Sup Forums, i just took 16 coricidin cough and cold...

Sup Forums, i just took 16 coricidin cough and cold. does that mean im a baser now or just someone who enjoys to trip on dxm?

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i have been on a 5 day trip.. i never take 16 thats to much.. i take 8 and then smoke a bowl a hour later

most i took of ccc was 36 but that was when I had a tolerance

You're about to have a good fucking time. Buckle up

yeah when i had a super tolerance i took 3 boxes went into oblivion and though i was going to have a heart attack

op here. hope so. got bored so i took another four im at 20 now. im experienced so i thought why not

Doesn't coricidin contain some other stuff like paracetamol? Heard that people die cause it's a fatal mix. Here in Poland I trip on tussidex,pure hbr dxm in gel caps. 30mg per one,15 of them in one pack.

OP u smoke weed while tripping?

holy shit 32? makes you trip for couple days. had experience like that before

Sigma man,sigma...

in florida, usa we have robitussion jell caps, which are basically that, but 20, 15mg dxm in a bottle. theyre just harder to take because its so many.

ur just tryna get high just like me nothin wrong wit that

Base is cocaine

dude u dont even know lol i was tripping everyday for 2 years straight my gma was rich so i had a shit ton of do w/e u want money.. so i stayed tripping all day everyday.. i felt like i was stuck in a glitch

We have acodin here too,thats little pills,15 mg per one pill. It used to be in a pack of 30,they sell it with the same price in packs of 10 now tho lol.

Op here. most in mg i have ever taken was 2100mg and I would never do it again. It made such a evil vibe with an intense trip. was through robitussin gel caps

Man that's fucked up. When i was trippin 3 days in a row I felt disconnected and like I was in a bubble with only 2 of my friends who were trippin with me. We felt like we got seperate from the whole world,like us in a bubble and the whole world was meaningless. Only us in this bubble and the 'outside' world.

yep. DXM is a dissociative

Coricidins typically make you vomit
if you like DXM either find a better method to ingest is or move on to MXE/ketamine and enjoy the better trips

>does that mean im a baser
No it means you're a loser like the rest of us here

anyone ever mix high doses with marijuana? how was your hallucinations. the one i love to tell the most is I saw mario from the game hop around my living room while i was in a daze.

Exactly,that's why I love it. I emphasized on the bubble thing cause it's the best way to describe it for me.

I've never heard of MXE, what is that from your experience?

I like it but after tripping for so long it kind of gives me an "alone" feeling and I just need to get out of it

its kinda similar to ketamine
on DXM / ketamine both kinda give a numbness while high

mxe feels closer to ketamine except warm instead of numb, visuals are about the same to

Man. Guys, i feel it coming on. took twenty so far. wish me luck

I played minecraft with two of my buddies in our minds,laying on a bed while the third friend played cs on a pc at the desk. He was kinda trip sitting. He listened to us and wondered what the fuck are we doing,we were literally connected to a server together and saw everything we were doing,together. Best part,the ts,just for shit and giggles,said that internet got cut out and we all saw the splash that u get when u get disconnected from a server
True story.

sounds like such a good time lmao

Fuck man,exactly. That feeling is connected to pure fear for me. Dunno how to describe it better.

Op,listen to this while tripping. I guarantee it's fucking crazy how this piece gives a dxm feel.

i will

Well honestly ive smoked crack and ive taken tripple cs theres not too big of a diff between the two