Feminists deliberately walk into men. Act all surprise when they collide

Feminists deliberately walk into men. Act all surprise when they collide.

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Wait a sec, I always move out of the way first, am I a woman?

I'm confused. According to feminists, who is expected to yield?


>Feminists deliberately walk into men.
This only applies if they're altering their pace to collide with the men while the men are trying to avoid a collision.

Otherwise they're just walking on a straight path, the same as the men.

Men. Women>Men. It's 2016.

>decides not to move out of the way for men
>sometimes runs into men

Okay, so? Sure, 28 seems like a lot, but how many men has this woman walked towards? And how is this a masculine thing? She'd probably be running into women too if she didn't decide to only do this with men.

I'll chicken-race anybody, I don't care what gender they are.
Typical feminist logic; take a non-gendered issue and present it as a female issue.

Isn't that progress?

bruh i will bulldoze a bitch say my bad and keep walking. fuck your sheepish protest

I'm a big guy so I always have to move for everybody. Except on shopping days then it's no holds bard

seems like only closet autists wouldnt move

i've noticed that lots of retards do this these days. i'm 39 and going to a big university. i spent 4+ years at community college with tons of people but somehow, they never made this happen. at big university there are fucking rejects from OTHER STATES and these shitheads QUITE OFTEN want to walk side by side and _I_ have to fucking get out of their way. i just shake my head internally because never in my life in tucson, arizona have i run into (pun almost intended) shitheads like this.

the moral is that if you come to MY sweet little city, WE have courtesy. anywhere else, they seem like blind retarded fuckheads. have fun out there.

since this was a feminist thread:



>assuming they identify as men

Cis scum.

Heh, I'm pretty sure if the average guy walked without moving to accommodate traffic he'd probably walk into a few dozen people also.

i'd grab by the pussy

This. The experiment is shite because she's not including totals. This is what happens when people fail science and decide to go into gender studies.

there is no right of passage rule between pedestrians, but if you wanna be a faggot about it, there is one for boats
the smallest and therefore easier to maneuver is the one that needs to get the fuck out of the way
its simple common sense, who have bigger chance of getting hurt if you wanna collide head 1st ?
the one most afraid of the consequences move 1st

I'm confused as to what this is suppose to mean. Can someone explain? Is the experiment meant to highlight that men are sexist and refuse to move out the way of an approaching women? Really? Surely there are better ways to highlight sexism within society; this just seems childish.

I don't get out of the way for people that do this, unless it's going to hurt. They usually move at the last second.

Not just because she's not including totals, but because she's only testing one group and then acting like the fact that that group is the only one with results means anything.

I just move out of the way as if I was a motorcycle weaving through traffic.

tell her to try it on trains...

Her "experiment" is full of problems, I was just pointing out that the glaringly obvious one was that she was only including the data that confirms her bias. She also lacks any controls, has no hypothesis, etc. All she's proving is that she's a bitch.

its got nothing to do with sex its a societal expectation for people to have the courtesy to move out the way of eachother otherwise you would just get a bunch of people bumping into eachother like tards


>Typical feminist logic; take a non-gendered issue and present it as a female issue.
probably not but thats because men aren't passive little bitches.


Look it the only way they can get someone to touch them

awww yeaaaa

Maybe the fact that this bitch sounds like a rude cunt has something to do with it? It's all in the body language. 9 out of 10 times I'll move out the way of an approaching person. That's because I'm polite. However, if the person approaching me looks like a rude cunt I'll put on my death stare and refuse to budge at all.

Dont be a retard
Either they are lying or they are colliding on purpose just to say it happened

Right? Its like if cars didnt yield to each other there would be more crashes

>doh doy

Also 28 out of how many?

She's also drawing a really bizarre conclusion that men are willing to collide with people to assert dominance (muh patriarchy - it's like some conspiracy shit), instead of the much more logical assumption that people simply aren't expecting someone to bee-line into a direct collision course with them and make no attempts to slow down or turn.

That's not really funny and really just goes to show why feminism is still needed. I too use to hate feminism, then I turned 15.

Best way to barge is simply look past people, if it seems like you haven't noticed someone they'll move, unless it's the tard in OP's picture.

Fuck, I've seen this. Didn't realise it was a feminism thing, thought it was just an unwarranted sense of superiority...man, I should've caught on sooner.

Anyway, I see it coming a million miles away now. What I do is walk straight towards them, watch them brace for impact and then last moment step out of the way. It's hilarious watching them tumble and try to recover.

the experiment should include walking into other women, and then tallying up the number of times that led to wild lesbian sex

I just stop walking dead in front of them, they are forced to walk around.

And thought by agreeing with them you might get laid, bad news.

>Either they are lying

Or telling the truth.

If a bitch did this to me, I'd lean into it and knock her on her sorry ass. Then I'd politely smile and say, "oops,my bad, didn't see ya there", and keep walking.

he forgot to say that she's a bit on the fat side, so that collision is somewhat elastic (and unavoidable)

now that I know girls do this, I'll just whip my dick out when I see one attempting to bump me in the name of feminism

Really? I used to be for feminism, then it turned 2012

>walk into people
>straight into people
>'''wow its so weird gurlz XD''

Srly 1st country men has lost the touch of how to deal with women. You have lost the art of putting a bitch in her place. No wonder why so many cuck and trap memes bloat your culture.

As a fat man I can say that most young-middle aged women still do not seem to move out of my way. Older women do tend to give some way and men usually do the I give half you give half should twist.

I've also noticed that children seem to almost always walk right into me as well since they never seem to be paying attention to what is going on around them.

Perhaps there is a trend here.

>instead of the much more logical assumption that people simply aren't expecting someone to bee-line into a direct collision course with them and make no attempts to slow down or turn.

Shes actually saying that this expectation is a result of male privilege.

>People will simply move out of my way because I'm a man. I don't need to pay attention or move out of the way myself.

10/10 argumentation. nice.

I always move half a person to the side. When the other person does the same, we don't collide. Otherwise we'll crash.

and then you posted this

Too bad we're not boats.

People always move out of my way, unless I'm in a shitty ghetto neighbourhood.

And then you'll turn 18 and realize that modern feminism is a fucking joke.

the common sense part still applies

Right, but that's retarded, and she'd be running into just as many women. It's not a gender issue, it's a 'person acting irrational in a public space causing awkward situations' issue. People don't expect others to charge directly into them without breaking stride. Hell, some of those 28 men probably TRIED moving out of the way, but weren't able to in time because usually both people are stepping aside.

boats are piloted by people
people that are moving on a common space
the boating rules were made by people
>it follows.

If they are looking around, they take notice of him, make a direct path towards him, and fail to alter that path, then that's intentionally walking AT the men.

Ignoring the fact that this "experiment" doesn't follow the scientific method (no controls, no hypothesis, no statistical analysis... we don't even know what that 28 is OUT OF) consider this from the viewpoint of the men:

They're thinking about their day at work, or their wife, or dinner, or their dog,... they aren't looking at this girl and thinking "I'm so going to walk into her". Instead of being preoccupied with strange fantasies about bumping into strangers they're living normal lives in their heads. They take brief notice of the woman while barely paying attention, slightly alter their path to one side and adjust their body language to indicate their intention unconsciously, and keep going expecting that she'll read their subtle cues and the two of them will work together to avoid a confrontation

Instead of working together, feminists expect men to do all the work and leap violently out of the way while paying attention to every woman in the area to look out for possible collisions

Nothing to do with being a man and everything to do with being an asshole, worst people in traffic, asians. It baffles me how people who originate from densely populated countries can't figure out how to navigate traffic in western ones. Nearly every time I'm sidling past someone blocking a shopping isle, it'll be an asian chick with her trolley obscuring the lane.

>Be tall, broad shouldered, and fat
>Still try to move out of the way of people and be polite

It's really not that hard.

Walk into me, and I'll show you what happens.

They should try this with walls to see if walls are sexist.

ITT: women who secretly want to be brutalized by men

ITT: there are no women on the interweb

ITT: idiot talking trash

i like turtles

Whenever I am going straight for someone, I usually just twist my shoulders and step slightly to the side. It shows them which way you are going and they usually mirror it. I find that when I don't do this and just walk straight I always have to do that stupid fucking dance where me and the other guy both keep trying to move out of the way at the same time and only keep getting in each others way. Can't say I'm surprised she walked into all these guys. If she was really walking in a straight line without indicating her path or even stopping when collision would happen, she would run into a bunch of people. Stupid cunt. I hope somebody checks her ass and puts her on the ground.

Feministas unite!

They might be a boat-kin, and obviously massive due to their mental illness.

I think you've summed it up, a slight twist of the shoulders indicates which side you're going to pass on

But didn't you hear, user? She ran into 28 men, but 0 women. How could it not be a masculine trait?

>the common sense part still applies

No it doesn't.

It really doesn't.

Boats are heavy vehicles floating on water. Momentum doesn't act on them in the same way it does on two people walking down a street. In that case it makes sense for the smaller boat to just scoot on out of the way.

In the case of humans both people most likely have the same or at least comparable amounts of mobility.

Is this you OP?

i identify myself as a brigantine, you republican white male cis scum

>and she'd be running into just as many women

Considering the assumption that women are more likely to move out of the way, she wouldn't be.


I identify myself as a US navy carrier

She probably didn't even run a single t-test. Dumb cunt.

Your example implies that the woman always notices the man and the man never notices the women.

What about men who notice the women but still don't see the need to alter their path?

why would you waste nice trips on such a retarded comment ?

yea but the thing you are missing is

>the one most afraid of the consequences move 1st

>Instead of working together, feminists expect men to do all the work and leap violently out of the way while paying attention to every woman in the area to look out for possible collisions

But thats what women do.

Walls built by men are simply used to support existing institutions, and are therefore inherently sexist. The fact that these walls not only don't get out of the way of women, but also cause injury to women walking into them is a clear sign of the patriarchal nature of structural engineering and other applied physics fields.

and that right there is a testable hypothesis something she failed to have

>>the one most afraid of the consequences move 1st

So women should always move out of the way of men because they're afraid of them?

Sup Forums just doesn't know that those crazy SJWs are not actually feminist and think that by hating on feminism they are hurting the SJWs but they do the complete opposite.

>this just seems childish.

lol dude, feminism in a nutshell

Whose fucking assumption is that, though? Moronic women who think testosterone makes men want to deliberately collide with people as a show of dominance? We're not fucking dogs. We think about things other than 'Gee I wonder how I can prove my alpha status to THAT guy I've never seen before'.

The guy in the video obviously skips leg day.

>What about men who notice the women but still don't see the need to alter their path?
What about them? you imply this is a point of masculinity and not a point of arrogance.

they are assholes and not indicative of an entire gender....

Its though, go downtown where the money is, and both men and women with superiority complexes pull this shit. Im usually fine with moving up until the point i can tell its some stupid assertion of dominance, then i dont move, because fuck them for being an asshole.

you are assuming too much here buddy

skinny guy against a fat woman, I bet the skinny guy would be more affraid of a collision with a landwhale

actually any men would be affraid of said collision

>That webm, lost

If you show me you are going to move at all I'll meet you in the middle with a considerate dodge. If you tough guy straight at me I'll lean the fuck into it and bruise your shoulder. I thought that's how everyone did it?

That's some proper feminism right there:
>be girl
>"when attacked by a man go for the balls"

That guy in the most progressive manner goes for the woman's balls to show her: "you are just as worthy as any man"

Good for both of them.
Yay third wave feminism


If a 5'6 woman weighs 140 pounds which is near avg. and your average neckbeard comes barreling along at 6'1 260 how is that anywhere close to the same amount of "mobility" wtf are you some sort of anthropologist that studies ambulation? no? then stfu with your baseless claims and astonishing lack of stats.
humans have something called SEXUAL DIMORPHISM which means one of us is statistically larger...its not women.

>and that right there is a testable hypothesis something she failed to have

Oh totally.

>Moronic women who think testosterone makes men want to deliberately collide with people as a show of dominance?

No one is talking about deliberate collision except for people like you who are trying to be hyperbolic.

Shes talking about men feeling comfortable enough that when they're walking down the street they don't feel the need to duck and dodge people, because others (especially women) will simply move out of the way.

She challenges this expectation by not moving and as a result, collided with multiple men.

here come dat goy

That strawman tho.

No its if you dont wanna get run into get the fuck out of the way.

>you imply this is a point of masculinity and not a point of arrogance.

Isn't arrogance a masculine trait?

4/10 for reply