My girlfriend hasn't gotten her period in 7 and 1/2 weeks...

My girlfriend hasn't gotten her period in 7 and 1/2 weeks. We've never had sex or anything involving semen anywhere close to her vagina. Freaking the fuck out bois. What do you think is going on?
>pic semi related
>it's the child that better not be inside her

Get a fucking pregnancy test

shes cheating on you and got pregnant, kill her then yourself

She doesn't want to for some fuck knows why reason and she doesn't want to goto the doctor.



Seriously, though. Get a pregnancy test.

There is literally zero reason not to, unless she is hiding some other man's baby.

Major red flag buddy. If she's pregnant you better fucking dip

the flags are red unlike the blood coming from your gfs vagina

inb4 IT'S a MIRACLE LIKE JESUS, halp me pay for it..

It is. It's pretty damn scary that there's even a small chance that I could fuck my life over in less than 7 months. I'm just gonna buy one tomorrow and tell her she needs to do it "or else". Like holy shit though guys. Girls are fucking retarded.

LOL Fucking leave her if she continues to refuse to. She clearly fucked someone else, and is knocked up, and just waiting it out so she can get rid of it


Yeh dude. Fuck that noise. You'll have to take my ass to Jerry Springer before that happens.

How old is she? When your period starts happening it can skip a few cycles. She should go ask at a women's health centre or a doctor.

If it's not your baby, leave her. Don't get tricked into paying for her, don't get tricked into running your life over some whore.

are you gonna abandon ship

It's a scary thought. If she has been, and she is pregnant I'm probably just gonna have an Orchiectomy. I'm so done sexually with the thought of people.

If it's not mine then yes. I refuse to take on the responsibilities of someone elses fuck up

are you serious

The fuck is an orchiectomy?

I mean yeh. Gotta remove the orangutan inside you one way or another.

Idk which one of you is actually op, but, you have my deepest legitimate condolences, I feel for you seriously it's not a nice situation to be in not knowing the truth

It's basically castration, but a more thorough job.

well you can't argue with that logic. god bless you ignorant fucks for perpetuating the best of the human race.

Ovarian cancer. Sister-in-law had the same thing and was dead within 6 months, depending on what stage it is. She may have a year. I'm sorry.

she is prego

I appreciate it. It's been a stressful week and a half. This is the first place I've come to talk about it. I don't really know who to go to in a situation such as this. Thank you user

nice job not seeing a doctor or having a pregnancy test.

Whatever happens, never sign any paperwork/birth certificates afterward.

You might be guilt-tripped into doing it -- just don't.

Be clear that the only thing you'll sign is the check for the DNA test, which she already knows the results to.

If she's really skinny its possible for her to have extremely light periods and in some cases even miss them entirely.

That being said, listen to everyone else here and get a test. If she's not, it could actually be an issue with her ovaries.

Good luck b/ro.

OP I've read your posts, you really rather are a strange individual aren't you?

Nice try. I'm fairly well versed in this sorta thing.

Yeh I know. It's not my body though and if she doesn't want to I can't make her. I've told her more than a dozen times she needs to though. I've given her ample suggestions.

Ummmm, ok?

OP. There should be a considerable difference in her belly size? Has she been gaining weight, or been on an irregular diet or eating pattern? Mood swings?

Thank you all for talking to me. It helps knowing that some of you shitlords gave me a little thought. You've been great. I'll give a full report tomorrow. Goodnight everyone.

I actually know a lot about the subject, but I don't like taking my own advice in situations like this. It feels unprofessional.

You have a girlfriend and you don't want to have sex. Your the kind of weirdo who freaks people out without realising it

missing 2 periods in a row means she could be pregnant. get her tested, faggot.

Get out of there while you still can.

Sounds convincing, enjoy raising a half nig you cucked autismal.

>We've never had sex or anything involving semen anywhere close to her vagina.
I dont even think your gf actually exists.

Have you thrown up near her underwear drawer? Could be prego

dont fuck her until you know whether she's pregnant, or she'll claim its yours and refuse a paternity test


some forms of contraceptive prevent wimminz gettin their crimson wave

u cant trust this hoes ma boi

if you cant trust that she didnt get a dicking somewhere else perhaps its time to kick her out and keep the dog...


She might be very sick.

She's knocked up, OP.

Nice thumbnail, ass hole.

You've been cucked, friendo. Get out while there's still time.

ITT bunch of virgins thinks you lose your periods only to pregnancy


Chill brother happens to me and my girl all the time and i do it without a condom on the reg she most likely just has an irregular cycle and should probably get birth control to regulate it

Oh look it Dr. Jekyl.

Thanks for stopping by asshat.

(Hint just because you fire blanks and your GF is a mongoloid? Does not mean this dudes girl is too.

TLDR: You give shit advice shut the fuck up.

is she pregnat

op, relax. listen to the adults.

make her go to the doctor. girls tend to be very ashamed about hormone diseases.

>being with a girl for 7 1/2 weeks
>never having sex
>she's preggo anyway
>yfw you've been cucked the whole time and didn't even get any poon from this blatant hoe for yourself



Some girls have irregular periods, not always due to sickness or being pregnant. It is not uncommon for some women to go months without seeing a period.

This guy talks sense, some girls go months without a period, and some are super regular, to each their own.

She prolly cheated on you m8
Its possible for periods to fall out for a month due to the girl being under massive amounts of stress
But ye
Get a test and check it


>never had sex
chose one

OP do the following:
>Say nothing, but fuck her a last time.
>Before you fuck, hide a camera and record it.
>Fulfill your fetishes on her.
>If she says stop, stop, otherwise go on.
>After the cum, say you dump her, because she cheated on you.
>she will either say rape to the cops, but you have proof, or she cries and doesn't say rape, so you are good.

A friend of me did it. Was a nice fap while watching the vid.

Also post it.