Apologize. Now

Apologize. Now.

Not even memeing. A lot of naysayers honestly thought ep 7 would be better then any of the originals, including the prequels.

Well you fucked up. Hard.

Man up and give the guy his dues.

Other urls found in this thread:


7 was better than the Prequels, that's how fucking bad he was, cause 7 was still shit.

I won't apologize.

While that may be true Episode 7 did make a shit ton of money.

no, fuck off.

go to bed George

The prequels were literally trash. Go stroke off to Anakin some more retard.

>Terrible aged CGI
>not nearly as inclusive of other races/genders >boring white male lead etc
>wooden acting
>stupid space politics

Yeah, kindly fuck off OP.

I wonder how he would've handled Luke's and Rey's relationship.

Fuck him for trying to force Illinois taxpayers to pay for his gay museum in Chicago despite having the finances to do it himself.

4 billion, fuk off now

but it was

TFA was a forgettable but solid popcorn flick.

The prequels were literally some of the most cringeworthy movies I've seen in my life.

Lucas's power was much more checked and dissociated in the OT.

If you like TFA but dislike any of the MCU shit you are literally a hypocrite. They are exactly the same.

You're right in that both Star Wars and capeshit are popcorn flicks.

You're wrong in that there are competent popcorn flicks and incompetent ones. TFA was a better popcorn flick than many capeshit movies.

This isn't complicated, moron.

i don't dislike them, just think they're worse

This is everything you need to know. Now fuck off TFA apologists.

Capekino > TFA > capeshit > prequels


>the editing
Some of the best aspects of this movie are Jews. Also this isn't Sup Forums so you haven't made any sort of argument.

Just because 7 was a predictable piece of shit doesn't make it worse than the disasters the prequels were.

Nah, the prequels are literally trash on every conceivable level; nothing more than a bunch of shit ideas executed badly. At least TFA was good for a laugh every now and then.

>Sup Forums doesn't even pretend they're funposting tourist cancer


Star Wars was great despite George, not because of him. It was a happy accident born of the passion of everybody involved, much like LotR. 7, even missing a great part of that passion, was a very competent movie. The same can't be said for the movies in which George was given free reign. This board's praise for the prequels is due entirely to nostalgia and the fact that the flicks imprinted on them during their formative years, in the same way that kids 5 years from now will praise The Battle of the Five Armies.

>any of the originals, including the prequels
There are only three originals.

the prequels were awful but at least they were original. episode 7 felt like a carbon copy of a new hope and lacked any soul or unique elements. not kino. im sorry george

>ten years apart

poetry holy shit

There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish.

>This board's praise for the prequels is due entirely to nostalgia

No it's because of contrarianism you stupid fuck


>Also this isn't Sup Forums so you haven't made any sort of argument.
And if you really think about it, Jews are pretty good at making movies.

Original Trilogy>TFA>dogshit>MCU>>>>Prequels

You can fuck off back to plebbit now, goym.

Nice try, disgusting mobile poster.

The fuck is the purpose of that website, do Jewish people only watch movies that are kosher enough?

You know, of all the forms of racism, I've honestly never really understood antisemitism.

Me neither. Always liked the Jewish sense of humor.

ESB was the best one.

Also contrarianism but a lot of the younger crowd was the "right age" when the prequels to be out for them to be nostalgic.

Logistics combined with retardation.

Jews are a diasporic minority group, so they exist everywhere and in small numbers. Easy for a mass audience to hate.

Would it have killed Mark to get in shape

God, sitting on your ass all day voice acting for 30 years must be hell on your body

Honestly, at this point, I'm hard pressed to actually even consider it a racist belief. It seems so much more like just a collection of conspiracy theories, which is what's really weird about it. It's kind of hilarious because all of that Jews control this/that are the same thing as black people insisting that they're being held down by whites -- a sort of backwards admission of inferiority.

the MCU is fine.

different types of Christian/Muslim/whatever used to murder each other. there's no limit to this stuff, it's basic tribalism resulting from how human beings evolved in much smaller groups.

>used to

I get that, but it's more the shape of this one kind of tribalism is different.

Jews are de facto stand ins to oligarchies. That's literally the basis of antisemitism. It's not "you believe in a different god", "you believe in my god but wrong", "you make all kinds of horrible crime", it's "you're good at business".

>this turd is coiled into an original pattern I must praise it

>C3PO shoved in for no reason
>R2D2 back for no reason
>dude Jango Fett is also a bounty hunter lmao
>Clones are a ripoff of storm troopers
>dude Baby Boba Fett lmao
>Republic ships are a ripoff of Imperial Star destroyers
>Naboo is earth
>Death Star plans in Attack of the Clones
>All Jedi wear Tatooine farmer robes
>Corisant is a ripoff of the city from Blade Runner
>dude Genonisis is Tatooine with rocks lmao
>dude Kamino is just Cloud City with water instead of clouds lmao

>That's literally the basis of antisemitism.

I think it's more the thing about them killing Jesus.

I believe the opposite some MCU are good, some shit, but TFA is in the middle a lackluster soulless movie.

I donct know about elsewhere but here on Sup Forums there are quite a few mudslime parading as WN.

Robot activation on TV when?

Are you extremely retarded?

it's a result of Jewish oppression that the stereotype of them being rich arose:


>As the Jews were ostracized from most professions by local rulers, the Western churches and the guilds, they were pushed into marginal occupations considered socially inferior, such as tax and rent collecting and moneylending. Natural tensions between creditors and debtors were added to social, political, religious, and economic strains.[citation needed]

>...financial oppression of Jews tended to occur in areas where they were most disliked, and if Jews reacted by concentrating on moneylending to non-Jews, the unpopularity—and so, of course, the pressure—would increase. Thus the Jews became an element in a vicious circle. The Christians, on the basis of the Biblical rulings, condemned interest-taking absolutely, and from 1179 those who practiced it were excommunicated. Catholic autocrats frequently imposed the harshest financial burdens on the Jews. The Jews reacted by engaging in the one business where Christian laws actually discriminated in their favor, and became identified with the hated trade of moneylending.[28]

TL; DR human beings are galloping asshats.

The prequels were still shit tier no matter how bland ep 7 was

oscar isaac is not jewish, just 'hollywood jewish'
>oh yeah i'm part jew from my great great grandfather side, will you give the part?

that was Jewish enough for Hitler


Why don't the jews just fucking leave the places where they don't fucking belong?

Pure kino.

What video game is this from?

Name a single Marvel movie that is actually great and worth watching.

You can't, they are all kiddie trash.

>TFA haters are so desperate to make the movie seem bad they've resorted to becoming Sup Forumstards

Fucking sad. Is this the hill you wanna die on?

The proof is in the pudding they belong in the US at least, given how much success it has given them.

The irony of Sup Forums kiddies shitposting about "belonging" on forums outside Sup Forums is hilarious.

Nah, I like most of the MCU, but was pretty indifferent to Episode 7. Mostly I just didn't like the characters and they went to the nostalgia well too many times.

Hey, I dislike jews as much as the next guy, but come on, that isn't an argument. If you want to argue the quality of something, you have to make a qualitative argument about the content of the film, not just point to the fact that some of the people who made it happen to come from a shitty group of people.

it was better than the prequels so no

4 > 2 > 3 > shit > 1 > 6 > 5 > 7

Also 4 - 5 - 2 - 3 - 6 is the best order for watching the films

name a single movie worth watching.

you can't. It's all trash.

see? I can do it too ;^)

guardians of the galaxy


> you crossposting faggot

7 is legitamately unwatchable

The main characters are the worst part of the flick

there is no actual villain except for the screenwriters

It was better than the prequels in every possible way.


I didn't enjoy 7 but "unwatchable"? I don't think so. It was much more than watchable than the prequels, those are much more unwatchable than 7.

>having this generic taste

I bet you think citizen kane is overrated and that saving private ryan is good

Other than characters, villains, story, fights, and originality you're right.

The modern cg was certainly better to look at than the early 2000s cg, you got me there.

I thought that episode 6 was better than 4 but that's an okay list

Not when you watch for the story and characters and not special effects.

It had characters as bad as jar jar as the main fucking characters.

>having opinions solely because they're unique

found the tumblr user.

>Other than characters, villains, story, fights, and originality you're right.
the characters and villains were fucking garbage m8

muh cgi

>one of the highest grossing movies of all time

Fuck off

Citizen Kane and SPR are great.

pic related

So you agree with me but have poor reading comprehension. That's ok.

>Other than characters, villains, story, fights, and originality you're right.
I hate star wars (no I'm not in this thread, just saw this bit of idiocy scrolling by), so as someone without a horse in this race, let me tell you that the prequels were fuckawful in every way imaginable. There's nothing defensible about any of them. They were the height of incompetency in movie making.

At the very, very least 7 was competently done.

The prequels swang for the fences and missed every time. TFA bunted and made it to first base, but everyone treats it like a home run because the last better never even had a hit.

I was talking about the prequels shit for brains

Justin beiber sells a lot of albums, go listen to them.

the winter soldier

pretty accurate

Nah, that's just hyperbolic. I didn't like all the new characters but they didn't invoke the raw hate Jar Jar did.

Maybe it's just after so long I don't care as much. I loved the originals, hated the prequels but I can bring nothing but indifference to Episode 7.

will we ever find out what George's idea for episode 7 was?

that doesn't make the prequels better

also, the prequels were lazy garbage

>popular things are bad
one day you're gonna turn 18 and regret spending the last 5 years of your life pretending to be so cynical

star wars 7 was a fine movie. the prequels just weren't very fun to watch and didnt make a whole lot of sense because george wrote them on a legal pad in a week.

Good job triggering the cucks, comrade.

The entire panning of prequels is purely a product of "le funny people" on the Internet. Even Roger Motherfucking Ebert admitted that Episode III is one of the best sci-fi fantasy films of all time. But, noooope, the Angry RedditLetter Nostalgia Critic sure knows better, eh? Look at him swearing and making funny faces!

>resorting to contrarianism to justify your rabid hatred of anything new

>Roger Motherfucking Ebert

>imagine being daisy...

>Star Wars fans whose standards are "Every new Star Wars movie has to be as good as Empire Strikes Back"


JJ tried harder than George ever did sans 1977 SW.