What is/are the best programming language(s) Sup Forums?

What is/are the best programming language(s) Sup Forums?

What are the differences between the different languages? What do you use it for?

How do you start learning programming effectivly and from beginning with a deep understanding?

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Go to college NEET fag.

The best system programming language is at the moment definetely Rust. If you are developing end user stuff, Go. Go is more learners-friendly, I would say, but has runtime overhead.

If you want to gain deep understanding, study informatics/computer science.

Today, C is the basis of everything. The OSs are coded in C and most high performance software is in C.

For Web programming, learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.

Anything database related will use SQL.

C# is rising rapidly. It might soon be the most used OO language.

Java is dying. Sorry fanboys.

I agree that Java is dying, especilly with docker. C/C++ will get you through school, but really just branch out as much as possible. Learning how to code the first time is difficult for some, its highly rooted in mathematics. Once you understand it, switching languages is easy as its just keywords and formatting.

this thread again
> web programming
> php
lol not for serious applications

c# is gay for microsoft cucks and java will never die, fuck you

well once you understand it will only help you with languages with a similar paradigm.

let the flamewar begin

>Java is dying




Java is 30 years from even coming CLOSE to 'death', anyone saying otherwise needs to stop reading blogs and graduate school before they solidify their opinions on a given language.

you'll never need more than rust and python

>What is/are the best programming language(s) Sup Forums?

Monkeytits, why do you post this same fucking thread over and over again?

ITT: What is Google?

I've started recently and i'm learning python

Pyhton looks fun.
Also Java will dominate.

>what is the best language

pick your "dream company" you'd want to look for, search job sites for an opening there, read the requirements, and learn those technologies. Everything else is opinion. You can make "killer" web apps with java. You can make embedded applications with javascript. You can make the next big android app with clojure. Pick one or two languages and go balls deep.

I never understand how to go from the various intro courses to a functional program..Guess I dont understand how to combine the coding part with a GUI

gui with a functional program? did that in haskell once by using the gtk2hs library. well it feels a bit awkward with all the work in the io monad because you clearly notice this is just a thin wrapper over the normal gtk. and i think you need some solid understanding of functional concepts/monads or you are going to have a hard time. there are interesting approaches building guis using functional reactive programming though

what language you workin with

There is no "best" unless you're an idiot.

Best language is: all of them!
It depends on the application, obviously.

I like Elm, Python, C, Erlang, Elixir, Rust, Clojure, F#

If you're completely new to this, don't start with C or you will lose faith before you know it.
For a complete newcomer, HTML and CSS could be a good choice to start. They are not programming languages, but they will get you used to some tools of a programmer.
Then, if you want to do more shit on the web, learn Javascript for client side, learn PHP and SQL for server side, learn anything you want after these.
If you want to code for an OS, then you need to learn C. You might not like it but C is one of the most rigorous language out there, and you will learn good habits, or you will learn to solve unnecessary problems due to bad habits. After C, you want to learn some OO stuff. You should try C++. You might want to try Java, which is some lazy and not-so-rigorous C++-like language. C++11 and Java have protection mechanisms that allow you to do more dangerous stuff without more control from your side (read: it allows you to badly manage your memory by fixing everything on its own), which you should never rely on. This is, I think, the greatest danger of Java. C++ is an extension of C and still has some serious rigor to it.
If you're still hungry after that, do projects on your own, learn how to solve problems, design patterns, algorithms, automates, data mining, machine learning, ...
For any

Stop recommending php, php is completely retared

That exaggerated laughter burst tells me you need to show people you are confident in what you're saying, and therefore proves you are not

pick two
Pick one
>Javascript + Node
>Ruby + Rails
pick one
>Common Lisp
mandatory shit programmers need
>relevant shell programming language

there you go, follow the guide and read The Algorithms book, Clean Code, Refactoring, SICP, and the Design Patterns book. You're a programmer who can get at least 50k a year with a bunch of pajeet coworkers.

>what is the best
stopped reading there
topic doesn't even matter


I agree, PHP is the most nonsensical language i've ever come across when it comes to type consitency. But it has the benefit to show you how the gears of a server work. You need to understand these if you want to make a good use of PHP.

python, but I am not very good

I guess it's alright to get your first website up, but after a first website you should definitely switch to something better

this is disheartening to read, but still, thank you. So many concepts I dont even understand

I don't know any of the third list nor do I know much HTML/CSS or SQL, but I'm an embedded programmer, so it's a specialty that doesn't require it.

That's why I use Django now

I think you misunderstood 'functional'.
OP meant "working", not "purely functional"

It's web development, not web programming.
Hypertext Markup Language
That's not programming.
It's a stylesheet language. That's not programming.
Only real programming language, used for plugins and web apps.

These and are all for frontend development.
Programming is found in backend/server side with PHP, Python, MySQL...

That's an alright choice

but wait dude, i just realized that you are coding in python, not in haskell! well thats a whole different story, in that case ignore what i just said, python doesnt have stuff like monads and building a gui in python should be fairly easy with a lot of programs out there. just be careful to keep gui stuff and business logic some kind of separated.
i thought you wanted to know how to write a gui in a functional programmING LANGUAGE and thats a different story (the one i explained)

>recommending php or perl for anything

everyone ITT doing this should kill themselves.

No, they should be sentenced to maintain a 1000000 LOC legacy Perl/COBOL code base.

I appreciate the knowledge, thank you. Its just pretty overwhelming to start out

list 3 is just to learn more academic stuff, not really for on the job

i think when you just search for tutorials on building a gui in python you shouuld find a lot of material to get you started

Yeah don't get discouraged, it's not for nothing that Python is known to be one of the easiest still very complete programming languages

>Java will never die

Lol, tell that to Oracle actively suing anyone who tries to extend their tombstoned language.


Thank you both! I have a few ugly scripts running on a raspberry pi to gime me daily weather reports from various sites, trafic info etc. Mostly just to learn a bit, but they work.

I read that projects are a great way to learn, but I am having problems going from a script to a simple "standalone" program


Java will never die, just look at COBOL or FORTRAN, both are still alive and well

Alive? yes. Well? no.

just go for something you like.
I doesn't matter whether you actually complete the project.
Try a small game or a website or an app or whatever

Something I've recommended to friends who ask me this (especially STEM majors who are about to take C++ 101) to learn Javascript. No compilers needed or fancy IDEs, just your browser and notepad++. Watch "learn javascript in one hour" on youtube, and this will give you a lot of the main ideas that will apply to many programming languages. Variables, loops, functions, etc. You won't learn it in hour, of course, take your time but push yourself. Don't worry about making buttons and textboxes do stuff, unless you want to

If you just want to learn programming to explore or use programming to have your computer do menial tasks for you, I think python or VB would be fine

COBOL and FORTRAN aren't owned by a massive enterprise who has put the JRE into maintenance mode and actively sues companies to attempting to extend the language to suit modern needs. Both of those languages are effectively open standards and in no danger of litigation.

Java the language may never die, but Oracle's certainly ensuring that it's going to be buried in out of date obscurity before it's ever open sourced. By that time, there will be better multiplatform solutions.

This will be my goal for the weekend. Thank you, however cheesy it sounds, your messages really motivate me :)

Kek, just found this:

I call this alive and even hipster approved


The only reason cobol is being held on life support is because banks use cobol to run their shit and you cannot shut down banks, even for a short time to update their system (implying the whole update would go softly). Cobol is some archaic cursed languages that should remain sealed in the late 50s where it emerged from.

Good to hear.
Good luck with whatever project you come up with!


Python's dope. Got a pretty huge community so there's a bunch of resources. It's also used for a lot of shit. Neato.

Sure, cobol should die and so should java.

But they're not going away.
cobol because of banks, java because of apps and all those crazy terrible company internal tools

fuck this guy. start with python, javascript, or c.

Starting with javascript is the worst idea ever.
Fuck this guy.


>Good luck with whatever project you come up with!

thank you!
What do you work on at the moment? any fun, non work projects?

not that guy but javascript teaches you nothing about type systems because it's untyped which is fucking wanky as shit and teaches bad habits

Yes, I've always been obsessed with games.

I'm currently working on a simple 2d sidescroller with random generated levels. It's pretty fun

I think that is just confusing for beginners anyway. Javascript at least teaches some basics concepts of a program like storing variables, functions, loops, and whatnot. Plus you don't have to mess with compilers or IDEs

Professional software dev here.

What this guy said is pretty much right...

There's no real "best" language... Different languages are used for different purposes and for the most part can be integrated together.

If you're looking at getting into programming op maybe just start with a basic scripting language (python maybe) then move to c# to learn object orientation and reflection..

sounds cool! good luck with that.
what language? is there a way to follow your progress, without identifying you personally? :)

>If you are looking for tutorials, this guy is awesome: thenewboston.com/videos.php

Is... Is this bait?

You: "I want to put a freezer in my array of beehives at index banana + "fishing rod" "
javascript: ok
any other language: bro why haven't you killed yourself already


There is a way to follow my progress, but if I told it here you could identify me, so I'm not gonna post it.
Also, the language is pretty niche, I think if I told you, you'd find it, as there are only a few people doing games with it

if you know Ruby and Rust, you can conquer the world.

fair enough, I was just curious. Hope its a great learning experience


C and C++ are archaic as fuck languages, C or C++ need an upgrade to todays standards.
BTW, can somebody explain why they would choose C over C++ is C++ is an extension?
And how come C is more optimized?

I haven't been on the job market for a while, but my job at IBM doesnt use Java.



>java is dying

That is subjective


I personally prefer C over C++ because C is simple and not overloaded with features.
C++ adds a shit ton of stuff on top of C, creating an ugly abomination.

If I use C++, then I use it as basically C plus classes, as originally intended. But nowadays people tell you that's not how you do C++.

C isn't faster than C++, it's just that programmers that use C typically know what they are doing and actually care about performance, while C++ programmers just want to get shit done.
So the performance difference it's mainly a mindset difference.

There is no "best" programming language, because no programming language was ever intended for every kind of problem. At most you can say that anything "Turing-complete" could be a "good" programming language.

This said, don't fall for the "industry wants" trap. Working as a programmer is a shitty thing. Rarely you can write scratch new code -- and more rarely you can do it without having to obey quite a lot of bizarre rules (for example my employer require everyone to link and use a shitty "logging to disk" library which had quite a bunch of idiosincracies).

You can't imagine what is "fixing" some spaghetti-code, were it written in C, Java, C++, Python, when not PHP and Perl. This is your job as a "programmer", "coder", "software engineer": patching a new mess every day, while hardly trying to not to break compatibilities, libraries, functions, and so on.

And your employer hates elegant solutions --- be quick and dirty, "move on!! we'll have to ship this by Monday, by tomorrow, by this afternoon, by YESTERDAY!"

There's quite a lot of cringeycoders websites, like The Daily WTF, Commit Strip, and so on, because *fuckin'everywhere* it's always like that. -- and btw it also explains why Windows is a mess, OSX/iOS is a mess, Adobe PDF is a mess, everything is a mess.

More than once I was blamed because I did a little bit more than fixing a bug. I hate spaghetti-coding. In the end, I had to work freelance, on my own projects, where I don't have to obey to some shitty Dilbert-themed project rules, coding styles, antiquate libraries, Armageddon-style version control and backup procedures...

Today I only use Ruby for scripting and Rust for anything other.

soo... what programming language should I use?
the ones I want and feel more comfortable with or the ones the industry wants?

if you want to get a shitty job, go for the "industry wants" ones.

stay away from Apple -- no one uses pooturdshit like objective C & swift.

C# isn't hard to learn and has a very good amount of industry support. It's open-source now and people are seeing it as less of a Windows lock-in language lately.

Python and Swift are good learning languages but neither have a massive amount of industry need. It's really up to you on if you want to learn a language you can apply immediately toward a job or just one to use as a stepping stone in learning. We can't help you decide that part.

Source on the C# side: I was promoted into a junior programmer position from IT and taught myself C# on the job. I've been in this position 7 years now.

This is spot on!

C# is the one I mostly use, also for Unity, but that's a whole different game. I also use Java, C++ and maybe I'll try to learn SQL
am I on a good track?

If you want to set your sights on doing .NET development, learning MS SQL Server wouldn't be a bad thing at all. You can also go for ASP.NET, which is mostly C# outside of the web pages. All depends on what you see yourself doing.

I'll see my self doing more game development really.

SQL would only be good in that scenario if you're doing any games that connect to backends that do database work. Otherwise it's wasted. You're going to be looking at C# and Unity or C++ and Unreal in most cases. If you're comfortable with what you're doing, just start pushing to do crazier shit.

Work day's over, so I'm out.

Check out my programming language: github.com/poop-lang/poop