What did Sup Forums think of this masterpiece?

What did Sup Forums think of this masterpiece?

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Critics didn't understand it. The movie is about excess and literally is excess and hedonism. It's fucking genius.

8/10 didn't feel like 3 hours

I think it's a genuinely good movie and Leo's best performance.

I wonder what Leo's testicles smell like.

It's a shitty rip off of the boiler room

yes it was good until the end when
>lol im rich who gives a fuck!

How can something based on a true story rip off a fictional movie. Maybe the Boiler room ripped off the book that was made

>*true story*

The majority of what happens in WOW is fictional

That's the point. The movie has no moral because it's about sociopathy and hedonism, but critics say "there should be a morale to the story because it's a rule in filmmaking!" Stupid fucks.

It's one of those movies where you keep waiting for it to become good, but it just never happens and then it ends.

There's a difference between making a social critique about "sociopathy and hedonism" and making a gratuitous film which glorifies that lifestyle. Films don't all have to have morals, obviously, but they should at the very least have a point or purpose.

Turned it off halfway through. Complete waste of time

Shitty film, has no purpose at all, Leo is an overrated hack and I'm sorry for Scorsese being dragged to this shitfest. He's getting senile, sadly.

>dude drugs and hookers L M A O

It literally was.
>and is inspired by the firm Stratton Oakmont and the life of Jordan Belfort, whose autobiography was later adapted into Martin Scorsese's 2013 film The Wolf of Wall Street

I didn't enjoy it but the quaalude crawl is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

one of the best movies i have ever seen, probably top 3 for me

All those men shown in the movie are the epitome of white collar crime in America..... The damage they've done deserves him and his colleagues the death penalty

Great movie, Leo's best performance and probably owes that to Jonah Hill, who seems to be have terrific chemistry with everybody.

It was literally the best things ive seen in years
>the cerebral palsy phase

"glorifies that lifestyle"

how is it gloryfying? It shows from the beginning (white car turning into red) that we'll only see a distorded reality.

Weak is... not enough said, I watched 10min and realized it's so boring it's unwatchable.
It was made by a guy that is not familiarized with economics.
The movie has bad writing, it's boring and stupid.
I like Scorses movies, even liked The aviator but this is SHIT!!

I don't think it's the film's fault the public is too retarded to see Jordan's lifestyle is toxic.

>and making a gratuitous film which glorifies that lifestyle

You didn't get it, you autist. The whole movie was designed sociopathic and hedonism for artistic purpose.

Yeah I'm sure Martin Scorcese actually wants to glorify and encourage hedonism to people.

God damn some people are dense out there.

there was no point you idiot, that was the whole point: sociopaths don't learn, they continue being sociopaths. kys.


I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Quality film

There wasn't a bit of "glorification" in it. It showed it for what it was, it was an unflinching eye. It simply refused to ignore the "positive" side and refused to invent a moral to make us poor people with feelings feel better about being poor and having feelings. The purpose and point was to be that eye. The film doesn't dictate your reaction, but if your reaction to it is that you think it glorifies that lifestyle, you literally are a broken human being.

Yeah, and Last Action Hero is about bad cliched action movies and is also a bad cliche action movie. I bet you think that's genius too.

Fuck off back to IMDB, pleb.


Autists gtfo

a bit long but mostly entertaining

I liked him starting out being porn and gaining welath. after that it seemed to lose focus and It just felt like I was watching a bunch of short episodes of a TV show about a rich guy. I'm more into straight forward, linear storytelling

>being porn

how on earth did that happen. I meant poor