Ask a 33 year old kissless virgin anything

Ask a 33 year old kissless virgin anything.

Lemme see your face.



Can you draw me like one of your french girls?

>like one of your french girls

[blank space]

c'mon fuckers.

how come are you kissless virgin

How stable is the housing market? would it be worth it to try my hand at house flipping?

how about a whore
and you get pussy minus the drama?

Why haven't you fucked a prostitute yet? Virginity is worthless. Also why haven't you killed yourself yet?

What is the half-life of strontium 90?

yeah bro just do a prostitute, your firt time is meaningless.
Also girls in relationships are black holes that only take away your power.
trust me I know

where u from?

Please explain the Albigensenist heresy

Who promoted Peress?

youre not ugly. 5/10 as far as I can see w/out your eyes

Who's on first?

Boring person.

Where are you?

28.8 years.


i actually gave advice and you ignore me faggot
no wonder u are a fucking virgin


Rich, fat Catholic officials wanted to liquidate sect which opposed their materialism.

hey! I'm from germany. let me kiss you

Prostitutes will not solve my problems. Only make them more apparent. Also, no money.

Was genau sind denn deine Probleme?
Haste einen Plan mit ihnen fertig zu werden?

Have you managed to quit being a little bitch about what wholes you've stuck your dick in?

You're a dude aren't you?

No. But chances are were too far from each other anyways

Bro. Believe me pussy is overrated. it will only drain you and it will never be worth waht you have to invest.

Don't know how you manage to stay like that dude , i'm 20 years old and the idea of pussy drive me crazy too much , decided to take my life in hand like one week ago , working on myself atm

I am a 26 year old kissless virgin.
How is it hangin there, bro?

>not fat
>not hideous

What's your secret, OP?

Meine Problem sind fehlendes Charisma. Ich bin hölzern und langweilig.

No. I'm still a little bitch.

It's driving me crazy as well and has been since I've been 15.

Gibt auch langweilige Frauen die nur ficken wollen. Dein einziges Problem ist sie zu finden, denn du sihst ganz ok aus. Kein Erfolg in der Disko oder Bar gehabt jemals?

Can you suck your own dick?
Post pics.

His magical abilities are beyond the comprehension of mere mortals such as ourselves

I'm hideous on the inside.


Then why don't you do something bro ? Like . i can't stand it anymore personally and i still have a bit of acnea but i don't care i'll try to approach girls

Are you a Ph.D in molecular biology?

You must be one hell of an autist if you look half decent and still not able to get pussy despite it "driving you crazy".
Let us see a picture of your bedroom so we can determine your autism level. Only then can we truly help you.

>I'm hideous on the inside.

You sound like a little self-pitying bitch. Your problems are the result of your failure to be a man and only you can change that, but I don't think you want to. I think you enjoy sitting about feeling sorry for yourself.

I've approached girls too. Not often but regularly. Never had any success.


da. wenn dich schon ne random tusse wie ich küssen würde, würden es auch andere im real life tun.

Listen to this virgin.

Do you *want* to not be a virgin? Or are you okay with being a kissless virgin for the rest of your life?

You have to do it with confidence , be nice , look her in the eyes , make conversation , thats all , then you take her number and see her later , or if its in a club its even better

Yeah. That is easier said than done. Especially the conversation part.

OP probably has sex on a regular basis but just pretends he's a virgin so his dad doesn't think he's a slut.

I know , if it can make you feel better , i didn't do any of that yet , but i decided to work on myself every day .. , it must be in your head like i was like that too , i need social contact too much right now and feel extremely alone so thats why i decided to do something , and you know girls want it also ..If you say you tried but fail , you didn't try enough or you was doing it bad

Du wirst das auch nicht von heute auf morgen lernen. mach kleine schritte. lächle eine random tusse draußen nur an. möglichst beim vorbeigehen. kann nichts schlimmeres passieren, außer dass sie iritiert zurückstarrt.

und NICHTS im leben kommt for free, man muss sich alles leider erarbeiten :( wenn sich etwas lohnt, wird es schwer sein es zu greifen

My Father is DEAD!!!

Es ist sehr schwer, seinen Charakter zu ändern. Dir bleibt wohl keinen andere Wahl als dich mit deiner "hölzernen und langweiligen" Persönlichkeit abzufinden. Das muss aber nicht heißen, dass du allein bleiben musst.
Gerade durch Online-Dating ist es auch für introvertierte wesentlich leichter geworden, Bekanntschaften zu machen und da draußen gibt es mehr als genug Frauen, die Angst davor haben alleine zu sterben. Alles was es braucht ist der Wille, deine Lage zu verändern.

Die Frage ist, ob du das wirklich willst. Ich selbst komme nicht gut mit Menschen aus (25, kissless virgin). Ich bin lieber alleine. Den sozialen Kontakt, den ich mit meiner Familie habe, reicht mir vollkommen aus. Dementsprechend sind auch meine Ambitionen überhaupt eine Freundin zu finden herzlich gering. Ich glaube für mich persönlich würden die Kompromisse, die ich bei einer Beziehung eingehen müsste, die Vorteile überwiegen.

Kurz gefasst ist mein Rat an dich also: Überlege dir zuerst, was du wirklich willst.

Falls deine Ziele für dich erreichbar sind, tu alles um sie umzusetzen.

Falls sie es nicht sind, bleibt dir nichts anderes als die bittre Pille zu schlucken und es zu aktzeptieren. Man kann nicht alles haben.

I _was_ doing it badly. That's why I am in the state I am in.

Und dann?

>random tusse
>NICHTS im leben kommt for free
ich hoffe inständig, du redest im echten Leben nicht auch so.

dieses. kommt rüber zum deutschlandfaden btw jungs

it can't be right , you're legit scare me lmao .. you must have done something wrong tbh

der nächste schritt ist schwieriger: falls sie zurücklächelt, sprich sie an! wenn sie schon gelächelt hat, heißt es wohl, sie mag dich auch. du musst nicht großartig was sagen, kannst sie auch nur nach der nummer fragen. im schlimmsten fall sagt sie nein. dann kannst du weggehen. wirst sie in dem fall eh nie wieder im leben sehen. was soll schon schlimmeres passieren? du kannst nur gewinnen. also versuch es

Are you Jesus?

warum? ist nur ein bisschen slang. gebe mir für Sup Forums nicht sonderlich große mühe sry

Es ist ja nicht so, dass ich nie Frauen angesprochen habe.

You're way better looking than me and you have hair.

How have you managed it? Surely you've had opportunities?

what are you, like 5'3 or somethin'?

>Surely you've had opportunities?

Not that I know.

Schon gut, ist ja ne reine Geschmackssache.
Mir läufts blos immer kalt den Rücken runter, wenn jemand wirklich so spricht.

What do you work as? Hobbies? Are you any good at your job/hobbie?

How's your day to day life like? do you hate yourself?


Das Mettchen hat wieder jeder übersehen lol

Who do you blame?

You've never even tried?

Wrong thread sorry

Das würde erklären, warum die meisten in diesem Faden jungfräulich sind.

What are you diagnosed with?

>What do you work as?

I'm jobbing in a supermarket atm while trying to find a real job with my half assed degree.


Climbing/bouldering, running, cycling. Cooking. Reading.

>Are you any good at your job/hobbie?

Not really.


Yes. Chatting up women in bars, clubs, parties. Tinder and other online stuff.


>Yes. Chatting up women in bars, clubs, parties. Tinder and other online stuff.

How was their reaction? Judging by your comments here, you seem pretty depressed. girls dont like that. dont think anyone would like this. I#m depressed myself and my friends hate me for it

What kind of wizard powers have you acquired?

If you're serious and you don't have some mental disease then I feel like this problem is fixable. You obviously have a personality it's possible that you're filled with so much doubt that you go in knowing that it will fail.

>How was their reaction?

Formal and distant. On the positive side, none was ever actively unfriendly.

I've never been to a psychiatrist / psychologist tbh.

why havent you just fucked a prostitute yet?

Im not much better tho tbh, 33 and have only ever had full sex with 1 girl, but she was my gf for 8 years.

that sounds like they were pitying you. if frauen act aggressive, they think youre a threat.

So what went wrong?

never worked for me

had two roots with one girl when i was 24, now 27 feeling the same bud, dont let it get you down

So, what am I supposed to do?

you look younger than me, and im 21 wtf

What did you talk about with them?

change your act. start lifting. youre thin, you only need a bit of muscles and the women will start eyeing you. but most importently: get more confident. though lifting would make you more confident too...

tldr: LIFT

Yes. I have a baby face.

I have problems gaining weight beyond a certain level (75 kg). I am skinny as fuck.

Dont cover up your dong

that you? youre ok, not skinny

woher kommst du?

in welchem bundesland wohnst du?



OP here. That is indeed me.

>be me
>dating a 17 yo virgin for the past year and a half
>also a virgin
>she's the type of no sex before marriage type of girl
>after first few months I fell in love with her
>from there no sex was kinda easy
>still got other stuff but no anal
>around September of this year she started distancing herself from me
>I realized a break up was coming and I prepared myself
>she cut things off first week of October
>no matter how much I prepared I wasn't ready for the heart break
>it went well and she said she wanted to be friends
>that's fine with me
>a month went by and this Monday she called me like she regularly does
>she told me she had something awesome to tell me
>she then went to describe in full detail over the phone how she found a 23 year old on hot or not and invited him over to fuck her all of Sunday while her parents were away
>I should have hung up but I was too shocked
>wasted 1 1/2 years of my life with a no sex before marriage virgin only for her to lose it to a random fuck boy older than me
>felt crushed
>like our relationship meant nothing
>she told me he's coming over again tomorrow (Friday)
>I had a great relationship with her father
Do I tell him what happened and that she's sleeping with a 23 yo? I know she's trying to hurt me and it's working. How do I get back at her for that?

Do you know the number for jg Wentworth ?

If you can't have her then no one can
>kill the bitch

877 cash now

This is pretty much how it goes with women, especially the younger ones.
