Does anybody have some solid advice on how to keep porn separated from the rest of your computer?

does anybody have some solid advice on how to keep porn separated from the rest of your computer?

i recently reinstalled my operating system, and i'm wondering about a good way to view porn without having to be worried about my computer saving any information whatsoever. programs tend to save the most recently viewed file names, downloads, or images. if you open up a file in vlc, it'll remember the most recent file.


any suggestions?

You could use a VM for your porn. Something like VMWare or Hyper V if you're using a recent Windows

>download crunchbang
>install on thumb drive
>live boot for porn

i was thinking about that too actually. i was considering installing a fresh os on an older hard drive and then just booting up from that one every time i wanted to watch porn. that would also allow me to download files if i wanted to and keep all my content totally separated.

would a vm os be independent from the rest of the computer though?

is crunchbag pretty light? never heard of it until now. is the functionality still the same as any other os for being able to browse the net?

also, have you heard of tails? any thoughts about it?

I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure it creates a virtual hark disk file where it stores all your data. Don't know if they use any encryption but unless someone knows you have a VM and are intent on finding whatever is on it you'll be safe.

You shouldn't even need a separate hard drive unless you needed one for extra space

good point. i just don't want to unnecessarily overload my computer if i can avoid it. but it might be a good way to go about it though. thanks!

Make a partition and change the icon to a floppy drive then pw protect it

Just dont make the size to big

>109 TB floppy

Yeah kinda does matter in my case because no one can crack my layers of security.

not a bad idea. i suppose as long as you pw protect it and don't call it 'porn stash,' you should be fine.

many programs will have option to not remember recent files, so check for that (I know Mediaplayer Classic has this option, VLC should too)
also in Windows explorer options, uncheck "show recently/frequently used files in Quick Access" and hit the clear button if anything is currently showing

then best thing to keep it separated from all else is create a separate drive or partition and pw protect it like other user said, or encrypt it if you have a program similar to TrueCrypt (otherwise any common Linux distro will have option to encrypt a partition natively w/o having to install separate program)

I made a hidden folder in my videos directory titled 'porn'. The only way any layman can access or even see it is to use the search bar in the videos directory and type out the folder name (porn) and it all shows up.

Precisely as long as you stay around 40 gigs you should be fine and itll get over looked

Also use a browser you don't usually use - if you use Chrome, surf porn with firefox

My other method is making so many partition like i did on my secondary computer behind my tv this way there's so many files to sort through and your files with be pw protected and itll be like a maze to fine your sacred media

You got a good point use something like opera...wait nvm use internet explorer no one fucking uses ie

yeah - and search with Bing !

This guy gets it

why bing?

Do you use bing


Move out of your parents house

Point proven