played with you on though since I had like 3-5 permas before this accnt.

If you think ELO hell is real, just create a new account. Why do you torture yourself?

A man of your CALIBER should be in plat stat if you just take the trouble to go through leveling to 30 and doing placements.

Yeah, I dont recognize that name. And 3-5 permas? What the fuck bro? Lmao

>still playing League of Legends
>playing Master Yi in the first place

>letting Kayle camp bot
>5 deaths as the scrubbiest easiest character to play
No john, YOU are the ELO hell.

I know how you feel mate, I've had a few ranked games where I literally want to kill myself because my team is fucking up so bad. Raging and complaining about "elo hell" won't solve anything. Learn to carry harder or stay trash.

I just came by to remind everybody that LoL is a game made for fags and underage fags. Please kill yourself OP and other anons.

Before I learned how to /mute all I use to be really similar to OP. Especially as a support main I would continually blame and whine about how poorly my team-mates did, and climbing from lvl 1 to 30 is a pain in the ass.

Finally just got sick of the bans and stopped being a smartass. Decided it wasn't worth it to be passive-aggressive and just /mute all'd every match, now I'm playing with plats/diamonds in norms on a regular basis. It's so nice to have team-mates that actually know what they're doing.

to be fair, i played a lot and played only 1 champ

What differentiate a silver and a gold is basicly how good you can farm, above that is how good you can deny your enemy farm and not die.
Farming is like the most basic shit. You have shit farm aka you are shit.

Stop playing piss easy picks, they're always easy as fuck to counter. Try Azir or Viktor. Something that has horseshit type damage but requires more than pushing R to win a teamfight.

im shit and i have just recently got into playing ranked but you are really shit. the fuck is your farm ??

I only used /muteall if I got really tilted. Believe me, there are still plats that got there from pure dumb luck. But like I said, I don't play anymore. Haven't played in 5 days, and those 5 days of being cancer free have been the best.

fucking scrubs, if you were a good player, you'd be able to get out of bronze in 3 days. Don't blame "Elo hell"

Players like you are shart, you never learn even after playing thousands of games. Then you go and blame others. It's you, you're the problem! YOU suck, not everyone else. They're all pig shart at LoL, just like you.

So much this, I could play any champion with any team and get out of bronze in 2 days max

Yfucking this, no brain OP

holy fuck are you me, one trick shaco mains are so rare

It is true that some people MIGHT NOT reach their peak rank but it's also true that if you're done improving then it really doesn't even matter if you're not up 1-3 ranks. The only real way to actually be shown that ELO hell doesn't exist is we can make an account and tank it to B5 and i'll gladly play the account up and show you that it's possible to move up without too much of a struggle. Sure you'll get feeders, afk players and trolls but it doesn't mean that it's impossible to move up.

Elohell doesn't exist.
If you arn't able to carry your team solo you are in the perfect elo.
Stop crying.
Accept it.

cowsep uses exhaust jackass

korea rest of the world

If you win your lane then you need to use your lead to snowball other lanes. Don't just sit in your lane killing the guy over and over again, roam. TAKE OBJECTIVES.

If you're on a split pushing champ then pay attention to your teams movement before you split, ping them and tell them what to do, take charge. Make them send 3 people to stop you so your team can control the other half of the map and safely take objectives.

Lead these retards into victory.

>Being a one trick makes you good

It makes you a hell of a lot better than someone who considers themselves "the best at everything" and, in reality, is absolute garbage/average at a majority of the champs.

Or you could not be autistic and main one role.

whats your point?

if anything it was harder for him in korea so its even more viable

and exhaust is op as fuck for the damage reduction

you must be bronze for real

holy shit just quit man

>I'm just mad because I get smashed by one-trick-ponies every other match

Yep. I feel you. I was like that once, and then i realized that it's a hell of a lot easier to climb when you fully understand the champ you're playing and how to play against your opponent. Trying to learn every champs abilities to an extreme extent AND learning how to play against every potential opponent is a pain in the ass. It's not autistic when you climb twice as fast because you're playing a champ where you know what the fuck you're doing instead of just randomly selecting shit when you feel like playing them.

Solution proposed in video would even make things worse for everybody. Current system requires you to be diverse. By proposed system you would have bunch of players who only know how to play single role.

>arguing with a bronzie

dont need to be a one trick pony to go far, I have two d5 accounts.one of the best ways to improve is to main a role and play up to 5 or 6 champs of that role giving you options for lane matchups and team comps

forgot img

idiot that makes you a fucking feeder when you dont get your role

chill bruh, obviously you have a secondary role with the same kinda setup you're just not as good at them. in this circumstance you play safe and let whoever has your main role try to carry you.

league is only good for finding vagina

Anyone stuck below gold is shit tier and will never understand how the game works. End of story.

You have 83 cs at 31 minutes. you play master yi. let me guess, you think you can let your team 4v5 for 20 minutes and solo carry ? fuckin trash stay in bronze. getting to gold was easy for me and i didnt even one trick, i played like 15 different champs and every role. just dont suck loser

>ITT new fags doesnt know about op
top kek, fucking summer is all over

>playing league

didn't you fags get the memo years ago about dota 2?

That works if you have ALOT of time on your hands. The only way you'll climb ELO is if you put time into League, you'll just climb alot faster if you one-trick-pony your way up.

I was like you OP

Until I played Malphite mid

No fucking jokes, just try it. Malphite full AP made me destroy gold players.

>implying people only play one fucking video game

I've played imba2 since beta, its garbage, league was made by dota devs to make a better moba, get over it

i find i can play whatever i want until plat and then i have to start playing what i know

And league did make a better moba, but it is still shit tier along with mobas in general.