What does this mean b?

What does this mean b?

looks like a dick to me

the symbols on the ceiling

I shall second this.

Schizophrenia is a hell of a drug

There should be someone there that can help you out


Astrological signs.

missing one letter on top row,

presumably : fuck toy help
whoever wrote it didn't make much of an effort though

i'll go get another pic. is this facing the right direction?

It's a giant penis.

some characters are, some aren't

It says:
"Look dude, we're like totally dark n shit, like anonymous, you know"

Alchemyic symbols

Zodiacs and fake alchemy.


Amazing though, nicee

Give me a letter

the & is k
but if you look at the one i translated from op's pic you'll figure it out

if this could translate to one message what is it?

Fuck Ian ***(?)

( ´_ゝ`)
its a cock
the cock is pissing with blue stuff coming out of the dick hole

Ian out?

Yo, OP, read Paulo coehlo

i think its fuck you pledge

yea could be hard to tell difference between t and u

︎◆︎︎&︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ◻︎●︎︎︎︎︎
could be


alright thanks guys

>pic related