Lol trump has no fucking idea what being president entailed

Lol trump has no fucking idea what being president entailed

and now he just wants to live at trump tower and do nothing like a lazy nigger while america goes to shit

Other urls found in this thread:

what a surprise

you're gonna need a bigger bait
he's not even the president until january
cmon mane cut it out

Got any facts to back your audacious claim, schlomo?


yeah I know

and he's already fucked over his ignorant supporters



At which point his plan is a lot like brexit. He's going to pull us out of several trade agreements and place massive tariffs on foreign builds which will cause the loss of millions of jobs and further decline of industry since no one wants American made shit when our president constantly insults them.

>Donald Trump: Will He Abandon The White House As President & Live In Trump Tower?

bait harder ctr

>the entire article is a question

It probably won't help that, as the labor situation here devolves and standards drop, American-made shit is going to become like British-made shit. Which is to say, shit.


>we didn't just get 8 years of this

oh im sorry he didn't just stay in the white house. he also played golf.


Hey kid that just got into politics because your liberal arts teacher told you were racist if you weren't...
He's not president yet.
There's a thing called Inauguration Day. And it's not even til 2017.
Shut your obnoxious child mouth.

You're such a moron go back in the basement fag

oh how cute liberals are still butthurt



>Coming to conclusions about bullshit 2 months before he even takes office.

Fuck off.


c'mon Sup Forums lets do it!!

>implying u do


oh trump won't be a great president? who could have imagined that


Or he would lower taxes, which has been the key as to why America's economy has been outperforming the rest for so many years until niggers claimed welfare

america has been in the shitter for awhile now and there was nothing trump could do to save it. the president isn't our guardian angel

Oh those images make me so happy


The election is over. CTR is done.


>Not even president yet
>Why isn't he doing anything yet
>Being this retarded


Then she cried
>it's rigged!
>the media told me she would win
>they guaranteed me she would win!
>trump is endorsed by lobbyists!
>Putin hacked the votes

Even if that were true that would be an improvement on the last 3



Name something on trump's resume besides "cutting good deals" that qualifies trump to be president and commander in chief.

Is it his studies of constitutional law? Maybe his experience with foreign relations? Maybe his military experience? Is it his rags to riches story which makes him in touch with what the middle class needs?

I'd grab her pussy


It's not tho.
CTR was funded by George soros because he started to get afraid that Hilary would loose because of all the shit she's done.
She looses, now soros funds staged anti trump protests.

If you saw the project veritas videos, you'll remember a statement one guy made saying they were turning out 500 fake trump supporters to start shit at Hilary rallies. These are the same people protesting. Soros is literally busing them around the US.

It's probably pretty good business at this point

I bet Hillary is pretty loose

Yeah! He's a fag and his shit's all retarded. We know what's up cuz we're smart as fcuk and stuff.

How to speak triggerepublican

I'll take things that happened for $1000 Alex

>since no one wants American made shit when our president constantly insults them

This being bait or not, it's just so funny as it points out exactly why this generation is fucked. It's the embodiement of the whole feelings over facts things.

Have people that don't like Angela Merkel stopped buying german cars? Are you really that fucking retarded?


It's good to know we have scholars on Sup Forums who know that it's the niggers on welfare to blame for poor uneducated whites getting their lunch eaten by Asians willing to work their dicks off to win.

It would have been if Hilary would have won, but he spent 5 times what he spends on these fuckwits for hilarys campaign, so he's kind of in the hole.

No-American here,
Honestly, it will finish with a revolution.

I have a suspicion that she's an asexual test tube clone.
Why does she look extremely different every time you see her?
One day she has a turkey neck and wrinkled ass skin, the next she looks 40.

Nice m8, 2 of my screencaps

A president who did nothing would be a novel relief.

>like a lazy nigger.
Are you sure your not talking about the current regime?



wow OP is really butthurt. what can we do guise to help him?
any ideas?

sure kid.

So he's spending to maintain. Yeah. If he spent now what he was spending then we would see armed internal conflict. Too bad the guys with guns are happy with the turnout.

so many tears. think of the children.