Should I declaw my cat? She keeps scratching shit up

Should I declaw my cat? She keeps scratching shit up.

cats can be trained
get it a scratching post


No. Not ever. Just train her.

You can also get stuff to put on your furniture to keep them from scatching it

Also, you should have a scratching post

My gf wants to do this to our kitten. Should I leave her right now?

You can get these tiny gel ball things. They're to put on the tips of their nails so they don't scratch.

Absolutely! What is that bitch's problem?

Declawing a cat is comparable to cutting off your childs fingers because he keeps breaking shit. It is horrible.

That said, cut those fuckers off. It's cheaper than new furniture.

Been trying to figure that out. I still researched it and there is a lot of misinformation about it. I know it can be done humanely but I still feel it's not really necessary with conditioning.

Plus she never cat before in her life

Hey, op.

Go get a set of bolt cutters, and cut off your fingers at the first knuckle.


> I still researched it and there is a lot of misinformation about it.
Yes, such as the notion that it can be done humanely. It cannot.

>I know it can be done humanely

cats only need claws in the wild to defend themselves. they are put under, and wake up without them, no pain.

It is equivalent to chopping off a digit of all your fingers and toes. So OP... only if you are an absolute animal hater or want to see your cat suffer.

They're not weight bearing digits, they'll use anesthesia.

How do you know?

I go to dentist. Go under. Tooth gone. I'm fine.

Would you pull off all your fingernails? It is outright evil. Get a scratching post and train yur cat or realize you shoud not have a cat.

Hey user, DO NOT declaw your cat. It's very inhumane.

Here's what I used to train our cats.

> Invest in a couple of cat scratching posts and keep them around the house.
> Also invest in 2 or 3 spray bottles that will shoot a long stream. And also keep them strategically placed around the house.
> When cat starts to scratch something other than the posts, shoot the shit out of him/her.
> After 48-72 hours, the cat will start to understand.
> It takes diligence and patience, but it works.
> Also... cheaper than a declaw procedure.

^ This is false. Totally false. Lots of pain.

Declaw is the equivalent to having your fingers chopped off at the first knuckles. And if performed incorrectly, the claws will sometimes grow back through the pads on the bottoms of their feet -- which is extremely painful.

no you sick fuck

Declawing cats is illegal literally EVERYWHERE on this planet but what does one expect from a country that even mutilates babies.

Dude just clip her claws weekly, make sure not to cut into the quick, and your shit will be fine.

> 2016
> owning a fucking cat
> not owning this /watch?v=tKB0T1eEvvg

I just cannot understand cat people, in a way I do not think they understand themselves either, so fucking delusional.

> Lets cat roam wildly (it's domesticated bru)
> Cat destroys shit on a daily basis (i'ts domesticated bruh)
> Cat randomly injures people (it's just playful, it is domesticated bruhs)

It's about the equivalent to baby boys being circumcised. They're not conscious enough that they will remember/be traumatized.

This. Just keep her claws trimmed. Hell, you only need to trim them once a month or so.

You would not like someone amputating the first phalange of each of your fingers, would you? Because that is what it is to a cat.

Cats get cat people. Everyone else hates cats therefore cats hate you, this is why you get scratched and cat people don't,