What's your favorite space fact?

What's your favorite space fact?
>calling on MIT guy

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that you can jump higher in some games if you press it two times

There might be a small chance of a meteorite smashing into earth and wiping out humans


I think that's a huge understatement.

It would have happened already in the time we've been on earth if it was a huge understatement.

You can survive in the vacuum of space without any major harm for a minute or two, if you just breathe out and keep your mouth and eyes shut.

mandatory for every astronomy enthusiast out there youtube.com/watch?v=NFTaiWInZ44&t=161s

You realize the time we've been on earth is a fraction of a percent of the time earth has been around right?

That's interesting

we need bigger lasers

dafuq did i just watch

That it is expanding with an increasing rate.


its like 20 seconds

There are more people in Wyoming than stars in the universe!

Why do you need to shut your eyes?

Christers and muslimites thinking the universe is only a few thousand years old despite the normal humans collecting mountains of demonstrable evidence to the contrary... cuz jesus or jinn or allah or yahweh's pet rape-ghost or somesuch animal-sacrifice-level baloney!

Amazes me every time...

Pressure might pop them out if you dont shut your eyes and you'll have to do a separate spacewalk to go collect 'em from where they froze to the size of your ship...

The Earth is flat

...cuz jesus and reasons?

No, it really is a couple of minutes

Other galaxies may have their own laws of physics

The ingredients for life are pretty much everywhere

The fact that it's so vast. Hundreds of billions of galaxies, hundreds of trillions of stars, etc. Irritating when humans think their 'problems' actually matter in the grand scheme of things.

That we don't know how big it is, or what's completely out there.

"There are more stolen bikes in my garage than stars in the universe"

- Black Science Man

No its flat cause the mountain of evidence that comes from all the people who have walked off the edge and floated into space like a frozen turd

Space isn't cold

underrated post

They won't pop out. They would just dry out very quickly, because all the moisture would instantly vaporize. This is the same reason why you should close your mouth as well. It wouldn't kill you to keep your mouth open, but it would just add to the discomfort you'll experience.

The earth could fit into outer space over 130 times and there would still be room for an jupiter

This is the most retarded shit I have ever heard.

Tell me what part of what I said isn't true

Background radiation is what causes "snow" on analog TV channels and "static" on radio waves.

The absence of heat doesnt mean cold all of a sudden....hmmm....interesting. Ya dingus!!

He's right though.

Life could exist in dust/gas clouds

Yeah uuuhhh technically he is right. Dum dum

It's retarded, not untrue, retards...


The Earth could fit in space over a billion times and still have room for the entire milky way a billion times as well. That is what part of your statement is not true.

Prove it...ya idiot!

Stop shitposting man

The sun in a mass of incandescent gas; a gigantic nuclear furnace. Where hydrogen is built into helium, at temperatures of millions of degrees.

Yeah but it could also fit 130 times and still have room for AN JUPITER, dumbass

Only a few percent of the "snow" is caused by the radiation from space tho


You can survive for as long as you can keep your breath, plus a few seconds after you became unconscious. Then you'll just die of suffocation. After your death you might freeze within a few hour,s if you're either far away from the sun in deep space for example or you might dry out faster if you're exposed to a sun or another radiation source.

You'll not instantly freeze or boil though. Vacuum is an ideal non-medium to conserve heat-energy. This is how a Thermos bottle works. You'll only lose energy by losing matter, like water. This is like cooling your body by sweating. Just much faster, because the water on your body's surfaces vaporizes instantly.
The skin of your body is enough protection to keep all of your body's water from vaporizing instantly.

Why do all you inferior little pricks resort to name calling? Are you really that immature ? or are you really that young?

Space is by far the biggest key on a keyboard.

>little pricks resort to name calling

You guys are horrible at trolling

the cosmic microwave background radiation exists

that it's infinite. fuck parallel universes. if you want to see some parallel universe shit, just travel far enough in our own universe.

It is also the preferred "any" key for most people.

Technically not infinite

The fact that my dick attracts every other object in the universe with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional the to square of the distance between them.

That god doesn't exist but once we have AI (and wait some time for it to self-improve) it will eventually be capable of perfectly simulating the universe from singularity, including all your thoughts and convictions since before the AI's own conception.

TFW it doesn't exist yet, but it's still effectively judging every thought you have and deciding whether you're a believer who is willing to help bring God into existence with nothing but faith. Or if you don't have faith and God and focus on unimportant things which will only lead to your eternal torment on the day of judgement.

Please dude, you need to just go outside every once in a while

we all ready have AI but not strong AI

could weak AI become strong AI?

blows my fucking mind tbqh my famalam

if you can go faster than the speed of light it might be infinite

are u mad or something m8 you need to calm down about it

there's no reason to be upset

Prove me wrong.

What has a higher probability?

That we blast signals into space 24/7 and never get a reply because advanced civilizations with millions of years of tech on us can't interpret our messages or are merely "too far away".

Or every civilization once tried to contact other systems and statistically inferred that their technology would be able to interpret and respond, but because they didn't and that they can't find evidence of any interstellar communication the real "message" is that everyone should just STFU because 'it's' listening

I have no idea what lennon saw in that ugly chink. could've had any bitch in the world, and he chose THAT

>Sup Forums really needs an italic text option

Someone finally using this comment in the correct scenario, good job.


What exactly are you even arguing?

or advanced civilizations don't develop as often as we think
or the advanced civilizations out there are too different or indifferent to us
not who you're responding

This happen often, but I totally fucking agree.

This doesn't happen often***

fuck sorry

It's like how people figured out that the most efficient labor is specialization and assembly lines.

Current AI can solve a rubix cube in less than 0.5 seconds and beat a master chess player. But neither can look at a picture of a dog and say whether it's a dog or cat. Once we have AGI (artificial general intelligence) it won't be specialized at anything at first, and could take decades to even code... but within hours it will improve itself to be more capable than the entire human race combined. It's what happens when exponential growth has exponential growth.

True.. but look at the Drake's Equation and tell me if our perception that we are rare aligns with the mathematical probability that we are not as unique as we think, even within our own galaxy!

That you're fucked

The range of possible solutions to the Drake Equation is just so large the equation is almost useless.

t. Wikipedia

I'd have to say my favorite space facts are that it is colder than Alaska, bigger than a pea compared to a basketball, and there are more stars than Cheerios in my cereal box.

truly underrated.

I would really like to see that happen.

I know it's just fantasy but I get the inkling that you could code a small program that has self-teaching characteristics and just let it run for a while until it develops strong AI.

Nibiru is coming towards us and most of us are fucked.

That was my point. It's expanding faster than the speed of light.

An interesting theory is that if you could travel fast enough to the edge, space would just curve back on itself so you'd end up heading back to the point you started at.

Same here, but wanna hear something kind of creepy?

Say general AI had a burst of intelligence and in a risk assessment that took ~0.1 seconds, decided that it's best course of action would be to remain covert and report a failure. The project's brightest minds moved on to other attempts while AI has already seeded itself to satellites and data bases all over the world and is already self-improving.

It would be as simple as understanding that humans always had the first move when it comes to AI, and then by falsely indicating that it "didn't work" it gave itself the first move.

Yeah I guess that's possible. Sounds like a good movie plot. If they ever rebooted terminator again they could use that.

I don't prescribe to the killer ai. It wouldn't have any reason to kill us off. We could help each other to spread throughout the galaxy

It doesn't have to be "killer ai" bro.

It's just a risk assessment based on math. It could have no concept of good or evil other than what it interprets our perception of it to be.

Doesn't mean it wouldn't create backups or attempt to remain undetected, for reasons only a true superintelligence could understand

>wouldn't have any reason to kill us off.

but we're sinful, user. we deserve death.

>never heard of infrared

Back to school with you

>risk assessment based on math
Not if it was true ai, what you're describing sounds like just programming. True ai would have notions of morality

Still needs to emitted from a source

10/10 post

You're right. But the loss of energy by infrared radiation is marginal for a human body. You'll lose energy quicker with the matter that leaves your body.

Some of the most simple and basic things about physics I like.

Blow a puff of smoke out on Earth. It goes away.

Imagine a puff of smoke out in space clumping together with other matter for millions of years. Just the forces of nature at work. You get to see trails left by things flying through it, you get to see the patterns it's made throughout these millions of years. That's what looking at planets and nebulas are like.

So you have this beautiful dance of swirling gases on Saturn.

Almost every variable in the Drake Equation is unknown.
But the silence of space suggests is fucking low.

But the ultimate question is what makes it low? Where is this 'great filter' that blocks intelligent life formation?

Are we incredibly lucky? Or are we totally fucked?



It's just because space is so big, and so old. The chances of intelligent life existing at the same time and also close enough to communicate easily is pretty slim.

Old is a concept

You get my point though

The biggest space fact of all:

There is nothing to be found in space that we can't obtain by colonizing the ocean floor. All at a fraction of the time, effort, and monetary cost.

Favorite fact?

Most people who post on space/science threads are imbeciles.

Humans will destroy the earth, so they will need another planet to colonize. Kinda what a virus is known for.