Ask some one who works or maybe worked in the Pentagon anything. (not my name or position)

Ask some one who works or maybe worked in the Pentagon anything. (not my name or position)

howd it feel working in a building made in the image of the world's most perfect shape

The Pentagon was huge. It took such a long time going from one end of the building to the other.

you misunderstand me. I don't care about the size of the building, I care about the geometric shape of it, Ergo, a pentagon.

Did you ever have to kill a spy?

Ahh yes, but a pentagon is not the best of symmetric shapes.
No but there were a few issues at work with those types of things.

is the sixth floor really where they keep the area 51 stuff now?

The sub-levels of the building is where they keep most secret material. I never had clearance but I can tell you that I did see a bunch of weird stuff going on down there. I'll let you know if you're interested.

Let us know. And two how much does the govt care about cp?

oh... well shit. what's the sixth floor then, just more offices and stuff?

also what kind of weird stuff? i am definitely interested.

did the jews really do 911?

when is trump going to shut down Sup Forums?

I know they have a whole division dedicated to it and they run a bunch of cp sites to bait people in.
As far as the sub-levels go I saw a few people in radiation and hazmat suits carrying some evidence down the sub-level elevator. When I asked my colleague what was going on he said "just keep doing what you're doing."

What do u mean by "evidence" like radioactive evidence?

Did a plane actually hit the penta? Vid?

The packages they were carrying had evidence tape clearly marked on it. However, the packages were hermetically sealed. I've never seen this before. Evidence is never sealed airtight like that. And I NEVER saw any evidence go down the sub-level elevator. Whatever happened those few weeks was pretty big. Every one was uptight and on very high alert as well.

ever have sex in the pentagon?

I have no idea and I doubt it.

Oddly the surveillance tapes are not available to view without proper authorization. I wasn't working there during 9/11 though.

where were you working then?

I was still in college.

did you do a lot of drugs in college?

I drank a few times, never took drugs though.

were you scared of drugs?

Too concentrated on school to take drugs honestly. I just viewed them as a waste of time and money.

did you bang a lot of chicks in college though?

Why do you care? These questions seem odd.

sorry, are you gay? i didn't mean to offend. did you bang a lot of guys in college?

Have you ever overheard or seen anything you don't think you were suppose to? What kind of secrets or information does the pentagon even hold anyways?

No, never banged guys.

you didn't get laid at all in college?

please keep going user

do they keep muthafuccin crucified liked buttons in area 51?

what is your name and position?

come on, OP, did you have any hot and dirty sex while you were in college?

My name's Marty McFly Williams and I'm about to bomb this master hill

sorry, i think i scared him off.

Not your exact position, but what kind of work did you do?

OP gets made fun of and not taken seriously and leaves.
Great job Mr. Pentagoon

still here. Had to shower.
I'm an investigative analyst. Mostly run scenarios through programs. Sometimes I get to go out in the field.

did you jerk off in the shower, remembering one of your particularly erotic college encounters?

You bet I did.

take a picture of your shower for us. i'm interested to see what kind of tile a possibly former pentagon employee has in their bathroom.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to see your mom nude.

why not? i sucked on her titties as a little one.

also are you saying that you have bathroom tiles printed with my mom on them?

Are you proud of where you work?

have you ever been in one of those underground bases?

i think he's "showering" again

Did Bush do 311?

Will ranch ever be legal?

I'm back again, I'm sorry. Ever since I left the pentagon I suddenly feel the urge to shower every 15 minutes, probably due to the many anal probes I was involved in during my days as an investigative anal sylist
