Alright, time to redpill round earthers on the shape of Tellus

Alright, time to redpill round earthers on the shape of Tellus.

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i am flat-earth theorist, but I am wondering what happens when ship sails edge of the earth?

1) The horizon always appears perfectly flat 360 degrees around the observer regardless of altitude. All amateur balloon, rocket, plane and drone footage show a completely flat horizon over 20+ miles high. Only NASA and other government “space agencies” show curvature in their fake CGI photos/videos.

2) The horizon always rises to the eye level of the observer as altitude is gained, so you never have to look down to see it. If Earth were in fact a globe, no matter how large, as you ascended the horizon would stay fixed and the observer / camera would have to tilt looking down further and further to see it.

3) The natural physics of water is to find and maintain its level. If Earth were a giant sphere tilted, wobbling and hurdling through infinite space then truly flat, consistently level surfaces would not exist here. But since Earth is in fact an extended flat plane, this fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with experience and common sense.

4) Rivers run down to sea-level finding the easiest course, North, South, East, West and all other intermediary directions over the Earth at the same time. If Earth were truly a spinning ball then many of these rivers would be impossibly flowing uphill, for example the Mississippi in its 3000 miles would have to ascend 11 miles before reaching the Gulf of Mexico.

5) If Earth were a ball 25,000 miles in circumference as NASA and modern astronomy claim, spherical trigonometry dictates the surface of all standing water must curve downward an easily measurable 8 inches per mile multiplied by the square of the distance. This means along a 6 mile channel of standing water, the Earth would dip 6 feet on either end from the central peak. Every time such experiments have been conducted, however, standing water has proven to be perfectly level.


where are the 4 elephants ?


I want to see an actual flat earther to argue these points.

nigga u dumb

Go look up Discworld, person who doesn't actually belong here.

but you wouldn't understand. we flat earthers, or "flatters" as we call ourselves, observe universe with our eyes. We are not brainwashed by mainstream media like most of humans...and certainly not by random youtube videos.

>inconsistent capitalization
>unnecessary ellipsis
Are you all learning disabled too? (That's a rhetorical question, stupid. We all know the answer is "yes".

There are points you can test yourself. Points that can't be argued with, because you can't change physics.

I'll ask another question, why would anybody lie about this? Why would anybody make up this insanely complicated lie about the flat earth?

Wrong one.

Meant to reply to this one.
with this one

Because it's funny watching stupid people fall for obvious lies.

In 2016 some autists still think the earth is flat. How is this possible?

1. I don't think that's true, please cite your sources. Also, Google images from the Feliz Baumgartner jump.
2. The horizon isn't a fixed point, it is the lower limit of your field of view.
3. gravity explains this.
4. Gravity
5. These Expirements are almost always flawed because they only use two points. On a round surface you need to use three.

Some questions for a flat earthers
1. Why does gps work?
2. How do you explain time zones?
3. Why is it possible to travel in one direction and return to your starting point?
4. Why does the sun appear to set twice if you start prone?
5. How do you explain geosynchronous satellites?
6. Why, during a lunar eclipse, is the shadow of the earth round?

Why would the establishment lie about a round earth?

And the answer to your questions is "For views on youtube" outrageous claims do very well in media, flat earthers bank dem dank views

They think satellites are a myth and submarines are what is making gps, phones, and TV possible. To top it off they think there's a dome around the "flat earth" and the governments are lying to us because they want to hide God from us, and whoever built said dome is trying to hide God from us. I actually looked this up, I'm shocked at how anyone can believe that

That.....that's retarded....why would anyone.....?

I can just see a fat christian living in Texas, who is going bald. Small cracked glasses, shitty office job, cucked by wife with one rebellious kid. That's you user. You're the fat christian who is going downhill in life.

Why? I'm not even Christian fool

So humans build a dome to keep god outside of it

Yep that's what they think, I'm sure there's more autistic beliefs they have but I couldn't watch the video anymore, I couldn't handle it

List includes "fat", "Christian", "Texan", "balding", "speccy", "wage slave", "cuckold", and "poor, irrelevant father".

Bridles at "Christian".


Are these trolls actually from here or do they just spread?

Or God wrapped gauze around a spreading infection, fuck knows lol.



Okay so just want to say that I'm NOT a flat earther and always thought they were dolts.

However, what if both camps are right. The earth IS round and it is ALSO flat.

Flat for the projection and round for the non-projection.

Is the universe a hologram?
April 27, 2015
Vienna University of Technology
The 'holographic principle,' the idea that a universe with gravity can be described by a quantum field theory in fewer dimensions, has been used for years as a mathematical tool in strange curved spaces. New results suggest that the holographic principle also holds in flat spaces. Our own universe could in fact be two dimensional and only appear three dimensional -- just like a hologram.

Don't you mean brownpill?

>shows curvature


Here's the deal: there are two types of Flat Earthers: trolls, and literal Bible interpreters. Somewhat surprisingly, we usually encounter the latter on Sup Forums. There are a few passages in the Bible that transliterate into English with an implication the Earth may be disk-like, or even square. This *human* interpretation is then presented as gospel by their chosen or inherited ministry. There must be no explanation or evidence to the contrary allowed, or the ministry will be shown to have a fundamental flaw.

The first confusion here is that the flat-Earth religious zealots put the onus on *you* to prove the current description of the Earth as oblate spheroidal ("round"). That's not really necessary, because evidence and explanations are available in schools, libraries, museums, from astronomers amateur and professional, on the web, and even dumb old TV. They have no interest in knowledge. They're here to argue to convince you that you're as stupid as they are, and should believe the same crap they do.

They have the freedom to make shit up because truth and understanding are not their goals. They believe their arguments are good enough to sway you, because they themselves don't think. By disavowing any science put forward and continuously prevaricating, they can argue forever by simply accusing you of being wrong, and still be perfectly happy that theirs is God's work. They concentrate on parroting their leaders and may project onto you the moniker "sheeple" as they desperately try to prevent your explanation from marring their fractured perception of the universe. They bear false witness, do not recognize that they behave as agents of the devil with lies and confusion, conceal truth, and are missing out on the beauty and wonder of God's creation.

Simply, there is no arguing. It's like trying to paint over mud. You just end up with a dirty brush.

Nah nigga is a hallow earth


>thinking that the Discworld books or movies are where the turtles and elephant theory came from

If earth is flat why all tousands of niggnogillions of other planets are round?

If by "edge" you mean the Antarctic ice shelf, what happens when sailing (or flying) westbound is this: the ship has to steer with a net left trim, because they are sailing around a roughly circular continent.

In flat Earth fantasy, you'd have to steer with a right (starboard) trim.

Do flat earthers believe pic related or is this someone else?

>not realizing that it was only in the early 1800s that the flat-earth theory began to gain popularity. Before that people were not so ignorant, they paid attention to observations and did not believe stupid ignoramuses on YouTube.
>this, btw, is TRUE, flat earthers!
Get out and do some observation that isn't on your fucking computer monitor and you would know that! Even the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Celts, you fucking name it, they fucking knew it! It is only modern idiots, who have chosen to be believers rather than observers. Flat earthers reject Truth in favor of their own fanciful notions.

Git yor cock outta here!
My cock is the new sherrif in town.

they also believed that their gods drive the sun around in their horse waggons...

Lucky for you, those same gods still do!

It's the same cawk with slightly different hairstyle

You wont ever get that, flatfags believe its all a grand conspiracy. It isn't about facts, it's about having a smug sense of superiority that they have "figured it out," so they're somehow batter than you.

>wonder what happens if I get off the boat and start moving along with a sled

>not by random youtube videos
>here, have this random youtube-link, it shows that the earth is INDEED flat.

Because they're under educated and have a low IQ

fuck thats so dumb
this must be the shittiest bait ever
you truly have never seen a round waterdrop in life
you truly have never seen the world from a tall building
you truly have never seen a lecture about forces and you truly don't know what gravity is

Of course I did!
Just trolling these idiotic Sup Forumstards, m8!


Actually the Erf is a square.

baitus maximus

>confirmed. OP is just trolling.

>pretending to be OP

OP here.
That is not me.
I seriously believe the earth is flat.

Actual OP here. Eat shit, round earth believing sheep.

but who is OP

>assumes your belief matters.

but who is phone

But who is me?

LMAO look at Australia and South America. Distortions everywhere. If the FE cult can come up with a flat earth map with 0 distortions they will convert me.

Ahhh now, but ain't that the question!

Yeah, but now I want an answer...
Any answer... I'll believe it!
Am I flat or round?

heath legend

Dubs confirms... OP Is a Giant Faggot.

Even giant faggots are round!

Give up niggerfaggots. you cant win against an autist! earth is round end of story suck dick nigger cucks /thread

I like to think it's Poe's Law gone horribly wrong.

Funniest thing about flat earthers is that they all believe different things.

Nice b8 m8

From source to sea, the earth "drops" if it is round, correct? Then how would it have to ascend? It would be descending. It would start 11 or 12 meters higher than the final destination (sea).

Samefagging but you could also ask the same of lots of religions or cults (unless you buy into the "all paths lead to one" concept. Or conspiracy theorists of all flavors. You could probably even say the same for people like Tolkien who craft entire highly complex and in depth fantasy universes even though those will never be our reality.

But they're ALL Believers -- NOT Observers.
>that should tell you something.

Actual actual OP here.
Do not fuck with us believers.
We will burn you at the stake.

Fake OP.
This is the real actual actual OP here.
>and, believe me, I know what is real!
We don't want to burn you at the stake!
We want you to freeze to death exploring the Antarctica, which is a neverending expanse of ice surrounding our little mud-puddle earth.

Jesus Christ, Do none of you fuckers understand logic?

The only difference between a flat earther and a brainwashed globalist is that FE'ers have done their research.

There is no flat earther who has not put at least a hundred hours in trying to disprove the flat earth. You can't disprove flat earth. I wish I did, so I wouldn't feel ostracized and angry every time someone talks about NASA.

You can't go to space because its too expensive and dangerous.
You can't go to space because there is a firmament above us.
You can't go into inner Antarctica because scientists want to preserve it.
You can't go into inner Antarctica because there is no inner Antarctica.

You can't know science because scientists don't use science anymore. They use CONSENSUS. They use nihlism. They use feeling instead of fact.

You should realize that before Zionism, every culture believed the earth was flat. Ancient civilizations created a tool called an Astrolabe. This could only work on a flat earth.

You are so arrogant and ignorant to think that you haven't been lied to about this shit.

You are so arrogant and ignorant to think that what you believe has no flaws and that it has no chance of being wrong.

How do peoples bodies naturally adjust to a flat earth? If the earth was a ball wouldn't you see everything sideways? There are people under you right now walking upside down

only retards don't get the joke and create a youtube vid

Where do you find these arguments?
I want to find the people that are actually arguing with these points and lobotomize them


The first step is to get off your high horse and doubt the things you think you know.

I have been up in a military jet and i can tell you there is curvature of the earth and yes it is round not flat 100% guarantee!!!!!

>before Zionism, every culture believed the earth was flat
De caelo, 298a2-10

Really? Cause I have too, bitch. A shitload of times. It's flat as fuck

A quote by Aristole, a fringe philosopher that specialized in psychology. About the entirety of the earth while still even today we have not gone below 12 miles down.


redbull space jump shows curvature of earth and every time we send a balloon for an experiment for college it shows curvature so no my friend earth is not flat no gov conspiracy you can do the experiment yourself with a balloon and a go pro don't be dumb try it and then tell me what you see

you are so full of shit if you have been up then you would have seen don't be a dip shit you sound dumb as fuck

its like people who deny DNA when you can legitimately observe it in a cell under a microscope.

no you have not or you would of seen curvature you are as dumb as they come

exactly right most people don't try they just skip all and tell a fake conclusion

Beautiful mate. Grade A trolling.

You see, globeheads. the redbull space jump took place over planet New Mexico. It was shot with a go pro, which only have fisheye lens.

For the DNA, NO ONE HAS EVER OBSERVED ATOMS OR MOLECULES. The lowest level of observation we can go is to the cell.


If you send a balloon up with a go pro you will see that the earth is round it is easy and cheap to do we did it in college several times for different experiments

you are truly ignorant go pro cams are not only fish eye we shoot youtube videos with them nice try dumbass

It's turtles all the way down.

If anyone here thinks the earth is flat just look up how to align and use a telescope. It wouldn't be possible on a flat earth. It's simple math you dumb fucks

go pro and a balloon will stop all of this the earth is round try it or stfu

>this m8