Do you think you could win against Trudeau in a bare knuckle fight to the death?

do you think you could win against Trudeau in a bare knuckle fight to the death?

You kidding me he has no muscle?

His name is the right honorable Prime Minister Zoolander

I would pound his libtard fairy ass in two

Which would hurt more if I threw it at your face.
a) a slab of meat
b) a bone

Depends on the force it was thrown wit

at least he's not an old orange man who wears diapers

yes cause I'd bring a gun.

also rcmp would shut that shit down.

> tell him im a muslim
> insta win
> fuck his wife

even if you fuck his wife he wins

It blows my mind that people love this guy... Let me rephrase that, I fucking hate that people like this guy. It's like we elected a 15 years for girl, god fucking damn it.

Let's see... he's French Canadian.
I think saying "boo!" would cause him to shit himself right of the bat.

lets see how much muscle you got tough guy

I'll just say this, you don't get to be the leader of Canada by being a nice guy. You would get killed

I'd smash his faggot ass but his lawyers would crush me afterwards.

Im twice his size

Got nothing to prove to you either

just seek asylum in the US. you would be safe in a Trump America

ya being an overweight neckbeard doesn't mean you could take on a healthy person in a fight just because you weigh more fatass

Well its either a lawsuit or death so...

>overweight neckbeard
Fucking kek, there is always one.

Seriously though, it's not that hard to be stronger than Trudeau.

i wish someone with gif skills would edit the video of him being knocked out with one punch into the Mike Tyson's Punchout Game

Yeah, because Trudeau believes that "If you fight your enemies, they win". I would knock him right the fuck out, and he'd thank me for it.

Being a nice guy is exactly why he was elected

probably not, he's slightly above average in height and health. probably around 35-40% of adult males could take him.

You are not one of them fatty

Just grab the pussy.

I've got at least 60lbs of muscle on the guy and I fight more frequently than he does, I'd kill him in a fight.

>those wrists
>those pecs
good one user

haha good one

As someone who knows his noob fights, it might, actually.

You play too many videogames, man.

12/10 OP is right. Man whips around in the same 300SL his father owned and he's down for the W3333333333333D'S. Great fucking gui