Alright cunts, whats's the fastest/most effective way way...

Alright cunts, whats's the fastest/most effective way way, to get xanax (fast acting tablets) into my system without snorting the shit or sticking it up my bung hole?

Break em up into lil pieces and eat em. Crushed powder is fastest since the coating isnt keeping the pill from dissolving

Should hit about 15 min, less if empty stomach, more if full.

Grind pills to fine powder then kill yourself...
>quick tell me the best way to get high off something, but don't tell me the best way

they is already tablets, not capsules. ive c
rushed snorted em beforem but that just got me in a figt with come cunts that do cross fit

I guess that only leaves drilling a hole in your skull and dumping the pills in directly

Snorting doesn't really work that well. Dislocated under the tongue

tried killing myself a fe times. unfortunately i chose the bitch way. pills and cutting wrists. jumping off a building or hangingn yourself is the way to do it

*meant dissolve

How about you get a job you fedora wearing unshaven faggot

Snort it or shove it in your ass ypu pussy bitch. Who doesn't snort their xannax

im new to posting on Sup Forums. how the fuck do i get the links to the posts im answering to to show up. drilling a hole in my skull doesnt sound like a bad idea. too bad my dad borrowed my drill...

Like this faggot

im waring a beanie you gunt punt son of a whore

aaaah, this faggot is becoming more interente savvy by the day

cheers fucktrumpet

>snorting a lipid soluble drug


youve got a point. but im out of coke, weed, and running very low on booze. so i turn to Sup Forums. hashtag desperate

all you need is a spoon and to BELIEVE!

in Jebus?

No in the batteries powering the vibrator you nigger rigged the spoon to

lol, my tongue hurts. and y needle is bent. you guys heard of 9gag? its an awseome site, lots of awesome funny stuff. just sayin...