


OP's asking if grass is green.


cucked by a nigger

Insult the emperor again and see what happens


Fag talk. The emperor? What do you want to suck his hog or something you fucking fagola?

Being anti-Trump doesn't exclude me disliking Hillary just as much, you simple-minded nothing.

dickless, powerless, faggot


what do you call a cuck's cuck?

Now that Trump is emperor, I want to become a racist but my sister had a black baby by accident and I don't want to make her feel bad.

bigtime cuck. his supporters? the biggest bitched cuckolds in the world right now.

>"omg guise putin threatened us! vote trump! omg he'll totally nuke us if we don't vote trump! so just shitpost, call everyone else cucks and sjw's, and they won't realize that WE'RE the cucks and sjw's!!"

>He thought this would be a homerun line. He thought people would find this hilarious. Irony equals instant funny every single time.

>wants internment camps and registries for muslims
>appoints establishment gop to cabinet (including the head of the RNC, and Sarah Palin)
>still coked out at 3am, tweeting bullshit
>restricts the media's access
>reneges on deportations and the wall

This man will be a financial disaster for the country. And those who'll feel it the most? Yep - the middle class. The people who voted for him to "bring back jobs". And those jobs are never coming back. Sweat shops in China/Mexico have the monopoly. GW sent those jobs overseas. Trump will send even more away.

Good job trumpanzees. You've just shot yourselves in the head.

So how to we stop Trump from giving the US to Russia, and letting Russia fuck the US right in the ass? And why do republicans love Russia so much now? What happened :O

People who have Trump blinders on like whatever Trump likes.

Trump could come out as a furry tomorrow and all of those right-wing and left-wing circlejerk publications will have a field day just defending/lambasting him in the most cliche'd ways possible just to maintain their narrative.

You're right about that.

How sad. Time to sick back and watch it all burn I suppose.

Trump has overwhelming, furry, weeaboo, tranny, and gay support

A lot of people don't know that most furries are the kinky, freak meth head southern type.

Northern degeneracy manifests itself in different ways, by furfags are almost exclusively a southern problem.


Why are all the degenerates ALWAYS Trumpcucks?