I read this meme a couple of weeks ago. It was something about choosing to love...

I read this meme a couple of weeks ago. It was something about choosing to love. It startd me thinking; is love volentary or involuntary? My thesis is that it can be either but for the majority of women it is a voluntary choice and for the majority of men it is involuntary. Thoughts? If you are female please say so and post your tits.

>I have made women to love me against their will
>I have chosen to love or stop loving women

your theory is shithouse m8

Stop reading right wing bull shit science and constantly sticking your dick in microwaves

You're, like, actually retarded. A meme startd me thinking. If that's right wing bullshit science, god help your dumb ass.

>A mem startd me thinking

Yeah. It was some touchy feely shit that girls post in facebook. I got angry when I read it and thought it was the biggest bulkshit. I started thinking about whether my love for other people was voluntary or involuntary. And vice versa. I've been thinking about it for two weeks. It was something about "choosing" to love. I don't think I've ever "choose" to love someone. Everytime I've ever really loved someone it's been family, or I've fallen in love. I don't know that I choose them. Or is my falling in love with that person a choice?

So where does the conclusion come from that it is voluntary for women?

My relationships with women make me think that they are doing the choosing. Also thinking that women are largely status obsessed. That they will choose their mate based on status. They will choose who they love.

I find your entire premise flawed, love for the majority of people is an emotional and hormonal response, this could be broken down into logical steps for basically everyone. Hence, if it is a logical reaction, it means that a person is logical and brakes down each step into logical subdivisions. I have found that this behavior is a lot more common among males, but more than that, you are stating a premise without offering any type of basis, impact or any type of evidence

and do you not "chose" your partners, based on when you meet a female, while you are lonely, looks and general enjoyment?

I got married to the first person I ever loved romantically, and while you do have a gravitation towards some people I believe that you choose how you love them.
I love people in general, they are fascinating and it's always a thrill learning about a new person, what makes them sad, what makes them smile.
But you have to choose your partner every day, and you have to choose to sort your love for other people into a platonic feeling.
I'm femanon but don't have a time stamp for tits at the moment.

Not him but probably something along the lines of "I've had bad luck with women, therefore all women are bad" or "I've mostly read about men complaining about being cheated on, therefore all women are cheaters".

Although, in defense of accidently falling prey to that line of thinking, most people that have had good relationship experiences don't really have cause to talk about it. So people end up looking at a skewed sample on the internet and being misled.

Fuck you nigga. You ain't smart. Answer the question instead of calling me out. It seems as if you think it's love is a choice because you think it's broken down into "logical steps". But then you say it's a hormonal response. Is it both? Is it a chicken and the egg question?

Im saying it is hormonal, but you can brake the hormonal steps down logically, hence logical analysis determines whether it is a choice or just kind of happened

(I also made no claims of intelligence, mine or yours, I believe I explained my point of view to a fair extent, I assumed you wished rational discourse, but I seem to have been mistaken)

Valid point. So you think it is the same for men and women? That men and women both choose love? Is it equal, do you think?

I'm curious to your opinion. But you still haven't answered the question. So you think that love is involuntary? If it is hormonal response than there is no choice?

Nah. I've had good and bad experiences. It's just this thought that got stuck in my head. The more I think about it the more confused I get.

I guess it doesn't even matter whether love is a hormonal reaponse or anchiice for the best mate and then the hormones come second. I guess it is a chicken and the egg problem that varies from person to person with no set pattern.

So love was involuntary? You fell in love and now you choose to stay in love?

(it is basically the same answer)
essentially love (ltr material) is a completely involuntary process, which goes in layer after layer of synapses in your brain to be layed out. This is almost completely involuntary by nature, but the process of how it is formed and who you chose to spend your time with and in which way you do is mostly rational. hence for both genders it is equally a choice and not a choice at the same time.

Love in general is involuntary, I love most of the people in my life.
But you have to have some sort of awareness of what kind of love you feel.
I've only ever felt romantic love for him, but I also choose to sort my love for anyone else into a platonic love.
As for romantic love, I think it's initially involuntary, but after a certain amount of time you have to choose to love them instead of getting bogged down by the things that annoy you.

Different guy here. Think of it this way. Do you like everybody? No, you don't. Why do you not like everyone? Some people have traits that cause negative feelings in yourself. How does one develop feelings of love? Are there certain criteria for you personally to fall in love? Yes, like the other person must be at least somewhat physically attractive to you and their personality must be at least tolerable. That is enough to perhaps date. To foster feelings of love, they need to be someone you can tolerate being in close proximity to constantly, that you enjoy being in close proximity, and that you would be able to be in close proximity for a long time. It is also important that they don't violate your trust much.

All this is the basic minimum for humans to experience feelings of love rather than just infatuation. The idea of choosing to love is misleading. You either choose to reject or embrace the feelings. That decision is just the result of your personality. Personality doesn't hinge drastically on whether or not you have a gaping axe wound between your legs.

Therefore, I conclude that your question was flawed in the first place and that there isn't a drastic difference between men and women when falling in love and choice in the matter is also not dependent on gender.

Oh, last thing. You generally shouldn't build beliefs about humans based on your experiences because we often end up only viewing a subset that doesn't accurately represent all humans.