Haven't eaten since last night and I have no drive to eat

haven't eaten since last night and I have no drive to eat

what's good music for starving to death to?


Those are some good options

See you on the other side anons

pretty much anything Sup Forums core is awful enough to remove your will to live and make slipping into the void less painful.

rofl I just had this thought. Any music is probably fine to starve to death too. dex makes me forget I need to eat :(

I used to take Adderall when I was a kid and I think it might've fucked up my metabolism and/or appetite

Is there a name for non-anorexic psychological loss of appetite?

>doesn't eat for a day by his own volition
>"lol I'm starving"

I've had little no appetite every day for years, it's just been far worse this week. I think I'm averaging ~500 calories a day, many days less than that. Eating when you have whatever I have is one of the most unpleasant experiences

I'm considering calling it quits and letting nature take its course on my failure of a human body

Do you move/do anything remotely intensive at all? Excersice = instant more eating. You don't need much food to support a body that moves from bed to chair to car to sofa all day long. Right now eating good food will make your body want for more food. Just eat some warm soup (premade is fine just heat it up in the microwave). or some yogurth w/e.
Or a shake of some kind idk.

You'll be fine or you'll starve to death

Yes, I lift often to try to fix it. It only gets me thirsty

Also, I'm drinking some whole milk right now and waiting for an edible to kick in to hopefully boost my appetite

Thank you for looking out for me user

No problemo, enjoy the edible.

Shut the fuck up, you fucking loser.
I've gone 10 days with not a single thing to eat.
I survived on water with sugar in. That's it. For 10 long fucking days. By day 6 I was ready to eat human beings.

You know nothing of hunger, you fucking worm.

This thread just got really sweet/cute


I've never figured it out, is empty posting generally synonymous with "this" like as a sign of agreement, or is it a condescending "here's your (You)" kind of thing?

Often times yes
But in this instance I liked his post but couldn't think of a better way too express that

Do you live in africa?

No. A first world country. If not the "first" world country.

Why didnt you eat for 10 days?

I was doing a 7 day fast, but day 6 was fucking brutal for me. Broke it that day with a full breakfast

Shieet, was it like a constant feeling of 'I want food soooo bad im so hungry' or more of a 'Im feeling so weak, my body is failing, I need fuel'

I barely survived

Integrity, mental illness and poverty