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Plz join

Code : 369072

I'll green text results

how does this work? i don't get it


Go to use the code to get in make an offensive name

yeah i got that but then i just pick a random color and then what?

Basically its a way to take quizzes in school

You won't be able to see the questions but they'll see your name

someone in some classroom is showing questions
we cant see them unless we are looking at that screen

oh. Well they're going to be wondering where Adolf came from.

he came from his mommas pussy, why do you ask?

props to George W. Kush
also RIP correct streak

Idk if adolf works it auto changes obvious things like Adolf and nigger
You gotta be sneaky like Odolf or N1gg3r

IFingerTeachers here

Jack Meoff reporting in

Fotze means pussy in german. greentext OP?

OP here I think you were to slow but he might do another so stand by

NEW CODE : 106204

Nuck Figgers reporting in

>some students notice and had themselves a giggle

Nuck Figgers

whats teacher name?

New code?

OP here

Sorry about uneventful thread like I said some students saw the names and had a giggle but teacher didn't even see

New code?