Quick thread Sup Forumsros, didnt know where else to ask. Got these in my dick since wednesday...

Quick thread Sup Forumsros, didnt know where else to ask. Got these in my dick since wednesday, the last night i slept with a girl. I know she's been fucking around, but i used a condom, except for the part when she sucked it. Do you know what it could be?

I slept naked, so an insect could be another possibility (i hope that). Anyway, im getting freaked out

its fucking nothing, virgin.

Thanks bro

Probably a pre mature pimple

real sex diseases takes weeks/months to emerge

It's a fucken pimple, squeeze it tomorrow.

Its a sebaceous cyst.

Do not try to pop it. It will only get bigger. Put a warm compress on it and dont fuck around with it.

Source I have two on my cock that as soon as I get insurance I'm getting rid of because I don't want bumps on my dick. The french called these ticklers back in the day.

To my understanding that looks like full blown AIDS and u have 3 days to live

look for HPV

Looks like a pimple. Popping it was amazing! You have something to look forward to user.

It's either HPV or literally nothing

Probably literally nothing

your gonna fucking die m8

I masturbated yesterday and it grew. Tonight i go out with that girl again, wat do. Maybe tomorrow ill go to the vet

Cut it off

I get those, Just pop it and post results

Had them except they were filled with blood and puffy, come to think of it might have been something different. Either way I cut it out with a razor blade, bled a lot.

a moscito sucked your dick

Medic here.

Hmm... it's clearly Flictonic Cliple Weber syndrome, due to excessive fapping.

if you keep on masturbating, it will grow bigger and more painful.

Took way too long for this.
Sup Forums is softer now.

it's cancer or lupus... you need to cut off you dick to stop it from spreading

gtfo newfag in die in a fire

no one appreciates your fucking edges