Would you? ‘,:^J

Would you? ‘,:^J

yes, but only because it would destry the world economy

>step on
>not crush to death

sure, I'd step on its tail or ear or something lightly for that kinda money, at least, I would if the money came out of thin air. If it came from somewhere, that would render money in the world useless.

without hesitation

I'd do it for free

get rekt faggot op

anything over 20G I stomp a puppy. It not like it has lived long anyway so who fucking cares.

id put it in a meat grinder for that money

hell, i'd do it for an actual real amount of money that exists.

i'd do it for free

No. Money can't sway my morality.

For what pretty much amounts to infinite wealth, which that sum of money is I would stomp on it, then shove it my arse then go and goatse the Queen of England for 24 hours straight to show her the dead squashed puppy in my arse.

I would and then i would safe all other puppies and dogs with that money making this puppy the savior of the species dog. So this one puppy would die for the greater good.
Also I would be rich af

who gives a fuck? it's a fucking animal.

im pretty sure janitors are not allowed to disclose that they are janitors

I like puppies but for that kind of money, of course. No hesitation.

I'm pretty sure that is more money than could fill the observable universe. At some point it wouldn't be worth anything anymore, if it didn't cause a supermassive blackhole

>$ is suddenly worth nothing
>accused and found guilty of impeccable counterfeiting

Nice threat faggot


So edgy. So cool.

We slaughter cows(and other farm animals) like no tomorrow. It's just a fucking dog.

>10^10^8373810 $
who the fuck would not?

That amount of money exceeds amout of particles in observable universe by incomprehensible amount. Stepping on that puppy would mean a hyper density of dollars and inevitable apocalypse.

That's more money than exists in the entire world, so no.

Would only for $10^10^8373811

My sister is passed out on the couch and I'm trusting you anons to act like gentlemen while I go on a beer run.

Come on guys be cool. What do you do b/?

it's already destroyed hombre

Cut her hair off.

if this is in Zimbabwe dollars, I'll pass fagnoy


I'd do it for free but the money sure comes handy.

>steps on puppy
>10^10^8373810 dollar bills instantly appear
>mfw they take up more space than the amount of space in the entire universe
>universe explodes

I even do it for 10% of that money.

Oh fuck

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

For so much money I would lift my shoe above it and just stomp it into the ground, then, slide it's remainings across the floor. Goddamn I would do it for 1 dollar.

I like this answer

Help her to cut her toenails , and savour it in the meantime

Step one kill pupper step 2 invest lots into saving other puppers to save your soul

i would do it for free so yes.

A 360° turn leaves you in the same place, you retard faggot

For 10^10^8373810 Dollars I'd Tombstone fucking Batista Bumb this fucking Puppy while dabbing

For 10,000$ I would certainly consider seriously attempting to crush it with one hand.


For that much I would step on it only to take it to the best vet and get it fixed up to raise and care for the tiny demon

I would kill all the cats and dogs with my bare hands if I could kiss the girl I love and she would at least fake like it for 5 min.

Can I drown a kitten in chocolate milk for half?

>the image didn't specify how hard must you step on the puppy

Implying you could be soft enough that your whole weight wont crush the shit out of it?