What's this device?

What's this device?

power adapter to usb



Could be a new finger box design

Power cord or charger for either a tablet or laptop.

An old modem

A computer murderer


It looks like a power converter but also appears like someone has been prying it open to hide things inside. I'd pick it open with butter kinfe or screwdriver to see if it's filled with drugs or cash.

Here's the answer

An electronic girlfriend for your vr. Plug it in to your set, open it up and stick your dick in it.

Told you some fgt has been prying it open to hide things inside...


IEC to USB adapter

That's fucked up but pretty god damn sweet at the same time

OMG it's an Acme world eliminator. Quick, delete if before it

Any ideal places to put it? Downside with this is that is has to be hooked up to a computer. Need to get some good snuff from my coworkers XDDD

WOW, she was GREAT

What's this "STD" setting do?


It looks like it can be charged with sexual harassment lmao

Going to fuck my toaster

charge your USB ports. plug it into your PC with a plug on the other end going into the wall. usb ports degrade over time and need recharged to work at optimal speed.