Have fun

Have fun







4th item but 3rd picture




the pictures are IN the phone!





Laughed out loud









[I had to upload and scale the image to a smaller file.]

The man in the black suit was at a #notmypresident demonstration the night before. I methodically went through the crowd in order to get close images of the participants. I presumed he was an undercover cop. When I saw him at an orchestra concert, I revised my thought and I think he is just a free-lance conservative, being active in his own way to supply the police later with images if a riot broke out. (It was a peaceful demonstration.)





oops. Correction "He went through the crowd.."











You said no matter what...











Take a snap before starting work? Looks peaceful.


My cousins


God damn







huh, that's not too far away from where i live



Sure, here.



Cosplay lover


I forgot about this one.


Näyttää Topilta.



Just when I thought I remembered all the TF2 green texts, you reminded me of this one


Mie en ees muista ton tyypin nimee. Toi kuva on otettu vuonna 2010.



Bitches love this shit


















