In this timeline the A-team van is gray on top. I remember it being all black with a red stripe

In this timeline the A-team van is gray on top. I remember it being all black with a red stripe.
Itt: we discuss the mandela effect
A few mandela effects that I have experienced.
>sex in the city is now sex in a city
>interview with the vampire is now interview with a vampire
>thanksgiving is now the fourth Thursday of November
>Oscar Meyer is now Oscar Mayer
>luke, I am your father. Is now No, I am your father.
>Adams family is now Addams family
>don't remember Australia being so close to PNG
>south America is too far to the right
>the north pole does NOT have a polar ice cap
>Greenland is gigantic
>and of course Bernstein not Berenstain

Other urls found in this thread:

what a bunch of horse shit.

op is a gay

Bump with tits

The Mandela Effect is a term for where a group of people all mis-remember the same detail, event or physicality. It is named after the instance in which a large group of people all shared the same memory that Nelson Mandela died prior to his actual 2013 death, usually some time in the 1980’s. The effect exploded in popularity on the internet when a peculiar example popped up where a majority of people seemed to have recalled the Berenstain Bears books as being spelled as “Berenstein” or some other variation, differing from the actual spelling as presented by evidence.

The effect is somewhat different from a false memory as it effects large groups of people, seemingly without many connections and without the same emotional factors present. It also seems stronger and harder to escape the feeling that it’s simply a mis-remembering of a detail, which is why people are so adamant with claims of their memories. As such, it’s often been hinted at that the Mandela Effect is closely related to cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance can be mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds beliefs, ideas, or values and is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values. Please note the use of “can be” as there is many purists that don’t accept the broader definition and scope of cognitive dissonance applying to memory versus reality.

Many Mandela Effects are usually trivial details about an oddly specific set of categories. These include things such as the how and when of celebrity deaths, misspellings (usually replaced or removed letters), placement of geographical locations, quotations within media, or alternate imagery.

It is also related to misconceptions in general, although, again is differentiated due to the obscure nature and odd feelings resulting from learning the reality. The solutions, explanations and reasons for the misconceptions are also cryptic and often misrepresented or unknown altogether.

The term it fits most with is “confabulation” which is a disturbance of memory which produces fabricated, distorted, or misinterpreted memories about the world, without the explicit or conscious intention to deceive others. People who confabulate in this way produce incorrect memories about the most trivial details (as seen with most Mandela Effects) but range up to more complex fabrications as well. They are generally extremely confident in their recollections and will typically resist any contradictory evidence.

The aim of this site is unique among the current offerings online to attempt to dissect the possible causes and solutions for this perplexing phenomenon with a scientific, rational approach. If you’ve come to read about merging of universes, alternate timelines, and time travel then you are in the wrong place (unless you have evidence of such things!). It is of my opinion that the Mandela Effect is a real thing; however, steeped in the realm of sociology and psychology and not science fiction.

Here op I'll share

Fuck you arin ask suzy if shes down for swinger party



i was about to call you a fag, but realized the north pole ice cap vanished on every world map, wtf man?

Although I agree most is confabulation, but there still things I can't explain. I agree with a few you stated. Pay no attention to these faggots. They're all underage or just of age trolls that listen to their teachers and professors like they're gods.

Look how close Australia is to PNG dude.


I have found one in the original skyrim for ps3. In castle volkihar the cattle, were originally called human cattle. Now they a called vampire cattle. Here is the kicker, there is a remnant of a previous time line error, one of the load screens still says human cattle.


checking worldmaps...
...and when did svalbard pop out of the ocean??

>when did svalbard pop out of the ocean?

back in 2005.
it was all over the news, do you live under a rock or something?