Dubs decide what I put on the note I put on my dog

Dubs decide what I put on the note I put on my dog


Sleep tight little dude

Good pupper


My dubs if I get 'em


Sleep tight doggo

giant dicks in the butt eat shit cocks niggers fuck bitches get dorietuz


If i get trips u going to kys and see if the dog eats the meat let's fucking roll disgtusting sand nigger

Going to bed, maybe a thread wth the dog tomorrow ?

pup tight sleeper

im a big pinhead

put another note on top of the note already there, write that dubs decides what goes on the note on top of the other note

Put "I like hunt niggers haha uwu"

adorable puppster


I was first fucking nigger


You didn't get dubs you antipup

I hate niggers

Threads over have fun photoshopping



Posted result already

White Power

Black labs matter

yer fuckin retarded

"Check 'em"

Also, your handwriting is atrocious

I can already taste the memes

Too late bud

If dubs remove paper

Stalin did 7/11

My twitter is


Says the kid who chills on Sup Forums every week take pictures of ur little sister and will never get laid or friends nigga please
And nah i wont forget autism...