Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

Just don't smoke.


Dont be a pussy, cold turkey that shit unless ur gay er something nigger

Find a hobby, learn how to play guitar or anything, try to force yourself into a situation with nothing to do for days and you'll prob find your hobby

Switch to vaping

Smoke weed

Bad advice. Playing guitar and smoking cigarettes go hand in hand.

35 a day for decades
tried to quit for years
Switched to vaping about 3 years ago.
Cut nic use in half in that 3 years, dunno if I'll ever quit completely.
Still, less health risks, I can smell again, cronic sinus problems gone, and no morning cough.
Also with DIY coils and juice, less than $5 a week when it was over $50

I was a smoker for some 6-7 years. Managed to quit overnight. Had a bet with my gf - if I stopped smoking, she'd suck me off every day. Been getting daily blowjobs since.

Yep. I was at 2 packs a day. Decided I was tired of having to feed the nic demon or have a fit. So I psyched myself up for a long while, decided on the day I'd quit, and I quit. I patched through it. It was really rough the first 6 weeks, because when you smoke so much, you have automatic triggers for lighting up, and I was surprised about most of them.

Just a matter of determination. You might need to stop doing a lot of things you normally do cause of all the triggers you've built up. But over time, if you hold fast to your goal, you can break all those triggers and get where you can do all those things without wanting to light a cig.

But watch out for TV and movies. Those were the worst for reminding me I needed a cigarette. LOL. Took a long time to get over that.

If you smoke a lot, it will be a challenge, but hold fast and think about how much you'll prefer not being a smoker, not having to worry about keeping a few packs ahead of your smoking need, of being able to appreciate the taste of food and the smell of nice things again.

And if you fail, take a break, psyche yourself up, and try again.

>smoking 75 cigarettes a day
You will die from this. This is the truth

Seen this thread a few times already
Just fucking quit already ffs

>automatic triggers for lighting up, and I was surprised about most of them.
I know that feel
Even though I switched to vaping, I finally managed to break the associations by making a rule...
Smoke in the kitchen(no internet, tv, ect.) and focus on nothing but the cigarette. My tendency to procrastinate payed off for once.


old thread is old. let him die in peace


Serious advice tho.

I eased into it by SLOWLY getting rid of it. I used to smoke a pack day reducing it by 2 sticks per month ( I reduced my ciggie consumption every two weeks). Eventually, I started to slow down and reduce it by 1 stick per month. I'm still smoking 3-4 ciggie per day but its better than doing a pack.

The ONLY problem is that I eat more this time because when I started I filled the time by eating when I was supposed to be smoking. I might start going to the gym but shit son, im lazy. also, I have more money for food because less ciggie

I started smoking during 1 of my most depressing year of life, which after i managed to stop luckily after I realized how much of a faggot I was for smoking, and I've been clean off smoking for 5 years now.

this fucking thread again

tfw when you see this post 75 times a day, how do you stop a faggot meme.


Smokers have really bad food and exercise habits because you never needed to develop them. If you don't eat junk food and drink soda, you won't put on weight

Just do this. Take a break from work if you need to. Just take the pain, you set yourself up for it.


Ive been smoking two or one cig a day for the past month. Learn to limit yourself cause this skill will come handy later on in life.


Buy or rent a motorcycle. Go on road trip. First week only smoke when stopping for gas. Second week no sigarettes whatsoever. Congratulations you just quit by enjoying yourself

switch to weed for cuple of months or just chew gum

Oh it's THIS thread again...

I managed to quit because I'm not a weak willed pussy

started vaping and i love it.

I had smoked cigs in the past, quit for a while.

but i felt like getting the nicotine buzz again

its pretty good and i dont plan on quitting any time soon

How much did you smoke before tho?

this fucking post again, are you kidding me

Yes, quit cold turkey a long time ago, started back up about a year later, then I started vaping and would smoke on and off. Went the last 3 weeks without a cigarette but I just bought a pack the other day. Shit sucks man. It takes a lot of psychological prep, but cold turkey is the best way imo. If you try to ween yourself off youre really just making the withdrawals last longer.

If you aren't ready to quit then you have to turn your addiction into a hobby that is reduced risk.
IE: pipe smoking, nasal snuff, vaping, etc.

just start smoking 0 and you will be so bored you quit

Nicotine gum


Quit whining and just stop. If you can't fight the urge, go be an hero. We don't care.

If today you don't have the enough time to care of your health, don't worry pal!, tomorrow you will have all the time to care of your disease. Greeings, I send you a hug.

2 packs a day for 30 years.
Started vaping in January.
Haven't had a cigarette since.
