What is the worst non-illegal thing i can do to take revenge from someone?

What is the worst non-illegal thing i can do to take revenge from someone?

chlorine gas

but she will die

if that is to extreme for you, you can always key her car

she doesn't have a car

anything else?

shit on her doorstep

forget about them

>Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves - Confucius

cameras everywhere

live well

smash one of her windows


succeed at life.

dont be a cuck whos affraid of illegal

he already has, he has quads

Devils quads.

Or be George Soros.


Give them treats with heroin in them, you look like you're a great person but you're slowly upping the dose so they will dt even harder

if he's here, it's already too late for that.

what if i cant? i know i will in the long term but on the short term it seems impossible

ok what i can do then and how i wont get caught?


Let them live a long pathetic miserable life being themselves. When your enemy is making a mistake you don't interfere let them be losers

can you give som context to the situation

Go away normie faggot

put water on the gas tank

plan it properly and you will not get caught

Nothing is illegal if you don't get caught. Take a shit in their cars air circulation. Kill their pet and leave a note. Call their girlfriend with an anonymous tip saying he cheated on her. Stuff a potato in his exhaust. Slash his tires. The list goes on...


Better yet, be Peter Sotos.

Get a usb killer and plug it into her computer. Fun

Post her nudes

Congrats on the satanic quads.

Place an ad locally for a small refrigerator, runs great, $35, call after 10pm with your target's number. Repeat every 3-4 months.

What kind of revenge are you after? More than a banana up their tailpipe would bring?

this. if you can get into her house

I highly recommend reading Simple Sabotage Field Manual. It has some good general strategies for making someone's life difficult. All specific advices are mostly illegal, but it can easily be adjusted to match your courage level.