Everyone, let's try to save the Schrodinger Plates, what are your thoughts on how to not break them?

Everyone, let's try to save the Schrodinger Plates, what are your thoughts on how to not break them?
At the time they are in a quantic state where they are both broken and intact.

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Move the cupboard and remove the backboard.

Break the glass on the side

They're not broken. You can clearly see that they're not.

The whole point about Schrodinger's Cat is that you didn't know.

It's like dropping your phone and it landing screen down. It's both cracked and not cracked till you pick it up and look.

Think about shit before you say it and don't just fucking parrot shit that you heard someone else use.


You've already collapsed the waveform.

OP is a massive bundle of sticks.

this ^



Eat on paper plates.

>quantic state
The adjectival form of quantum is still quantum.

>Use glass cutter to carefully cut a hole n the glass next to them
>Put hand in, carefully put them back in place


The Schrodinger's Cat scenario is bullshit. Just because there's a branch with two possibilities and you don't know which happened, it doesn't affect what actually occurred. It's better to assume neither than assume both happened. If your phone landed screen down and you don't know if it's broken, that doesn't mean it's simultaneously fine and destroyed. It's very obviously one or the other but you just check to see the result. Schrodinger's Cat is like saying the room is both there and not there if you close your eyes, or something behind you is both there and not there because it's out of your perspective. Wanky pseudo-intellectual bullshit.

Tilt the whole thing backwards a little then open the door.


You're absolutely right that the phone is either broken or not. But you don't know. And you won't know till you look.

So before the moment where you know, it is one or the other. But quantum superposition states that any two states can exist at the same time. It's Quantum Mechanics, which I know very little about.

I know those fucking plates are not broken, though.

They use the word "observer" and "you" a lot in the thought experiment which confuses plebs like you. Really its more saying that the universe cannot physically process the cats outcome if no information is coming from the cat or its particles. The universes physics engine cant round or assume so it does both options until theres a way to discretely measure one and nullify the other. Obviously this realistically applies only to the smallest particles rather than cats or bowls

Again, bullshit. You're trying to think of the universe like a computer. There is still information on the outcome, it's just not accessible to us. It's similar to the tree falling and nobody hearing it. It still fell. If you throw a cat out of a 10 floor building onto the ground then cover your ears and close your eyes, the cat is still a red stain on the ground but you can't verify it. If you want to follow your train of thought, I prefer to think neither has happened to the observer until one has.

stick your dick in it

Forget "us", the information isnt event accessible to the neighboring particles. Suppose a photon is travelling at light speed toward an electron in an atom. If a photon isnt transmitting info to the electron it strikes then how is that electron supposed to know which way to go from the impact and how much energy it received? The best way to analogize it is by saying that theres missing data and the "program" can't determine a unique solution. However, the universe doesnt prefer to think that neither has happened, it has to allow for a distribution of possible outcomes which collapses once enough other particles interact with the electron. You can look up actual physical experiments for this if the simplified explanation doesnt satisfy you.

this thread again

this or this in case u cant remove the drawer

good thing that nothing u guys say matters

Regardless, even if nothing external can tell if something happened, it did or it didn't. I understand where you're coming from, but the scenario assumes a situation needs to be measured or received in order to have happened. If you hold a slinky at head height and let go, the bottom of the slinky won't respond at first. The force hasn't transferred down yet, so even though it's falling, from the perspective of the lower section it's still stable in midair and nothing's changed.

Open the cupboard and catch the plates

teleport to outer space. ez.

Teetering crockery?

you are highly autismal.

>i know what i am talking about

correct term is autismatic tho

good thing you're a retard

nobody said they were ops plates you dumb fuck

Jesus christ that is the fucking point of the thought experiment. We know the cat is not alive and dead, the thought experiment is used to illustrate that at some point quantum mechanics breaks down in reality. Get over yourself.

The problem is that if you dont trow a particle into this one particle that you want to know the state off.
Theres no way to know the current spin of it, and the secojd problem is that by troqing a particle it will affect the result of next check.

Break a pane of glass and lift them out? One glass is worth less than plates right?

You forgot that physics is deterministic in nature.
But it does not meqn thatt it needs to be perfectly precise. Physics fails at quantun scales.

Yup, but plebs want a magical answer to every "special" facebook post that comes to the front page of the media

The real shit get heavy when you realize that there is an atomic element that does not seems to emit radioactivity until it is being measured. So the partial detector, that everybody forgets about, would be what may or may not kill the cat. Now that is fucked up.

The plates are ugly as shit.
Step 1:
Break 'em
Step 2:
Buy new ones

obviously i cannot be applied to large scale objects, but in the case of quantum states it is ACTUALLY true. I know this is hard to understand, but you dont call that shit pseudo intellectual bs if you dont know anything about it.

fill with water or some sort of foam, solved

brake the glass upper then plates and take them out?

drill a hole in the glass, use a stick to push them back into place

To everyone being baited, white person here to explain how this works:

The Schrödinger's Cat is actually a mocking of the Copenhagen Interpretation by Schrödinger, who wanted to expose how stupid and ridiculous it was.

best answer yet

open door a miniscule amount, then use stick such as bamboo, to push them up

Even whiter person here, this guy is an idiot

throw door open at hight speed and grab them, get 2 or 3 people, with luck you might only break a couple, or maybe none

burn the place to the ground, claim on insurance

I don't understand what is so difficult about not breaking the plates in that photo.

Just don't autistically flail around for once when removing them.

put a pillow under the rack

step up your game

carefully tilt the fucking cabinet onto its back. fix stacks. carefully raise cabinet again.

Those are bowls.

You could cut a small circle in the middle of the bowl pressed against the glass and then take a rod and press the bowls back onto the shelf. I can't see but there might also be another shelf or door to open or get access to the bowls without opening the door that's supporting them.

>create a bundled state with arbitrary plates outside of the cupboard
>crash those plates
>plates inside the cupboard are saved

Yep. Everyone is wrong. This guy ^