In this thread, we list the 5 main things that we live for. Here are mine

In this thread, we list the 5 main things that we live for. Here are mine.

>Sup Forums

Well.. whats yours Sup Forums?



What else is there to enjoy

rudk you niggqe344r

>video games


yoga? well i didnt see that one coming

>mario kart


>momentary contentment


why is it that every time i use tobacco it does nothing but depress me and cause anxiety? am i missing something about the appeal of this bullshit?

I live because I was born and I haven't died yet

Really, I'd be happy for the rest of my days if I had a constant supply of:

Fast cars and food


why does that bitch always have to be seminaked? does she think she's a revolution or some shit? it's just dumb

>Best friend

You haven't been in a situation where you deal with unbelievably high stress scenarios every day.

>not drinking often, but drinking to excess when I do
>video games
>pirating tv and movies
I just kind of hoard at this point, I don't even watch it much anymore
I got started shooting pool when I got a job bouncing at a pool hall/bar. It's the fucking shit, geometry always naturally came to me. Plus it's an old man's game, so all the talent is dead or dying and I'm much better than all my friends and almost everyone my age.

A stick of cigarette every morning when i wake up makes me wake up straight. Any time in the day when i want to take a break and relax i can just go take a smoke break. Its one of the little vices i have in life and i love it.

Omg wow, sexist and mysoginist much??? Stop being so heteronormative - news flash it's 2016 it's called women's rights. Women are equal to men now you shitlord so they can dress however they want. You don't own women anymore. #imstillwithher #notmypresident

>Good Vidya
>My Doggo

> Reading literature
> Seeking creative expression
> Protecting Japan from immigrants
> Gay sex
> Booze


>trump presidency
>Sup Forums
>wisdom and learning

>protecting Japan from immigrants
God speed, Toshi

Hate for the west

>my clit

>mental/visual stimulation
>mind altering substances

>Sup Forums
>bad for me food
>video games
>the next batman movie

>video games

Swap health for food and we are good


Yoga? Faggot for sure

Better smoke weed

Happy doggo
Video games
Girl who doesnt love me but loves my wallet
The fucking internet

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

>getting girls to pop hymen for me on omegle
>video games


>physiological needs
>self actualization

- weed (and stronger hallucinogens)
- massage / sex / playing with the human body
- testing and understanding people's logic
- meat, cheese
- self monitoring

>Meditation and reflection
>To see what happens next