Did you vote for Donald Dump? why or why not?

did you vote for Donald Dump? why or why not?

I didnt vote for Trump because I don't live in the USA

i felt the johnson, it was pretty dissapointing


did you seriously think he would break like 5%? I knew the man would get no votes but that doesn't mean I would willingly vote for one of the other zionist sympathizers

i couldnt find trump on my ballot so i had to write him in

also i heard that these new DVD things are actually better than expected so i plan on getting a DVD player when the prices come down

What did you expect, retard?

I didn't vote for Trump because I'm not retarded enough to get riled up by "le PC CULTURE" rhetoric or believe any of the campaign promises that he's going back on or believe even for one second that he won't be a puppet for Mike Pence and Paul Ryan

He also has extremely boring and outdated ideas, just like all of the politicians he is supposed to be different from

When we get a politican who has a running mate from the opposite party, who proposes trading all corporate taxes for a tax on exchanges and carbon.... You can wake me up then because until we get someone non-partisan with interesting ideas it WILL be the same old shit and I guaran fucking tee that

i was going to vote for Johnson, but then my rabbi said we're supposed to vote for Trump this time so I voted for Trump.

I did not vote for Trump. I personally believe that conservatism is better for the longevity of the country as a whole. However, its too based around the mythical "religion" for me to lean that way. There are too many issues that its socially backwards on. If they would dump the retarded magic baby jesus bullshit I would be on board.

>[tipping intensifies]

Yea i voted for Trump because the pussification of America needs to come to a stop

All those people crying and rioting? That's what i'm talking about.

whether or not you are a believer is on you fella, I would never force that.
but I do suggest you take a look at politics/political factions as they pertain to religion

you might not believe in magic baby jesus but the people with money and power do. hope this helps

I didn't vote for either because I didn't like either and I'm in a blue state anyway

Voted for Stein. Johnson needs to take a fucking Geography course. Couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump or The Cunt.

Johnson went from less than 1% in 2012 to 3.3% this year.

5% is not unattainable, people will have to work for it though sitting around waiting skeptically will not do it.

to watch the country shit itself for 4 years.
and as a way of telling the democrats to fuck off.

Yes I did. I'm a man and not some lefty-loving bitch who obsesses over things that only help out a small majority.

I have no problem with people having religion. My issue and why I couldn't ever become an actual republican is that religion (in this case, lets not even say religion let's call it Christianity) shapes too much of their policies. It's why I'm registered as an Independent. I find myself agreeing more with Republicans, but on those issues with their religion bleeds over to their policies I just can't get on board.

Nothing wrong with religion, when religion is religion and government is government. The two simply don't mix (IMO).

oh it's doable. but in the current election cycle it was hoping for a little much. he still got my vote. I want to send him an fb message

Have a problem with it
seven on four -203-4446

yeah but that's never happened (a state without religion) literally never happened. unless you are counting chinese + folk religions (confucian and tao which are more of philosophies than religions) or the abominations known as the communist states with imposed atheism

a state/nation/peoples has never existed without a religion. and "separation of church and state" is more of an ideal type.. one we seemed to have never gotten away from

And that's fine, but it means ill never be a full on republican for that reason alone. And it means why in most elections i'll vote against them.

If their motivations were at the very least backed up with something tangible I might be able to get on board, but most of the time its simply "that's how I belief" stuff and since I don't believe that way, why would I want to vote that way? I don't, so I don't. Even if I feel most of their policies (economically, just not socially) are better long term.

I did because I'm a Christian who is sick of 'scientists' insisting 'global warming' and 'evolution' are real.

I love America so I didn't vote for Trump.

Yes, i'm tired of people trying to backup things with facts when I have

>muh belief

It's the equivalent of niggers

>muh dick

whether or not you vote republican or democrat the people who run this show worship the devil. and some of them are jews and a few are greedy sauds.

Trump is a piece of shit.
Hillary is a piece of shit.
Johnson is a little goofy but he is a good dude.
I voted Johnson.

But they are out there rioting and you are talking shit about them on the internet, you are the pussy

I voted for Jill Stein.

Fuck you! Mike Pence was selected by Trump, therefore he agrees with Christian FACTS and not liberal 'science'.

I did. I didn't like either candiate but I figured Trump was slightly better than Hillary

Plus the I was sick of all the damn liberal SJW bullshit and wanted to stick it to um

yes, because she called me a racist

>Christian FACTS

exactly, they are out there screaming they want Hillary and trump voters are scared to say a peep.

I think that tells you a lot about who the good guys are, maga

Yes. He's an asshole, but an asshole with far better plans and respect for America than Hillary who couldn't give a shit about our heritage, our freedom, or our lives.

If you hate Trump then fine, but to hate Trump and like Hillary is has been guilty of everything Trump's been accused of and more then you are fucking retarded beyond belief. Calling people names and being insensitive is nothing compared to compromising national security, running us into the ground with debt and failed agendas, and outright letting people die.

>building the wall is going to cost more money than it saves
>high tariffs are going to absolutely destroy the global economy (including America's)
>he won't bring factory jobs back to American workers, it's impossible
>his idea of turning all US freeways into toll roads is fucking stupid
>trickle-down economics doesn't work